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Chapter 13

Ashley and Justin ran along side Mike and three other massive bodyguards. People were screaming, and yelling, and it was a big mob scene. Ashley was thankful for the presence of the security members, they had all become protective over her, and she thought of them as the brothers she never had.
Justin grabbed her hand in a protective gesture, and he helped her to the vans that waited outside.
It was a 20 minute drive to the house that had been rented. Most of the people slept, and a few held light conversation. For the most part, everyone was tired, and they all wanted to just get settled in and get some sleep. They would have to get up early tomorrow to go over the script with Mitch, and meet the other cast members.
~*~ "I'm so tired!" Justin threw his bags down and flung his body onto the bed. He caught Ashley's waist as she tried to pass and pulled her down with him. "Let's take a nap." He said into her neck as he held her.
"I'd love to, but I need to eat. You may not be hungry, but I'm eating for two now, and if I don't get something quick, I'm gonna pass out." She pried herself from his grasp and got off the bed.
"Tell Mike or one of the bodyguards to pick you up some food. I don't want you going out anywhere tonight." Justin rolled onto his stomach and watched Ashley as she walked around their room.
"I'll have Mike pick us up some pizza, is that ok?"
"Sounds great, and ask the other guys if they want some too. We can all just chill out here tonight, and relax."
"Sure thing." Justin watched her walk out of the room, and return a few minutes later rolling her eyes. "I don't know If I'll be able to live in a house with all five of you for three or four months. I don't think I'll even survive tonight!" She plopped down beside Justin on the bed and cuddled next to him.
"You'll be fine. I've spent months with these guys on a tour bus, and I turned out OK."
"I wouldn't say that..." She smirked as his eyes popped open and a pout crossed his face.
Ashley laughed. "I was teasing you babe." She kissed his nose lightly. "You know I love you, no matter how crazy you or your friends happen to be."
Justin smiled and kissed her lips. It was a light, breathy kiss, but it still sent chills down Ashley's spine. He pulled up her shirt a bit, and placed his hand on her stomach, and gesture he had become fond of lately.
"What do you think it's gonna be?" He asked, looked down at her exposed belly.
"I dunno...I don't care either. Whatever it is I'll love it anyway." She watched him concentrate on her stomach as if there were something really interesting going on. His lips were pursed, and his eyebrows were knit in thought.
"I want a healthy baby, and I want it to be just like you. You have showed me how to love, and how to live. You are my reason for living, and now you've given me another one. I know whatever our baby is, you'll raise it to be a great person. And I'll help you do that. Together we'll give this child every opportunity, and together we'll make it through." Ashley smiled at his words.
"Thank you. For everything." She kissed his lips, and the closed her eyes and snuggled into him, drifting off to sleep. Justin soon followed.
20 minutes later Chris came bounding in the room, and he leaped onto the bed. A muffled "Ugh!" was heard from both Ashley and Justin as they felt the weight of Chris land onto of them.
"What the hell was that?" Justin said, sitting up and pushing Chris off the bed. He landed on the floor with a thump.
"Pizzas here." He said innocently. Justin and Ashley rolled their eyes.
"Next time, wake us up like a normal person would!" Ashley remarked and Chris smiled evilly.
"I could...but I'm not normal, and that's not half as fun! Come on you two, before Joey eats it all!" And with that he raced out of the room leaving Ashley and Justin still on the bed in a daze.
"That was interesting, come on babe. I'm starving." Ashley got up off the bed, and pulled Justin with her. The made their way into the kitchen, following the smell of fresh pizza. They grabbed a plate and what they wanted to eat, and then joined everyone in the living room.
The room was wide open with a high cathedral ceiling. There was an entertainment center, and a beautiful stone fire place. Ashley looked around at the places to sit, or lack there of. She decided just to sit on the floor, so she walked into the room and sat next to the ebony coffee table. Justin followed her and sat across from her, placing his plate on the table.
"Let's watch a movie" Joey yelled with a mouth of partially chewed pizza. Ashley giggled and JC groaned.
"Chew first man, then speak. What? did Mom never teach you manners?"
"Sure she did, I just forgot them all!" JC rolled his eyes and grabbed the remote from the end table next to the couch.
"Let's see...there's Ch or Rush Hour 2, or..." He rattled off movie Ideas and everyone gave suggestions. After 10 minutes of debating and turning down a porn request from Joey, they settled for good ol' Austin Powers.
(1 week later)
Justin sat in his trailer, reading over some lines for a scene he was doing. Just then there was a knock at the door. He got up and was surprised to see him mother on the other side.
"Hey Mom." He said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey sweetie. How's everything going?" She asked, coming in and sitting down on the couch,
"Great. It's a bit hectic, and I don't get to see Ash that much, but it's a lot of fun." He sat down next to her. "So, what brings you here?"
would ""Well, I'm here in California with Innocence, but I wanted to talk to you about Ashley."
"Why? Is something wrong?" He asked in a panic.
"Woah, calm down. She's fine. But I wanted to ask you a few things. Justin, do you know what your going to do once the baby is here? Have you really thought about this?" She looked concerned at her son.
"Well, not really. Ash and I haven't really talked about it that much. We both know we want the baby though." He told her.
"I know you want to keep the child, and I wouldn't have it any other way. But Justin, there are a lot of things you need to take in consideration here."
"Like what?" He walked over to the small fridge and grabbed a soda.
"Like how Ashley's doing."
"Oh, she's fine." He said, taking a sip.
"Physically, yes. But Justin, how is she coping with the fact that she's having a baby, and you're not going to be around as much as you both would like. It's not your fault, I know that, but that's hard on a woman. Have you considered her feeling about this? I mean, you need to be there for her."
"She told me she was fine with it. She understands Ma."
"Justin, I'll bet you she only said that to put you at ease. She's always been like that, bless her heart."
"Been like what?" He questioned, not sure of where this was headed.
"Always willing to put you first. Always being the understanding girlfriend, saying she didn't mind. Justin, I'll be she's scared out of her mind! She's 21, and about to have a baby with The Justin Timberlake! That's a hard thing to cope with. I mean, neither of you planned for this to happen, so where does that put her? Listen to me for a second...." She paused to think of just how to phrase what she wanted to say.
"OK, now I know you still have a while before the baby comes, but you're going to need to rethink your priorities. Ashley's going to need your support, 100%. This is a hard time for her, and even though she says she's fine, she needs you to help her. And another thing, have you even considered marriage?"
Justin's eyes shot up to meet hers. Did she just say what he thought she said? "No..not, not really. I mean, we're so young."
"Yes, but you're having a baby! And what if Ashley's parents want you to be married when she has the baby? I mean, you haven't even thought this over! I know this is a lot for you to handle, but think of it this way...You only have to Think about it, Ashley's the one with a new life inside her, and no matter what, she's going to have to actually deal with this. You can be there or not, and since you're my son, you bet your hiney you're gonna be there!" She finished, and waited for a response.
"Thanks Mom..." Justin seemed distant and in thought. "I'll think about it, and I'll talk it over with Ashley." He gave her a hug and they said there good byes. Sudden;y the script and movie didn't seem that hectic anymore.

Chapter 14
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