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Chapter 21

Beautiful, heaven sent, perfect...his. Those were all the thoughts that rushed through Justin's head as he stepped out of the terminal and laid his tired blue orbs on a sight for sore eyes. She wasn't looking at him, actually her back was turned to him, but he knew it was her. By the way she stood, the way she wore her hair, and he could even hear her laugh.

The crowd seemed to get larger and no one would get out of his way as he rushed to her. He pushed, apologized half heartedly, and tripped over himself. Finally, he was there. Without really knowing what he was doing he turned her around and crushed his lips to hers.

"Ju..." She didn't even have time to register what was happening, just to realize that she wasn't dreaming.

He didn't care that they were in public, he didn't care that people were staring, he didn't care that he couldn't breath anymore. All he cared about was that the woman he loved and had been away from him for over 2 month was now in his arms, and nothing had ever tasted better.

Ashley was the first to pull away. Her eyes were in a dreamy state, and she took a few moments to brush her fingers over his face and lips to make sure he was really there.

"What are..." Justin silenced her by placing his finger on her kiss swollen lips.

"Shhh. I have to say something first." He looked deep into her eyes. "I love you." Ashley smiled, he'd said it.

Justin didn't know why he hadn't answered her on the phone. He was upset, but he didn't not love her. He knew that the moment he stepped of the plane and heard her laugh, and now, even more so, since he had tasted her kiss.

"What are you doing here?" She questioned, both still tight in their embrace.

"I couldn't stay there without you anymore. It was stupid, there is no reason why I shouldn't be here with you. And God how I missed you." He kissed her softly again. A few coughs were heard from the bodyguards before the kiss could get any deeper. Justin smiled and broke it off.

He started to walk with her to the car when he noticed for the first time the belly she had. He grinned and placed his hand on her swollen abdomen.

"How's my boy?" He said looking at her stomach in awe. It wasn't like he hadn't seen a pregnant woman before. He'd just never seen one pregnant with his baby.

"Heavy." She joked. "No, he's been giving Mommy some trouble, like the fact that I cry at every commercial I see, and that I can't keep anything down anymore." She sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder. It felt so good to be back in his arms.

"Well, I'm here now, I'll fix that for you. I'll make you something to eat, I'll rub your back, and I'm never leaving your side until that boy is out." Ashley laughed. She didn't want to spoil the mood by saying that after about 20 minutes of her constant mood swings, Justin would be sick of her, so she kept her mouth shut. She did, however, give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you."

"No problem Jules. I love you." He smiled and looked down. "And you too." He said to her stomach. She giggled, things were looking up.


There wasn't much conversation during the ride back to the house. There didn't need to be. They just held each other. Justin's hands gently rubbed Ashley's stomach and she leaned her head against his shoulder.

Ashley sat up quickly. "Ooh." She said. "Justin, "She grabbed his hand "Feel." She took his hand and put it on the side of her stomach.


"Feel that, he's kicking." Justin moved his hand slightly and then he felt it. A smile spread across his features and his eyes danced with laughter.

"That's my boy in there..."He stated in awe. Ashley laughed.

"I think he's dancing, not kicking. This kid wont sit still...He's already like his father." Justin gave her a small pout.

"Hey! I sit still...Just not all the time." She laughed again.

"If that's what gets you to sleep at night babe." Justin shook his head no and leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"'re what gets me to sleep at night." Ashley sighed as he kissed the back of her neck and she cuddled closer to him.

"I love you Justin."

"I love you too Jules."


The rest of the afternoon was spent just relaxing in eachothers arms. Justin ignored the little voice in the back of his head telling him to ask about the pictures, and he just enjoyed the time with her. He was happy he came back when he did, because he would have gone crazy if he'd waited any longer. He marveled at the thought that he'd been able to spend that much time away from her. He had done it before, but before she wasn't carrying their baby. There had been so much he'd missed. The strange food cravings, the doctors appointments, the first time the baby kicked, but not anymore. He was determined to be by her side for everything she needed, come Hell or High water, he would be there.

