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Chapter 17

(One week later)

Johnny sat at his desk looking through his mail when he came across a tabloid magazine. He was about to throw it away when he noticed the cover story, calling his name in bold red letters.


Johnny's jaw dropped and his eyes widened with shock. They knew! Somehow it had leaked that Justin and Ashley were going to have a baby. He rubbed his temples and closed his eyes. He was about to reach for his phone to make a call when it rang.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Mr. Wright, there have been calls all morning about Justin and Ashley having a baby. I've been handling them mostly, but now there is someone here to see you, from The Facts Magazine, and there are just too many calls, what should I tell them sir?" His secretary's voice was frantic and Johnny felt bad for her.

"Tell them that this was not sent out by any of us, and not to print anything yet. As for the person in the lobby, tell them that I just left, and he'll have to schedule an appointment. Liz, I'm getting Bill and were flying out to California to straighten out this mess."


"What the Hell is this!!!!" Justin roared. He threw the magazine down on the table and paced the floor. "Who the fuck told them?" He wanted answers and he wanted them now.

"Justin, calm down please. Your scaring us." The rest of his band mates watched as he furiously paced the floor, and steam seemed to rise out of his ears.

"I don't give a damn! Do you know what this means? True or not, which it happens to be true, there is going to be so much friggen press out here..." He rambled on and everyone was glad that Ashley wasn't here to see this.

"Woah, Dude, chill out. We can stop this. I got a call from Johnny today, he's flying out and were having a group meeting tonight, right now you need to calm down. Ashley and Mandy will be back soon, and you don't want to worry her with this all right?" JC reasoned and Justin placed his head in his hands.

"I"m sorry, I just don't know what to do. I'm do friggen stressed out right now, and I can't handle this anymore...I'm going for a walk." Before anyone could stop him he grabbed his coat and stormed out the door quickly followed by security.

Justin took a path that led to the woods, he knew Mike was behind him, but he didn't care. He followed the path until it came to a clearing and he went and sat down. The air was crisp and clear and he breathed deep it's fresh scent.

"What the hell am I going to do Mike?" Mike looked over at Justin and was shocked to see his eyes welling up with tears.

"Hey J, cool off a bit. It'll be all right. It was going to come out sooner or later, and..."

"No, not about people finding out, but about everything. I'm so damn scared, I'm not ready to have a baby Mike, I'm 23 years old!" He furiously wiped at his eyes and sighed.

"Justin, you'll be all right. You have four best friends, a huge management team, a huge security team, a loving family and one hell of a girlfriend who are all going to help you through this. You're not alone, and we wont leave you alone in this. Just relax, and focus on what's happening right now. Focus on getting the press quiet, keeping yourself and Ashley safe, that's what you need to do." Mike helped Justin up off the rock and was surprised when he was wrapped in a huge bear hug.

"Thanks man, you just helped a lot." Justin shook his friends hand and together they started back down the mountain.


The room hushed as Johnny walked in with Bill. Justin grabbed Ashley's hand and everyone waited to hear what was said.

"I'm sure you all know why we're here." Bill threw down about 5 different magazines with pictures of Justin and Ashley and quotes that told the baby story.

"Johnny and I have been receiving an immeasurable amount of phone calls about this whole thing. We have no idea the source, but we believe it to have been someone inside the *NSYNC camp. We're having people look into this, but right now, our biggest worries are safety and getting this cleared up." Bill sat down and looked over at Ashley.

"Now, you don't have to do anything you don't want to Ash, but we think it's in your best interest to stay out of the spot light for a while. Let things cool down, and we think the only way to ensure your safety is that you go back to Orlando." Justin was about to protest but Bill held up his hand. "Before you get all pissy on me, let me explain. Everyone knows about the baby, there is no stopping the rumors now, unless we lie. Ashley is what 4 months now? so even if we deny rumors, there's no denying the basketball she'll have under her shirt." Everyone chuckled a bit. Bill cleared his throat. "I know you two don't want to be apart, and personally I wouldn't want to be either, but your situation is difficult."

"So what are you saying?" Ashley asked. Justin squeezed her hand tighter and brought it to his lips.

"We're saying that you go back to Orlando for the remainder of the movie shoot. We'll send some security back, so you have protection. We feel that you'd be safer there, where you can be with family. We know you'll want to be with Justin, but we don't want either of you to get hurt." Ashley nodded to Bill and looked over at Justin.

