*My Fiction* Link 2 me* Hosted Fan Fics* Featured Fic* Links**

Here we have what I call the Featured Fic of the Month. These are stories that I think are awesome and show awesome writing potential in the future!

Thats When I'll Stop Loving You

Mercedes, a young college student, has been burned so much through out her life. She will never be the same again...all because of her disease...leukemia. Most would think she would be treated equally, but not in her new home. Because she was burned so much by those she thought loved her, she will never be able to let someone into her heart...nor tell them about her problem...

I just started reading this story, and I automatically was attracted by the interesting plot. Very original!
Bottom Line:
This story is funny, romantic and has great potential in my eyes...and I'd give it an 8 out of 10 for that!