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Chapter 4

Words from the author:: Granted this is a passionate scene, but it is in no way porn. This scene is put here to show that the characters are in love, and willing to give themselves to eachother. I've read a few fan fics that are in no way a fan fiction. They're just porno with *NSYNC as the main characters. I DO NOT put that in my stories. I in no way encourage having sex until you're married, I just needed that in the story. Maybe I'm contradicting myself, but that's up to you to decide. When I say "adult content" I mean adult deicissions, such as having sex before you're married, I don't mean pornography and extreme explicit language and images. Thank you:::

Ashley and Justi walked hand in hand down the street. They had eaten only about 2 blocks away from their hotel, so they decided to enjoy the night air and walk home. Ashley looked up at the stars that were glowing above them as they walked. She sighed a content sigh and Justin looked over at her.

"What are you thinking?"

"About how romantic this is, and how much I love you." She spoke while looking into his eyes and seeing past their beauty into the depths of his soul. Justin leaned over and gave her a light kiss on the lips.

"I love you too, My Juliet."

Ashley and Justin came into the room laughing. Justin closed the door and then took Ashley into his arms and gave her a long passionate kiss. Soon Ashley felt the softness of the bed underneath her. Justin's hands were roaming hungrily over her body, and Ashley could feel him pulling at her shirt. She broke the kiss long enough to take off her shirt, and then their lips met again and they were lost in each other. Ashley knew what was going to happen, that things would escialte. Both were a little tipsy, but both knew what they were doing. Ashley and Justin did share the same bed, but they didn't ever 'did anything'. Ashley felt she wasn't ready for that type of commitment with Justin, and he never pushed, but now she was ready. It was right, and they both could feel it.

Ashley pulled away and pushed off the bed. She leaned in and whispered into his ear. "Hold that thought, I'll be right back." She ran into the bathroom and closed the door. Justin jumped off the bed and rummaged through the bedside table. He finally founf the condoms and took a few out. Ashley reappeared in a black lace nightgown and Justin's eyes roamed over her body. She motioned with her finger for him to come over to her. He got up off the bed, with a sly smile on his face. Ashley pulled him to her by his belt loops. He watched as she unbuttoned his pants and pulled the zipper down.

Ashley ran her hand over the taught material of his boxers that was becoming tighter at her touch. She then walked away and sat down on the bed, sliding herself up to the head board. Justin moaned when she pulled away and then quickly threw off his jeans, leaving only his boxers. He jumped onto the bed and made his way over to Ashley.

Ashley pushed him down, and straddled his waist. She traced patterns over his chest, and then leaned down and kissed his bellybutton, then up to his neck. Justin felt Ashley pull at his boxers, and soon they were down over his hips and at the end of the bed, forgotten. Justin grabbed the condom on the table and then turned off the light, leaving them in the glow of the moon.

Ashley felt Justin tug at them hem of her nightgown. His hands slid up and down her sides, and soon he lifted the silk material over her head and took in the beauty that lay before him. He leaned over and kissed her, and then gently rolled ontop of her. Ashley's breath caught in her throat but she soon relaxed and they fell into each other's embrace.


Soft morning light crept through the blinds and onto the two sleeping figures. Both wrapped in sheets and eachother. Sounds of morning life crept into the room as the city started to wake. The sun dried up the dew that lay across lush green lawns andstuck to car windows. People scurried in and out of coffee shops, getting their caffein fix for the morning, then they rushed off to work.
Ashley stirred and opened her eyes. She saw Justin sleeping and quietly got out of bed, grabbing a robe and putting it on. She went and sat outside on the balcony, watching the end of the sunrise, and enjoying the morning. She thought back on the events of last night and smiled. Justin was very gentle, and it was everything she thought it would be. It wasn't a night of sex, it was passion and love. It was perfect and she loved Justin more than he could ever know.

"Hey're up early." Justin came out in his boxers and a wife beater and sat with Ashley on the balcony, giving her a light kiss.

"Yea, I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. But the sunrise was beautiful."

"Are you feeling OK? I mean, is everything alright?" He asked worriedly.

"Yea, I just wanted to get up. Really Justin, I'm fine. It had nothing to do with you or last night if that's what you were thinking." She said with a smile. Justin let out a relieved sigh.

"So, what do you want to do today?" He sat down in a chair next to her and closed his eyes to soak up the warm rays of the sun that danced across his face.

"I don't know, maybe we could go shopping and see the sights. I'm all done with the Britney video, so we have the rest of the week free. I want to go Christmas shopping sometime too."

"Sure. I need to pick up some things for my Mom, and the guys. That sounds like a plan. Maybe we could stop by the TRL studios too. I think that's what Brits doing today." He got up and followed Ashley into the room. He walked up behind her and put his arms arouns her waist and kissed her neck. "I love you Ashley, more than words can say."

Ashley turned in his arms and put hers around his neck. "I love you too, and I always will." She gave him a kiss and then dissapeard into the bathroom to get dressed. Justin smiled, she was the one he was going to spend the rest of his life with, he could feel it with his entire soul.


"Tired yet?" Justin asked as the two walked down the street, their arms loaded down with bags from the day's shopping spree.

"Wait a minute...I thought the woman was suposed to be the shopper, and the man just tagged along?"

"Well, not in my case. I think I was a woman in another life." He joked.

"I hope it was a far distant other life, cause I'd be damnded if I was in love with you as a woman. I just don't spin that way baby." She watched as Justin laughed at her comment.

"Let's get a taxi back to the hotel, then we should head to TRL if you want to actually get upstairs on time." Ashley nodded her head in agreement and the two made their way back to their hotel.

