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Chapter 5

(3 days later)

Ashley walked into Jive studios and down a hallway. She turned the corner and walked into a conference room. The room was occupied by 2 men, one of which she didn't know.

"Hey Ash..." Mitch stood up and gave her a quick hug. He then pulled out a chair for her, and they sat down. "Ashley, this is Jordan. He's the guy I was telling you about. He is great with editing, and things like that, so he'll be perfect for what you want to get done." Mitch gestured to the man sitting across the table. Ashley smiled graciously as her eyes scanned the man, taking in his features.

He had dark brown hair that was cut short and spiked with gel. His dark chocolate eyes were deep and intriguing. He had a strong jaw line, and a fiercly sharp nose that captured your attention when you looked at his face.

"Nice to meet you." His voice was deep, A baritone, Ashley guessed. Dark and smooth, with the tiniest lilt of an accent. It sounded almost british, but Ashley couldn't quite pin it down.

"You too. Thank you for helping me, I hope it wont take long, considering Christmas is only a month away." She said as she took out some tapes and a note pad from the bag she was carring.

"Glad to help" What a babe... he thought as he looked her over. She was wearing a pair of low cut jeans that had ragged holes in them. He could tell they were made that way, to look old. On her torso she wore a tight black tank top that showed off her muscular arms and hinted at her toned abs. I have to get me a piece of that...Too bad that freak Timberlake had to get her first. He always got the good ones. But it should be easy enough to break that, I mean he did let Britney go, Mitch just happened to get there first. The man reasoned in his head. He found himself slipping into his thoughts when a pair of fingers snapped in front of his eyes.

"Yo Jordan, stay with us." Mitch snapped at his friend. Granted he was friends with him, but sometimes he would rather talk to a brick wall. He noticed the way he seemed to swallow Ashley whole with his eyes, and Mitch silently hoped that he hadn't made a mistake in getting him to work with her.

"I have a few tapes, there more of concerts and things from 95-97, when they first started, and before they debuted in the US. I want to go in order, you know, but sprinkle in childhood. Add a clip from the MMC, or a school play. Something to remind them of what they went through to get here." Ashley outlined what she wanted.

"I was thinking about maybe a different video for each guy. I mean, we'd keep the same group footage, but different childhood images." She suggested to the men.

"Well, that sounds cool. but it might be better just to make it one. I mean, it might be cool for them to have childhood clips from their four best friends too. You know?" Mitch reasoned, and Ashley agreed.

"Yea, your probably right. That actually sounds like a good idea. Thanks Mitch." She smiled and Jordan noticed how her eyes lit up when she talked about the guys. He found himself less interested in the conversation, and more interested in watching her. Mitch sensed that too.

"Well, I think it's time to go. Jordan and I have to leave, i need to catch a flight." He stood up and the other tow followed suit. "Hey, Ash can I talk to you for a sec outside?"

Ashley followed him into the hallway and waited patiently for him to speak. "Be wary of Jordan. He's a womanizer, and he'd do anything to get what he wants. I know I asked him to work with you, but that's becuase there was no one else that could really help you. Please, be careful. Don't let him cheat you, please." Mitch pleaded and hoped Ashley was getting the point.

"I understand. Don't worry Mitch, I'm madly in love with Justin, and nothing could break that."

"But be careful, you may not know it, but he'll find a way to get to you." Ashley smiled.

"I'll be careful. I promise, thank you Mitch, for all your help. And again, I'll be careful." She smiled again and walked back into the room to get her things. Mitch walked behind her and waited for her to walk out the door. He grabbed Jordan's arm as he followed and whispere firecly.

"She's off limit man, so don't even try. If you even start to think about starting anything, I'll come down here and kill you personally. Go it? She's off limit, and she wont fall for whatever you're going to give her. Don't even try." He let go of the vice grip he had on Jordan's arm and walked briskly away. Jordan smiled smugly to himself before he muttered.

"It's not her I'm going to mess with, it's Justin."

Ashley stepped into the dance hall and slipped to the back un noticed. She watched longingly as the guys danced and moved to the beat of the music. Since she had been fired from working for Jive, she had missed dancing terribly. They had worked out an agreement that she could come by the studio, but she wasn't suposed to be dancing. None of this made sense. To her, or the guys. But she just let it go and hoped for a change in heart.

Ashley watched the guys as they practiced. She loved watching them dance, becuase it showed more personality then one would think. She had a respect to each of them. JC was high enegry, he could get you on your feat dancing in about 5.7 seconds; Lance was better than most people gave him credit for. Ever since that one article about how 'Lance is the slow learner' every assumed he wasn't good, but in reality that boy could move. Chris was surprisingly calm. He wasn't as spastic as most would assume, he saved that for inbetween dance numbers. Joey, was a dork. He made faces, he jumped around, he made every dance his own, and it was a blast to watch him.

And then there was Justin. Ashley could watch him for hours. And some may think she was biased, becuase she was in love with him, but that wasn't the case. Justin had a flare, he possesed something that not many people did. He was so smooth, and fluient it was like watching water flow down a stream. She loved the way he made it look so effortless. How he could turn the simplist move into something so intricate and send shivers down her spine.

She watching him in the mirror and her eyes traveled to his, and she blushed when he caught her starring at him. He gave a wink and shook his butt which caused her to laugh and make her presence known. Wade walked over and stopped the music.

"Ok guys, I guess I can let you out on good behavior. So go home and shower, you all smell!!"

Justin rushed over and swept Ashley up into his arms. She was about to speak but he placed his mouth over hers, loosing her words in a kiss.

"Get a room!!"

"I'm gonna be sick!!"

"Can I have a kiss?"

Ashley laughed and brok the contact when she heard the comments from the other members of the group. Justin smiled and turned around. "No Chris, you can't kiss me girl." He responded to the elder man's comment.

"I don't want to kiss her....I want to kiss you silly! You're just to darn cute!" He came over and pinched Justin's cheek. And Justin punched his arm.

"Jackass..." He laughed and Chris gave him a hurt look.

"Well! that's the last time I pay you a complement mister!" He exclaimed in a high falsetto voice, causing more laughter among the few left in the room. They watched a he walked out swinging his hips back and forth saying somehting about children these days.

"Hey beautiful...I missed you." Justin turned his attention back to Ashley and she smiled at the comment, blushing a bit.

"I missed you too, but Justin, I saw you this morning." She reasoned.

"I know, but that was a long time ago."

"OK, you're getting really corny on me here Timberlake. Don't get all 7th grade here." She smiled playfully as he pouted. "Come here." She leaned forward and was met half way by his lips. They shared a quick passionate kiss and then broke apart.

"Let's go home, I need to shower." Justin said grabbing his back and heading for the door.

"Yes you do..." Ashley quipped as she followed. Justin grunted and she laughed.

Chapter 6
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