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Chapter 15

Jordan sat at his desk and flipped through his rolodex. There had to be someone that could help him. Ah Ha! He found it.
He took the little slip of paper out of the rings and quickly dialed it. "Hello?" A man's voice came through the reciever.
"Paul Gramm?" He asked, crossing his fingers.
"Yea, who's this?" the man asked in a defiant tone.
"This is Jordan Psykes. We did that movie shoot together last year..."
"Yea Hey! I remember you....what's up?" Paul asked, relaxing a bit.
"Well, I was wondering if you could do me a favor?" Jordan crossed his toes this time too.
"What is it?"
"Well, you know that movie shoot that *NSYNC is doing?" Jordan asked anxiously.
"Sure, I work right down the street from there. They've even come to me with some work."
"I wanted to know if you'd be willing to take some pictures for me."
"What kind of pictures?" Paul sounded skeptical, and Jordan was quick to set him straight.
"Nothing bad, don't worry. I just need some pictures of Justin and Ashley together. You know, for a sort of momento. You see, Ashley is a close friend of mine, and she wanted me to put together a scrap book for Justin's birthday...." That sounded better than he thought. Pretty good for making it up on the spot.
"Ok Sure." Paul agreed, he didn't see anything wrong, and if it was to help out a friend.
"Well, no one can know this, but Ashley's having a baby, so I want to get pictures the suggest that. You know, Justin's hands on her stomach, things like catch my drift?" Jordan's tone took on a slimy quality. Something that was all to common for him.
"Yea, I think I can manage that. Now, does Justin know about this?"
"No!! No, you need to keep this very quiet. Don't even tell Ashley. I want them to be natural pictures, and I don't want Ashley to feel nervous. Don't like spy, just snap one here and there, you know?"
"Um....yea sure. I'll try, but I garentee nothing ok? And if I get caught, I'm pointing fingers ok? and I charge a lot for my services, just to let you know."" Paul's voice was all business.
"Sure thing. Good luck, and I'll be sure to pay you a good deal, don't worry." Jordan smiled evily.
"Oh, I'm not worried. I'll be intouch." And with that he hung up. Jordan's smile grew and he sighed a content sigh. This was going to be fun.
Ashley stepped off the plane into the blinding sunlight. Justin, Mike and Dre stepped off behing her and they all walked towards the gate. "Justin, I don't think that hiding under that hat will make it an less obvious who you are. I mean, first off you're walking with Mike and Dre and second, everyone knows who I am." She whispered lightly into his ear.
"Yea, but...I doesn't hurt to try." He winked at her and she rolled her eyes.
"What a dork." They walked the rest of the way to the cars in silence. Ashley enjoyed the fresh Orlando air, and Justin enjoyed the time off.
They reached the cars and Justin helped Ashey in, Mike and Dre go in the front, and they drove the distance to Justin's house.
"So Jules, we're going to the doctors this afternoon, and then we're having dinner tonight with your Mom and Jim, right?" Justin asked as they crused down the road.
"Yea, Jake and Melissa will be there too." She yawned and leaned her head against his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into him.
"I remember when I had dinner with your family for the first time. I think that was where I first really became attracted to you. I don't know, something just happened, and....the rest is history."
"Yea, well be prepared for the photo albums again, and I'm sure Jim will get mom to play the home movies." She laughed lightly.
"Not if you and Jake have anything to say about it." He played with her hair.
"Yea, but you and Melissa will be there, egging Jim and my Mom on, so it'll be four against two."
"Yea, you're right." Ashley hit him on the arm and laughed. He smiled at her and bent down to meet her lips and they shared a brief kiss.
The couple entered Justin's house and set their bags down in the foyer. Justin thanked Dre and Mike and told them to be back at 6:30 so they could go to the doctors appointiment. Johnny had said that somewhere it had leaked, and he wanted Ashley and Justin to be safe. He denied the rumors of course, but people were still talking.
"So, what do you want to do?" Justin asked Ashley as he followed her into the living room.
"I'm so tired, I just want to take a nap." She flopped down onto the couch and Justin sat next to her, pulling her into his arms.
"I can do that too. It's nice to have an afternoon without wardrobe, or scenes to shoot." He let out a sigh and closed his eyes.
"Mmmhmmm." Ashley mumbled a response and they soon fell asleep.
The doctors appointment went fine. Everything checked out, and Ashley and the baby were doing fine. Justin had begged Ashley to let the doctor tell them what it was. Ashley finally gave in becuase she wanted to know too. Both were elaited to find out that it was a boy.
Justin sat with Ashley in the back of the car as Mike drove them to Ashley's parents house.
"I can't believe it. I can teach him to play basketball, and we can golf together..." Justin rattled on excitedly.
"Woah, woah there boy. Calm down. I haven't even had the baby yet, never mind teaching him basketball plays." She laughed as Justin blushed a bit.
"Sorry. I'm just so excited. A son, I'm having a son! What are we going to name it?" He stopped babbling to ponder.
"I don't know, we can decide when he's born." She closed her eyes and leaned her head on his shoulder.
"Are you alright?" He asked, concerned.
"Yea..." She stifled a yawn. "I'm fine. Just a bit sleepy." Justin leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead and the watched out the window at the scenery that seemed knew to him, now that he owned the title of 'father.'
Ashley's mother ran our of the house once the car pulled in. Ashley and Justin stepped out only to be taken in by her embrace.
"It's so good to see you!" She squealed with delight. "And Justin, you look just as handsome as usual!" She gave Justin a hug and a big kiss on the cheek.
"Mom, please. We're not little kids anymore." Ashley laughed as they all walked inside.
"That's right, my little girl is having a baby." Ashley's mother pretended to cry. "M little baby's all grown up." She sniffled.
"Shut up mom." Ashley joked.
Everyone walked inside and Jim came out of the kitchen to greet them. "Hey there." He gave Ashley a hug and shook Justin's hand. Just then a little girl came running out from the living room.
"Ashleeeyyy!" Becky, Ashley's 3 year old sister, jumped into her arms.
"Umph! He there Beckles, what's up?" Ashley gave her sister a kiss, then sat her on her hip.
"Mommy says you're having a baby." Her little brown eyes were wide with wonderment.
"That's right. Justin and I are going to have a little baby." Ashley walked into the living room and smiled as she saw her brother Jake and his girl friend Melissa. Becky jumped from Ashley's arms and ran to Justin. She jumped and he picked her up, throwing her in the air and they catching her. She squeeled with childish delight.
"He sis." Jake got up and gave Ashley a hug. He then placed his hands on her stomach. "How are you doing?" He asked.
"I'm fine. The doctor said that everything is going great, and I have a healthy baby." She smiled.
"That's good. I'm glad. Hey Becky, why don't you leave Justin alone, he's not a jungle gym."
"It's no problem, she's much lighter than my brothers. And she doesn't try to wrestle with me." Justin said. Jake just laughed.
"That's what you think."
"Dinner's ready!" Laura yelled from the kitchen. Justin set Becky down and everyone filed into the dining room to eat dinner.

Chapter 16
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