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Chapter 24

Ashley held her new baby as Justin pushed the wheelchair. She was cleared to leave, and there was excitement in the air as they made their way home. Justin Andrew was only about 5 pounds, but he had gained some in the few day they had been at the hosiptal. He had his fathers sparkling blue eyes that seemes to be fill with wonderment, and even though it was technically impossible, he also had Justin's million dollar smile. His face had softer lines, like Ashley, but that could change with time. If she was any good at predictions, Ashley would bet that he was going to grow up to be a carbon copy of his father.

Justin had a new glow about him. He seemed to be floating as he walked, and every time he looked at his new baby boy, so much love seemed to radiate out of him it was blinding. It had been released to the press about the birth, and words of encouragment and well wishes had flooded the hospital room from fans. It was odd though, that so many would know where Ashley was, but no matter how they did it, the fans came through again.

"So Jules, what do you say we go home and show off our new baby?" He asked as they drove through the streets of Orlando toward Justin's house.

"I'd say that sounds like a great idea, but not too many people, the doctors didn't want Jay to get to worn out." She said smiling down at the bundle in her arms as he grasped at her fingers.

"That's fine. It'll just be family." He said as he pulled into his driveway not surprised to see a few extra cars sitting there. "But something gives me the idea that we wont have to try very hard to find them."

Ashley laughed. She was excited to see her mother, because both her and Jim, her step father, had been off on a business trip, and they weren't able to make it back until today.

The couple walked into their house and were met with a chorus of "Congratulations!" and hello's. Ashley and Justin beamed as they walked around the room, saying hello, and showing off their new baby boy. Ashley was holding Jay and talking to her parents as Justin watched from across the room. He didn't know what it was, but there was something about Ashley that made him fall in love every time he looked at her. It was an odd sensation, because he had given up on finding ture love a long time ago. He had thought that he would forever live the life of one night stands, until he met Ashley. She flipped his world upside down and twisted it inside out, but he wouldn't change any minute of it. He had found someone that completed him, and he loved her for that. Her imperfections made her all the more perfect to him.

He smiled as he watched her with his son. It was strange, the thought of him being a father. He hadn't imagined it this way. He'd dreamed of it, but never thought it was possible. She glowed, and it made him glow. He was relieved knowing that everyone supported them, even if they weren't that happy with it. He knew his mother was a bit upset at first, but now he watched her take Jay away from Ashley and he knew it was going to be hard to get him back.

Ashley noticed Justin watching her and she walked up to him slowly. "Hey stranger, what are you staring at?" She asked slyly.

"Oh, just the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my life." He stated simple, with a hint of a smile.

"Oh? And who might that be?" She asked, wrapping her arms around his neck. She had to stand on her tip toes just to clasp her hands together.

"Well, you don't know her, but I could introduce you, she's right over there..." He started to move and Ashley smacked him on the shoulder.

"Very funny Timberlake, very funny. Be glad I'm to tired to do anything about it." Justin just laughed.

"Whatever Babe," He bent down and kissed her gently. "I love you."

Ashley smiled against his lips. "I love you too."


Ashley rolled over in bed to find it empty. She slid her hands around in the silky sheets but found nothing. She sat up and adjusted her eyes to the dark. The door was open a small amount, and over the baby monitor, she could hear faint sounds.

She quietly tip-toed down the hallway to the baby's room. She stood at the dor way and listened as Justin talked to his son.

"...And I'm gonna teach you all the moves in basketball, so you can impress all the girls. You know little man, I think i'm going to like having you around. Me and your Mommy, we're gonna be OK. You know, I hope you're not too much like your old man, becuase I made some stupid mistakes in my life before. Like letting your Mom get away. But Never again little man. Never again. I have her, and I'm going to keep her. She's the most wonderful person you'll ever meet, I promise you. So be good to her. She went through a lot, and I feel like an as...butt for being the jerk I was. I'm going to do everything I can to make that up to her. But don't tell her that, becuase she'll use that to every advantage."

Ashley smiled and risked peeking through the opening in the door. Justin was holding the baby in his arms, bouncing him gently, and making funny faces.  Ashley knocked and walked in as if she had just gotten up.

"Hey you, what are you doing?" She smiled and gave Justin a kiss on the lips and Jay a kiss on his forehead.

"Well, Little man here decided to start trying to sing early I think, or he was just hungy, but anyway. I heard him, so I got up so he wouldn't wake you."

"Thanks, but I wouldn't mind." She smiled and watched as Justin placed the sleeping baby back in the crib.

"He looks like you. He has your eyes, and that smile that will make many girls fall at his feet." She said leaning back into Justin's open arms.

"Yea, well let's not tell him that." They laughed quietly.

"Let's take him back in our room, I don't want to leave him here without us." She moved away from Justin and gingerly picked up her sleeping baby. Her heart warmed as he yawned and stretched his little fingers out. Justin placed his hand on the small of her back and walked with her down the hall to their bedroom.

They were a family, and he planned on keeping it that way forever.

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