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Chapter 16

Everyone sat down at the table and Justin placed Becky in her "special Big girl's chair", which really was just a booster seat, but you didn't say that to Becky if you wanted to be on her good side.

"So, what's the news on the baby?" Ashley's mom, Lauren asked as they passed around dishes and filled their plates.

"Well, it's a boy." Ashley stated.

"Oh! That's wonderful!" Lauren and Jim said at the same time. Jake gave Justin a congratulations and the conversation at the table seemed to settle on babies.

"I remember when you two we're little. Jake and his little AJ. Everything one did the other had to do too." Lauren started to get into embarrassing moments, but both Ashley and Jake stopped her before she revealed things to their significant others.

"Mom, please. Not now. I just got Melissa to come to dinner, I don't want to scare her away." Jake mused.

"Your lucky she stayed already. I'm suprised she didn't take one look at you in the morning and run!" Jake threw Ashley a look and an evil grin spread across his face.

"You know I...." He started but was cut off by their mother.

"Children, none of that. Jake, keep your mouth shut. Ashley, same for you. We'll have a nice plesant dinner." Both Ashley and Jake mumbled something and dropped the subject, for now.


After the table was cleared, Lauren asked Ashley to take Beacky upstairs and to give her a bath. Justin took this opportunity to get Jim and Lauren alone.

"Mr. Stark, Mrs. Stark, can I have a word with you please?" Justin asked as he entered the kitchen.

"Please, It's Lauren and Jim." Lauren smiled at him, a warm and comforting smile.

"Um..well. I...." Justin took a deep breath and composed himself. "I wanted to ask Ashley to marry me, but I didn't want to do it without your blessing." He finally got out.

"Of course you have our blessing. Justin, you have breathed new life into the girl. You know, she hadn't dated after the accident until she met you." Lauren said to him.

"I just want you to know I don't know when I'm going to propose. I don't want her to say yes just becuase of the baby, and I don't want to ask just becuase of the baby. I want the time to be right, and I hope you understand that I do love your daughter very much."

"I knew I liked this boy. Justin, you do what feels right, and we're behind you 100%. I'm glad Ashley found you, because I don't know where she would be if you hadn't helped her." Jim gave Justin a pat on the back and a smile.

Justin let out a sigh and felt relieved to know that they supported him. He thanked them and then ran upstairs to help Ashley.

He found her in the bathroom sitting on the edge of the tub playing with Becky.

"Hey beautiful. Want some help?" He asked rolling up his sleeves.

"Well, I was just about to take her out of the tub, so if you'd hold up that towel for me..." She pointed to a fluffy white towle on the counter.

"Sure thing." He grabbed the towle as Ashley turned to Becky.

"So Becks, you ready to get out?" The little girl shook her head back and forth.

"I'm not wrinkly yet," She protested. Ashley chuckled.

"Well, if you get out now, I'm sure Justin will sing you a song when you go to bed." Ashley bribed.


Ashley shook her head up and down and turned to Justin for support.

"Sure thing Becklicious, I'll sing whatever you want." He told her and she practically jumped out of the tub. Ashley picked her up, and handed her to Justin who wraped her in the towel and rubbed her sides to dry her off.

"Let's get some clothes on you." He said as he brought her into her bedroom. Ashley grabbed some clothes and soon Becky was dressed and under the covers.

"Snug as a bug in a rug." Ashley whispered into Becky's ear. "Now, what song do you want Justin to sing?"

"Umm..." The little girl closed her eyes, thinking hard. "I don't know, sing something you want to sing." She instructed.

Justin thought for a bit, and then he gave Ashley a wink and started to sing.

Whenever I'm weary
from the battles that rage in my head
you make sense of madness
when my sanity hangs my a thread
I lose my way but still you seem to understand,
now and forever, I'll be your man.

The pure, sweet song floated in the room. Justin closed his eyes as he sang, and Becky and Ashley watched in wonderment.

Somtimes I just hold you
too caught up in me to see
I'm holding a fortune
that heaven has given to me
I'll try and show you each and every way I can
now and forever
I'll be your man.