"I want to talk this over with Justin in private before we decide anything." Bill and Johnny agreed, and they ushered everyone else out of the room, leaving the couple alone.

Ashley dropped Justin's hand and stood up, rubbing her temples. "What do you think we should do...I should do?" She asked. Justin stood and pulled her into his arms.

"As much as I don't want to agree, I think they're right. Jules, I think you should go home. It'll only be about 3 or 4 more months, and you can be with your parents, and I'm sure my Mom will want to help."

"Justin, I don't want to leave you." She said, tears coming to her eyes.

"Shhh, " He used his thumb and wiped away the fallen tears. "I know, and I don't want you to leave, but I do want you to be safe. I don't think it's healthy for you to worry about press constantly, and at home I'll know your in good hands. Please babe..."

"I don't want to be alone. Damnit it J. I'm scared! And I don't want to be away from you...." She turned away and walked to the window. Justin's hands dropped to his side and he sighed.

"Jules, I don't want to fight. I just think you'll be so much safer in Orlando, and plus, I think we're going to have to announce that we are having a baby. Once we do that the sharks will come, and it'll be a feeding frenzy, and you and I will be the main course. I think you should go home. As hard as that is for me to say, I don't want you to get bothered by tabloids."

"Don't you think they'll find me in Orlando? I mean, there is only one Justin Timberlake's house, and if I'm there, I can't be with you to discuss things we'll need to talk about. I'll feel more alone and vulnerable back there then I would out here."

"I thought of that too. Ash, you'll have security and you don't have to stay at the house. Live with your mother, or my mother or Britney! But I think you'd be safer....safer away from me. It's going to spread like wild fire, and hopefully the press will come after me. I'd feel better knowing you were home with people I know and trust than out here to be had by anyone under the sun." Justin walked over to her and turned her to look at him. "Please Ash. I love you." He watched as a tear fell down her pale cheek as she slowly nodded yes.

"All right...I'll go back." He voice was a quiet whisper but Justin heard her. He pulled her into his arms and kissed the side of her head.

"Thank you baby..." He kissed her again and they stood there holding eachother, mending wounds with unspoken words.


"Do you have all your bags?" Justin asked as they walked out to the car.

"Yea, I have everything." She took one last look at the California sky line and sighed, she was going to miss this. She turned and smiled at the sight of everyone lined up to say good bye.

Ashley started at the begining of the line with JC.

"You take care of yourself, and that baby, you hear?" He hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek. "Mandy will come by and visit, and maybe I'll let her take you shopping." Ashley laughed and thanked him. Then she moved onto Lance.

"Hey there Mommy. Becareful, and you make sure you let people take care of you, don't try and do it all yourself." He grinned and hugged her. She smiled and fought back tears.

She moved down the line to Joey and he pulled a big teady bear from behind his back. "I'm gonna miss having you to bug. But here..." He leaned in closely when he hugged her. "Name the baby Joey." Ashley laughed and hit his arm.

Then she turned and looked at Chris, not sure if she even wanted to know what was hiding behind his oh-so-innocent smile. "Don't worry, no corny gifts, or cheesy gags...I promise." He hugged her and wiped the tears from her face. "Take care of yourself Ash. And I'll keep Justin in check while your gone." He smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Thanks a lot guys, but don't act as if I'm leaving forever, You'll be home and uncles again before you know it." She said one last goodbye then Justin took her hand and led her to the car with Mike, Dre and Tony, three bodyguards. Two of which were going back to Orlando with Ashley.


"I'm sorry baby, I wish it were different." Justin held Ashley close to him, breathing in her scent.

"What's done is done. Good Luck with that press conference later today. I'll call you when I get home, and I'll be in good hands, Dre and Tony will make sure of that." She tried to smile, but her face just couldn't seem to do anything but frown.

"The time will fly by, I promise. I'll try and come down when I can, and I'll call you everyday. I love you Jules, don't forget that." He brushed the tears off her face and kissed them away. Then he placed a lingering kiss on her lips. He didn't wan't to let her go, but he had to. "I'll miss you. I love you." He whispered into her hair.

"I love you too...I have to go, they called my plane." She kissed him one last time, then she slowly made her way down the long hallway to her plane, leaving Justin with Mike, watching her walk away.

Chapter 18
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