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Chapter 6

Justin sat in the quiet of his house for what seemed the millionth time in the past 2 weeks. It was 8 o'clock, and Ashley wasn't home. Not that it was extremely late, but she wasn't there, and he didn't like that. His head was swimming in thoughts when the phone rang. Thinking it was Ashley he snatched it up quickly.

"Hello?" His anxious voice came over the line.

"Hey man, It's JC." The smooth, dark voice ran in Justin's ears and he sighed with dissapointment.

"Oh, hey." The grief was evident in his tone.

"Don't sound to excited to see me....what's wrong?" JC joked, but then turned serious.

"Ashley's out again. She's always gone man, and she'll never tell me where she is, or what she's doing. It's scaring the crap out of me man." Justin explained his anguish and hoped JC could bring some condolence to him.

"She's at the studio with Jordan. I just saw her." JC stated in a matter-of-fact tone, as if it shouldn't have been new news to Justin.

"what? Jordan? She's been out with him every night this week? I...." Justin stopped short as the realization of his words registered in his mind. She's been out with him every night this week...

It was true, everytime he called, she was with him. She'd said it was for a project, but as far as Justin knew, she wasn't involved in any projects, and Jordan sure as hell didn't dance. A sinking feeling came over his stomach as fire burned in his eyes.

"Justin? Justin you there? I've been calling your name for the past minute..." A voice buzzed in Justin's ears and he remember he was still on the phone.

"I'm sorry. I'm here. JC.....I....Ashley's at the studio, are you sure?"

"Yea, I was there not 5 minutes ago. She's been spending a lot of time there, is everything ok?" JC asked, not aware of how close to home he was hitting.

"C...I...I think that maybe..." He couldn't, he couldn't bring himself to say it. No, he had to be sure first, he couldn't say the words and not be sure. "I have to go, I'll call you later." He hung up the phone before JC could answer and quickly re-dialed.

"Hello?" Her smooth, femine voice came over the line and Justin smiled.

"Hey babe, where are you?" He asked, closing his eyes, praying she would say somewhere like, the salon.

"The studio....I'll be home soon." Justin felt the blood drain from his face as he heard a male voice in the background, and Ashley's laughter.

"Um..." He licked his lips, to get them working again." OK, I'll see you later." He clicked the off button and put the phone down.

Thoughts reeled through his head. Was she cheating on him? She had been gone too often lately. He knew she didn't have a job anymore, so she couldn't be dancing. and Jordan, Justin had met Jordan a long time ago, and hadn't liked him from the word go. The guy was ruthless, and a player. As far as Justin was concerend, all Jordan was good for was target practice.

He shook his head of the thoguht that Ashley could be unfaithful to him. He walked upstairs and went into the bedroom. The message light was flashing on the machine and he pushed the button.

"Hey Ashley, it's Mitch. I just wanted to know how everything was going with Jordan, and I hope Justin hasn't found out yet, that would suck. Well, I'll call you later, and be careful." The machine beeped and Justin stood there with his mouth open, Mitch's words echoed through his head like a broken record.

I hope Justin hasn't found out careful. I hope Justin hasn't found out yet....

Justin sat down before he fell. It couldn't be true....could it? The signs were there. He remember all the late nights she came home. All the secret phone calls, and e-mails. All the missed meals becuase she was out. Anger rose in his throat as he clenched his fists in rage.

He heard the door downstairs and Ashley's voice call to him. He took a deep breath and went down the stairs.

"Hey." She exclaimed. Justin starred at her through new eyes. All the passionate moments, the kisses, the whisperes at night...all lies. He didn't speak for a second, for fear of what his voice would do, but soon he found the control.

"I. want. you. to. leave." He said, slowly and deliberately. Ashley stopped where she was and looked at him.

"What?" She stated flabberghasted.

"You heard me. Out!" His anger was getting the best of him and Justin closed his eyes to calm down again, slowly counting to ten.

