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Tears threatened to spill as she stood at the end of the aisle. Everything was perfect. Her friends and family were there, and she smiled as she took in the picture it made. Justin and the guys all in their tuxes, and her friends in their dresses. She could see her mother holding her little boy, all dressed up too. She wished there was a way to freeze this feeling, this moment. So that it would never end, and everyone could be happy forever.

Ashley started to slowly walk down the aisle, away from her past and into her future. She walked alone, it was her decision. She knew her father wouldn't have wanted her to walk alone, but it didn't feel right with anyone else. She took the last few steps toward Justin and smiled at him. Then turned toward the priest.

The priest started the ceremony, and things went smoothly. That wasn't what Justin was worried, he was worried about the vows. He had spent many nights writing, and with little success. Two and a half pads of paper ended up in the fire place, nothing felt right. He wasn't really prepared, but there was no way to fix that now. The priest gave him the cue to start, so he took a deep breath and looked into Ashley's sparkling eyes.

"I know I'm supposed to be the writer, writing such amazing love songs. But when it comes down to it, there is no love song that could be used for you, none of them are good enough. You bring laughter to my world. You can light the darkest of rooms, and brighten to gloomiest of days. You taught me what it's like to love, and be loved in return. You teach me something new about myself everyday, and before I met you, I thought I knew it all. I've made promises in the past, and I did a poor job of keeping them. So today, I'm not making any promises. I'm only giving you my heart and saying I will try my hardest to give you everything you've given me." Ashley smiled as a tear fell down her cheek, so much for the make-up.

"Justin, To be honest, I don't know what to say. You are the first person to render me speechless. Even in my weakest moment, I had something to say, but I find myself, now at a loss for words. There was something about you, that made me want to love you. I don't know if it was your smile, or those eyes that hold the world, or if it was because you became my best friend first. You've seen me at my best, and my worst, and still you stuck by me. I never knew it was possible to love someone as much as I love you, yet you begin to prove me wrong again, with the start of each new day."

Now it was Justin's turn to cry. He was happy. Pure, unadulterated bliss was flowing throughout his body. They we happy, they were together, and nothing would ever change that. He knew now that he loved her with every fiber of his being. She encompassed everything he could ever want, or need and she was standing right in front of him.

The final words were spoken, and without even hearing the pastor's words, Justin lifted her vale and kissed her. Their first true kiss together. Justin put so much passion and feeling behind it, because he wanted her to know that what he said was true. No more promises, just him. Everything he could give, he would. And maybe, just maybe, they could live happily ever after.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, for the first time....Mr. and Mrs. Justin Timberlake."

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