Ashley was in heaven from the moment his lips had touched hers. He had a magical kiss. She remembered the first time they'd ever kissed, she thought that one was lethal, but it was 20 times worse when there was really feeling behind it.
 She knew there was a reason for him being there. Granted he said that he had missed her, but she knew there was something else bothering him.

"Babe what's wrong?" She questioned. She was leaning against his chest as they reclined on the couch.

"Nothing...well..." He didn't know weather or not he should ask now. He knew he couldn't put it off forever, but he didn't want to ruin the mood.

"What is it? And don't tell me nothing either. I know you J, and there's something going on. So tell me, please." She turned her head to look at him, and his bright eyes seemed sad. Justin decided to tell her, it was now or never.

"Well,...OK, but you have to let me speak first. Let me get everything out OK?"

"Sure..." She waited while he collected his thoughts and started to speak.

"While I was in California. I had been getting a lot of letters with, at first, pictures of you and Wade. The pictures themselves didn't bother me, because I knew you and Wade had been spending a lot of time together. But what scared me was someone was out there following you to take pictures, and try and get me upset. After a while they stopped, but then I started getting pictures of you and Jordan. They were shot at a weird angle, so they could be taken many different ways..." He got up and went to his bags that were set in the corner. He fished through one until he found the Manila folder he had been looking for.

"I want to know what's going on, but I'm not accusing you of got that?" He lifted her chin and looked deep into her eyes to make sure she knew that.

"Yes," Ashley grabbed the folder and set the pictures out on the coffee table. She couldn't believe her eyes. Most of them were taken out in public, like the Mall, but she couldn't believe someone would do this to her.

"Do you know who took them?" She asked, looking at Justin.

"No...there were a few notes, but no name. I do think it's Jordan though." Justin hated that man, and they both knew it.

"But you don't know that for sure. Justin, he's a friend of mine, I don't think he would ever do anything to hurt us."

"Not you maybe, but you know he can't stand the sight of me. Ash, You remember at Christmas time, when I ....ah....blew up?"

"I could never forget." Justin opened his mouth to apologize but Ashley cut him off. "I forgive Justin, but I can't forget."

"Anyway. He had been sending me notes telling me very personal things that only you and I knew, or so I thought. That's why I blew up, because he had said you told him...I didn't know what to do." Justin stuck his hands in his pockets and shuffled his feet. A gesture he had when he was nervous.

"You should have talked to me for one. What is it that he knew?"

"He knew about the birthmark you have on your right hip. He knew that we had slept together for the first time in New York...Ashley, what was I supposed to think?"

"Justin, I never said any of that to him! I swear! I told Britney one day, we were in the dance studio, alone, and we had gotten on the subject of guys. I thought we were the only ones there, but he must have heard. I swear to you Justin, I never told anyone but her, and it wasn't like I was telling the world." She got up and walked away from him, to the other side of the room. She didn't realize he was behind her until he touched her shoulder.

"Jules, relax. I believe you, but I'm me, and you know how I don't think very often. Anyway, this isn't about the blow up, it's about the pictures. I want to know who did this, and I want to get them away from you. I'm willing to bet he was the one that leaked in to the press that you were having a baby." He turned her around and wrapped his arms around her waist. She buried her face into his shoulder.

"I think we should ask him first." She said, her words muffled by his shirt.

"Why don't you call him over, and confront him about it. Well, ask him about it. Don't tell him I'm here, though. I want to see how he acts with you first."

"I don't know J..." She was apprehensive. This gave her a weird feeling.

"For me Jules. Just call and say you need to ask him something. You don't have to do anything. I'll be upstairs, and I'll watch from the balcony..." He pointed to the small ledge that over looked the living room. "He wont notice I'm there, so you can ask him about the pictures."

"Alright. I'll do it, but please, don't get mad and go after him ok?"

"I wont promise anything Jules, but I'll try."

"That's all I ask." She gave him a soft kiss and went to the phone and called Jordan. He agreed to come over, and now all the had to do was wait.

Chapter 22
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