"Justin, what's wrong? What did I do? You're scaring me." Ashley said, not sure of Justin's sudden outburst.

"Don't stand there and play innocent. You...I can't believe you. All those late nights, those secret phone was him!! How could you! YOU LIED TO ME! YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH THAT PIECE OF SHIT!" Justin screamed, his face red with rage, his knuckles white as he clenched his fists.

"Justin, what the hell are you talking about?" Ashley took a few steps back, scared of this sudden fit of anger.

"I gave you my love....and you lied. I want you out. I don't want to look at you anymore." He said, suprisingly calm. Ashley didn't know what was worse.

"Please, Let me explain. I wasn't..."

"No, no. I don't want to hear it." He held up and hand and stopped her words. He avoided her eyes, afraid of what he would see. It was all he could do to turn away the woman he loved.

Ashley's eyes came alive with tears. He face went pale as she tried to think of something to say that would get him to listen. She couldn't believe he was telling her to leave.

"Just get out...." He said again. Ashley stood there not making any signs of moving. Justin turned on the stairs and ran into their room. He grabbed a bag and threw some of her cloths into it. He blocked out the memories some of the clothes held, and breathed through his mouth, as not to take in her scent. He flew back down the stairs and ruffly threw the bag into her arms. He then walked past her and opened the front door.

"Out." His voice cracked as he held back unwanted tears. Ashley pleaded with him, but he refused to hear them. He avoided looking at her, becuase he knew once he did he would break down and take her back.

Ashley gave up on trying to make him hear her. She sullenly walked out the door, and as she passed, she murmured, " I love you...please don't ever forget that." She cringed when the door slamed behind her and she broke down again. She went to her car and sat, trying to control the plethera of seething emotions that coursed through her veins. when she gained her composure, she backed out of the drive way and drove to the only person she could think of.

Meanwhile Justin watched as she left. His heart broke as he remembered her last words, but again the anger over took him, and he walked away from the window to go to the guest room.
___________________________________________________________________ Ashley pulled her car into Britney's driveway. She hoped that britney was home, and that she had time for Ashley.
The girls had been friends ever since Ashley and Justin started dating. it was a strange situation, because any other pair of girls would have fought. But Ashley and Britney hit off, both finding something in common with the other.
She quickle ran up the steps and rang the door bell. It was opened by Lynn, Britney's mom.
"Ash...What happened?" Her observant brown eyes took in the red rimed state of Ashley's and her raspy breathing.
"I, can I stay here?" was all the girl managed to get out.
"Sure thing sweety, come on in." Lynn wrapped her arm around Ashley's shoulder and led her into the house. She brought her into the livingroom that was occupied by the rest of the Spears family, and a few friends.
"Ashley!" Britney's southern drawl came across the room as the girl greeted her friend. She noticed right away that something was wrong and shared knowing glances with her mother. "Let's go up to my room, we can talk." Ashley just nodded and followed Britney.
Brit closed the door behind her and sat down on the bed, her eyes never leaving the forlorn figure that she knew as Ashley. "You wanna tell me what happened?" She said softly. Ashley's tortured eyes met Britney's for a brief moment before she looked back at the floor. Britney waited as Ashley took a deep breath to gain her composure and start her story.
Ashley proceeded to tell what she knew of the story. How Justin had kicked her out, assuming she was cheating on him with Jordan. Britney listened as Ashley told of having to work night and day to finish the video in time, and how jordan faound a way to keep her there. Britney waited throught all the breakdowns, giving hugs when needed and words of condolence.
"It'll be alright Ash. Justin's stressed right now, and I'm sure he'll come around. I know you've never seen it, but that boy has a temper, and he can be an ass. I'll talk to him for you. Right now though, you need some sleep. OK? So just go to bed." Britney gave Ashley another hug before leaving her to change and sleep. The blond singer shook her head sadly as she mumbled to herself..."What did you do now Timberlake?"

Chapter 7
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