He opened his eyes and looked at Ashley, giving her a small smile. He reached over and brushed a strand of hair out of her face and cupped her cheek in his hand.

Now I can rest my worries and always be sure
That I won't be alone anymore
If I'd only known you were there all the time
All this time

Until the day the ocean doesn't touch the sand
Now and forever I will be your man
Now and forever I will be your man

The couple was absorbed in each other when they heard a small yawn from Becky. They turned and she was fast asleep, clutching her little doll close to her chest. Ashley smiled and looked back up at Justin. He was watching her closly, and when their eyes met, he felt a small shiver run down his back. He leaned in carefully and their lips met. "I love you," He breathed into her lips as they kissed. A tear ran down Ashley's face as she kissed back.

"I love you too." Someone knocked at the door and cleared their throat. Justin and Ashley jumped apart and looked to see Jake standing in the doorway.

"Mom said that desserts ready, and we're gonna pop in those home movies." He left and Ashley checked Becky one more time before grabbing Justins hand and letting him lead her down the stairs.


Justin sat in the back while Mike drove him and Ashley back to his house. They were staying there, then catching a plane in the morning.

A melee of thoughts ran through his head, and he wasn't sure what it all meant. He was thinking about when to propose, but he knew that the time would come, and he would know it. He did have to go out a get a ring, but he wasn't sure if he should go out himself. Last time he went ring shopping, with someone else mind you, everyone thought that he was proposing to Britney. That was a laugh. But this time it was real. He didn't want Ashley bombarded with the news and taboids, espically because she was having the baby.

And the baby. That was another thought that ran through his head constantly. He was scared, to be perfectly honest. He didn't know what he was doing. It was an accident, and he had wanted to wait atleast another 2 years before he had kids. He didn't regret it, but he did feel for Ashley. Right now their career was soaring, and he knew he was never going to have time to spend with them. He wanted to be a father and a husband, not the guy that stopped by every now and then. He knew that he wanted his child to grow up in the same loving environment that he had, with all the opportunities that he had. Life was so complicated sometimes!


Mike pulled into the driveway and they all walked into the house. Ashley and Justin were tired so the just went right upstairs, and Mike and Dre raided the almost empty kitchen, and then shacked up on the couch to watch late night TV.

"What time do we have to catch the plane tomorrow?" Ashley asked as they slimed into bed, the coolness of the sheets giving her goosebumps.

"Um...around 10, I think. I have a meeting at 12, and then a radio show at 1:30 and then I think we're going to tape a show, or go to Rosie, one of the two." Justin climbed in next to her, and turned to set the alarm clock. Ashley sighed.

"Busy busy, we're always busy." She closed her eyes to try and ward off the  oncoming headache.

"I know babe, I'm sorry. But Things should slow down, and you don't have to come, you can stay at the house with Mandy or someone, plus I think Britney wanted you to stop by her place." He wraped his arms around her waist and nuzzled into her neck.

"It's OK. I understand." She faked a smile, but Justin saw right through it.

"I promise, We'll get a vacation together, just you and me....and that boy you got in you belly." He smiled and she laughed a bit.

"Thanks J...I love you." She kissed his nose lightly.

"I know." A huge grin spread across his face.

"Dork..." She hit him on the arm.

"I love you too Jules, and don't you ever forget that." He kissed her lightly, then turned off the lights. "Good night babe."

"Night Justin..."


Jordan whistled as he walked to his mail box. He opened the door and smiled when he saw the manila envelope with ::Caution Pictures enclosed, DO NOT BEND!:: This was what he had been waiting for all week. He ran into his appartment and quickly opened the package, and if possible his smile grew wider. These pictures were great, and just what he needed. He took the double copies and picked the ones he liked the best.

Then he went to his computer and wrote up a little editorial to go with them. He filled it with details that no one knew, and a few he decided would spice things up too, and he placed in all in and envelope and adressed the package to PopCulture Magazine, and hopped into his car and whistled all the way to the post office.

Chapter 17
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