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Chapter 23

Justin walked slowly into Ashley's hospital room. He didn't know what to expect, but his fears were calmed when he saw her peacefully sleeping. She looked a little pale, and he knew she was tired, so he let her sleep. He quietly walked over and pulled the chair next to the bed. For several minutes he just watched her. He lightly traced his hand over her face, lips down her neck, then he grabbed her hand.

He noticed the ring she was wearing. The promise ring. He knew all he needed to know, with just seeing her wear that ring, but what he had to say couldn't wait. He cleared his throat, and even though she was asleep, he started to talk.

"I know you can't hear me right now, but I need to get this out. I never believed in love at first sight, I never believed in soul mates, not until I found you. There was something there in your eyes that made me want to know you. I remember you making me feel real, like a real human being, and needing me for my support, not what I could buy you.

"I can honestly say that you were a challenge to me, and that's the main reason I went after you, but I'm so glad I did. You helped me open up and showed me that I'm not just a superstar. I guess what I'm trying to say is Thanks you, and I love you. Thank you for allowing me to be me, faults and all. Thank you for forgiving when you had every right to walk away. I love you for giving me your unconditional love and support. I love you for always being there and giving me a shoulder to cry on. And I love you for bringing our son into this world. I can remember life before you, but it was nothing compared to what you've given me now. I don't want to imagine life without you. I want to wake up and know you're there everyday. I want to fall asleep with you in my arms, and know you're mine."

He stopped and watched as she stirred and opened her eyes.

"Keep going Justin..." She whispered looking at him. He swallowed hard and kneeled down by the bed. He took her hand and slipped off the ring and held it up.

"You don't need this anymore. I don't want you to live a life of broken and unbroken promises. Ashley...Will you marry me?" He watched as she smiled and looked at him with glowing eyes.

"I thought you'd never ask." She grinned. "Yes, Yes Justin Randall Timberlake, I will marry you." He slipped the diamond on her finger and kissed her hand. Then he reached up and wiped away her tears and placed a loving kiss on her lips. He didn't think it was possible to love her anymore.

He sat back in the chair and Ashley sat up in bed.

"How is he Justin?" She asked, worried for the welfare of their child.

"He's doing good. They said that although he is underweight, he's healthy. The doctor told me that both of you should be able to go home tomorrow, they just want you to come back every other day too see how your doing. They want to make sure he's gaining weight regularly." Justin held her hand and stroked the back of her hand with his thumb.

"Have you seen him yet?"

"No, I wanted to wait until we could hold him together." She smiled at his thoughtfulness. Ashley looked down and admired her ring. It was a huge diamond flanked by two smaller ones. Justin leaned forward and kissed her.

"So, what are we going to name him?"

"I don't know. What do you want to name him Jules?" Justin asked.

"Well, I liked Justin Andrew, but you weren't sure about that, I don't know, I never thought it would be this hard." She smiled.

"You name him whatever you want. But if we do name him Justin, we'll need to give him a nickname." The two sat there in thought whene there was a knock on the door. It opened slowly and four people carrying huge boquets of flowers came in. Then they placed the flowers down to reveal the other 4/5ths of *NSYNC.

"Oh God guys, what are you doing here?" Ashley asked, sitting up so she could hug them all.

"When we heard what happened we left as soon as we could. We all needed the break anyway."

"Thank you so much."

"No problem are you feeling?" Lance sat down on the bed next to her and placed his hand on top of hers.

"I'm much better. Everything is all right." He smiled with relief and then looked down.

"Woah! What a rock...where did you..." He stopped and looked between Justin and Ashley and noticed a new glow about them. "Congratulaions."

"What? What's going on?" Chris finally tuned in to the conversation.

"Justin asked Ashley to marry him." JC cued his friend in.

"Well it's about time! So, where is this baby boy that the whole world is talking about?" An elderly nurse happened to walk in to check on Ashley, and she heard his comment.

"That baby boy you speak of is in the nursery. Would you like me to bring him in?" She turned to Ashley and asked.

"Could you?" Hope filled the young woman's eyes.

"It would be my pleasure dear. I'll be right back."

A few minutes later the nurse came strolling back in with a tiny blue bundle in her arms. Chris started cooing and he was going to take him from the nurse but she shooed him away.

"No you don't. The mother reserves the right to hold her baby first." She walked to the bed and smiled as she handed the small child to Ashley's open arms. The nurse stepped back and watched as Ashley held her baby and tears of happiness fell down her cheeks. She turned to Justin and smiled.

"That's a special Lady you have there. I wouldn't let her get away." She winked and then left the room to give them some time.

"I won't" Justin whispered at her retreating form. He then looked at Ashley.

"He's beautiful...Would you like to hold him Justin?" He walked over and sat down in the chair next to the bed. Ashley handed him the baby and smiled when Justin's eyes lit up.

From the moment he held the baby in his arms he knew he had been wrong. It was possible for him to love Ashley more than he had. He gawked at his new baby boy. Bright blue eyes starred back at him, and tiny fingers grasped his.

"So what are you naming him?" Joey asked, his voice hopeful. Before Ashley could answer Justin spoke.

"Justin Andrew."

"Are you sure?" Ashley asked, wondering if that's really what Justin wanted.

"Yes." He leaned over and kissed her on the lips and she smiled.

"All right all right. New parents or not, I want to hold the baby!" Chris shouted. He went over to Justin and stood behind him, patiently waiting to be granted the permission to hold his new 'nephew'. "Hey look, he's grinning."

"He's already got that Timberlake Charm!" Justin said with a laugh. Ashley just laughed harder.

"That's not Charm babe...That's gas." The room erupted in laughter as Justin blushed.

"Whatever." He said sheepishly. They continued to laugh at him until the nurse walked back in and gave them all a stern look.

"Alright Kids. Time to let Mommy and baby have some rest. Out with all of you." She went over to Ashley and gently took the baby out of her arms. "I'm going to feed him and put him back in the nursery. You get some sleep."

Everyone said goodbye to her and wished her luck. Justin lagged behind for a few seconds.

"I'm going to go home for a bit, I need to get something to eat. I have my cell and my pager, so if you need me for anything just call me." He kissed her forehead and then her lips and quietly left the room. Ashley sighed and closed her eyes. Sleep soon took won over her and she drifted off into a much needed rest.

Chapter 24
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