(at the TRL studio)

Ashley, Justin, Britney and Mitch all sat in the green room of the MTV studios. Ashley and Britney were talking about something from the video and Justin and Mitch were just relaxing when Carson walked in.

"Hey guys! Justin, I had no clue you were gonna show up today, how's it going man?" He gave Justin and manly hug and Justin responded.

"It's going, you know. I took the week off, I'm here with my girlfriend Ashley. She dances with Britney sometimes, and since Britney was here we decided to stop by and see what was going on." He explained.

"Awesome. Well, Ashley can come on stage if she wants...or it could be just you and Brit." He turned and looked at Ashley for her reaction.

"Um....I don't know. I think I'll just chill in the audience. I don't need any hormonal teenagers trying to kill me becuase I'm dating their future husband. I'll just sit with Mitch and watch the pro's do it." She laughed and they joined her.

"Alrighty then. We'll announce you as a surprise guest, and Ashley you and Mitch can head out there now, Britney and Justin will be on in the first 15 minutes I believe." Carson started to say more but was dragged off by some stage hand that needed him on the set. Ashley said a quick good bye to Justin and followed someone else out the door to the set. She was placed beside Mitch in the front row of the audience. She was seated next to a girl that had Britney painted all over her face and a t-shirt with Brit's album cover on it.

"Hi!" The girl said with too much enthusiam. "I'm Katie! I can't believe that I'm going to see Britney Spears up close!!!" She squeeled and Ashley cringed.

"Yea, that's um....great. Congratulations." She answered turning away to face Mitch. "God save us all..." She muttered and he laughed. Just then she thought of something.

"Hey Mitch. I have a question to ask. I'm putting together a tape for the guys for Christmas. You know, old home movies and things like that, and I wanted to know if you or someone you know could help me edit it so it doesn't look like crap."

"Sure, I know a guys in Florida, Orlando actually, he's a great editor. He knows way more about that process than I do. I'll give him a call and give him your number." Ashley smiled.

"Thanks Mitch. You rock."

"I know, I know..." He chuckled a bit but then the stage manager hushed the crowd and started the countdown until air time.


The room burst out into a roar of screams and shouts from the over zelous audience members.

"Welcome to Tuesday's edition of TRL. Today we have the Princess of Pop stopping by to tell us about her latest video, and the guys of Limp Bizkit are here to promote their new album. Plus we have a surprise guest that showed up this afternoon." Carson did the introduction and the cameras panned over the audience and the crowd outside.

"Hey what's up? This is Carson. Today we have, slipping back 2 spots, Mariah Carey at number ten to start of the countdown. After we see this we'll bring out Miss Britney." Again with the screaming and soon the video was being played.

About three minutes later the camera was back to the studio shot and Carson was introducing Britney.

"Well everyone, it's time to bring out our first guest. Today we have Britney Spears..." He stopped for a second, to get the kids in the audience to quiet down. "And a Surprise guest...Please welcome Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake!"

The crowd erupted into shrill screams and Ashley covered her ears. She watched as Justin and Britney made their way down the isle. They stopped every now and then to give a hug, or shake a hand, but for the most part they just waved.

"Hey Guys." Carson gave Britney a hug and shook Justin's hand. "So, what brings you here Justin?"

"Well man, I was in town, and I heard that TRL was the place to be, so I decided to stop by." He said and the crowd screamed again.

"Well that's great man, thanks for stopping by." Carson then turned to Britney and started asking her some questions. Justin looked in the audience until he found Ashley and he gave her a wink and mouthed Hi Jules. The girl next to Ashley started to giggle.

"I think Justin just winked at me!" She whispered fircely to her friend. Ashley rolled her eyes in a playful manner and sat to listen to the rest of the interview.

"...That's great. Well now we have some questions from the audience...Over here first. Stand up and say your name."

"Hi, Oh My God Justin I love you! Any way, names Beth, and I wanted to know if You and Britney are dating?" There it was, the question. Ashley wondered what he was going to say.

"No Britney and I are not dating. We were before, but we decided to break it off. You know. But we're friends now." Britney nodded in agreement and they all hoped that was then end of it, but of course, someone else had to ask the other question.

"Hi, I'm Paula, Are you two dating anyone else?" A small girl with dark eyes asked, she looked to be about 15.

Britney answered the first question, and Ashley glanced over at Mitch to see him tapping his leg. "Yes...I am. I'm not sure about Justin, but I am seeing someone else. I'd rather leave him un-named, for his privacy." Her answer was short and sweet, and no one really cared. There were a few guys that Ashley could see, but they all looked as if they couldn't care less.

"So what about you anyone special?"

"Everyone's special" he laughed "Um...yes. I do. She's very special to me." There were a few 'awws' and some boos from the crowd and Ashley wanted to punch the girl next to her for saying that the girl he was dating must be a slut. "Hey now! Booing wont change anything, and I'm sure more than half of you all have boyfriends, so don't even go there..." He laughed and Carson smiled.

"Well, I'm getting that voice in my ear telling me that I need to move on. It's been great talking to you both, and good luck to both of you. Ok, here at nnumber 9 we have Incubus holding steady."

Justin and Britney handed over their mics and walked down the isle, they signed a few autographs and Justin stopped by Ashley and stood infront of her. The girl next to Ashley looked as if she was hyperventilating.

"Hey ready?" Justin asked Ashley.

"Please..get me out of here!!" She got up and took his hand and followed him down the isle. She heard a few names being thrown her way as word slowly spread that Justin had his 'girlfriend' with him. Ashley was happy to get out of there, she didn't feel like visiting the TRL studio anytime soon.

Chapter 5
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