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Chapter 1

     Traffic.  Traffic on the LI expressway of cource.  The PT cruiser which was newly cleaned was surrounded by the attack of the BMW's, Limos and Z3's.   Even though the PT cruiser stood out amoung the rich and famous Long Island cars, it still seemed like a crappy car compared to the others.  It was nearly 8 AM and Brittany was on her way to Broadway Dance center.  The radio blasted loudly in her car.  "Bye Bye Bye" by N'sync blasted through the stereo.
      "God damnit, when are they going to stop playing that song!" Brittany exclaimed as she changed the channel.  The Limo next to next to her rolled down their window crack.  The tips of a golden haired male peeked over the window.  Suddenly eye's popped in the newly opened crevice.  They looked left...the right...and then at Brittany.  Brittany looked down to hide her shame in staring at the deep eyes.  Something about them was so familiar.  Warm, caring eyes.  Brittany had a great passion for eyes.  She couldn't stand it when guys looked at her eyes. She completely melted.  Suddenly the window started to roll down slowly revealing the mans nose..then lips..and chin.  His chin had a small goatee on it and as Brittany looked up she realized who it was.  A member of N'sync.  Not even sure of which one he was or whether she cared, She quickly jumped out of her car and jogged over to the limo.  The pop star furiously pushed the window button trying to close it.  It broke. The pop star laughed softly and Brittany handed him her business card.  He slowly looked at it in confusion.
      "I'm a dancer. Looking for any?"She asked.
      "Actually yeah!"The N'sync member said smiling.
      "JOEY YOU ASS," Justin screamed.  Justin was the only one Brittany recogonized,"I'm sorry."
      "Justin chill," She said tipping her sunglasses further down her nose.  She lifted them high on top her of head.  Joey laughed a little at her calmness. "She's a bold one" Joey thought to himself as he smiled. She went to go whisper in Joey's ear.
      "Give me a call for an audition.  It's been a life long dream of mine to be a back up dancer. Ask for me on the phone," Brittany whispered.  She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and jogged back to her car to keep the now moving traffic going.  "Wow, really bold" Joey thought again.  She looked once more at the limo.  The driver was using pliers to lift the window back up.  Joey glanced a smile once more at Brittany as she rolled her window up, waved and smiled.

      "OK turn and stop!" Brittany said clapping her hands, "Good job. Sit back at the bar for a minute."  Brittany was teaching her class at Broadway Dance center.  She smiled softly and patted back her hair.  She sipped some freezing water from the cooler and as she did the class got silent.  A door closed and Brittany ignored the strange gestures.  She continued to drink until she got a tap on her shoulder.  Brittany whipped herself around to see Frank Hatchett, one of the best dancers and owner at the center.
      "Oh hey Frank, how are you?" she asked wiping her mouth and standing at attention.
      "I'm great, but there is someone on the phone for you.  He sounds pretty suspicious, a fellow named Joseph, he said he spoke to you on the highway today? Anyway he's on the phone now and he said it was urgent."
      "I'll take it," she said calmly.  Not having a clue who it would be, she picked the phone from Frank's hand and answered.
      "Hello?" she said confused.
      "Hey, It's Joey...Fatone...rememeber?" he said.
      "Oh Joey HI!  They said Joseph on the phone and I had no clue!," she sighed.  Frank shrugged his shoulder and walked out of the classroom.  The teens started getting rowdy again.
      "Hold on Joe," she said covering the mouth piece,"SHUT UP I'M ON THE PHONE!"
      "Back?" Joey asked stifling his laughter.
      "Yeah...why are you so quiet?" She asked as the class now started to listen.
      "I'm hiding...I'm in the limo in front of the center. The rest of the guys are at the hotel and I wanted to come take a class, If you don't mind," he said laughing.
      "Sure...I hope you don't mind autographs at the end of the class though because I have some college kids in this class," She said suddenly realizing the class was listening.  They started to get excited as she went on.
      "It's fine...anything for fans.  I'll be up in a second....I sorta have to run so no one sees me," he said as Brittany watched him step out of the limo.
      "Lata," Britt said shutting off the phone.  She watched him jog into the studio and run up the steps.  Her stomach started to get tighter as she heard the footsteps come nearer.
      " you mind if we have a celebrity with us for a bit?" She asked.
      "Sure!" The kids exclaimed running to the window looking for a glimpse of the mystery guest.  Suddenly Joey came into the classroom panting from the run.
      "Jesus, can you have anymore steps in the place?" he asked letting out a sigh.  The kids, who were pretty used to celebrity's were a little uptight at first and then loosened as the class went on.  He was an amazing dancer as expected and even taught the kids a little N'sync dancing before they left.
      "Good class for you?" Brittany asked putting her arm around Joey.
      "I've haven't taken one in a while!" he said grabbing her in his arms.  For a split second their eyes met. Brittany looked away to take off her shoes and put them in her bag.
      "Wanna go to lunch?  I don't have anymore classes tonight.  I'm sure you've got stuff to do though, so you can get outta here if you want," Brittany said quickly covering herself up.
      "And miss time hanging with you?  Never!  I'll go out to lunch and then I gotta split!" Joey said helping Brittany up off the floor.
      "OK then.  I know a good spot," She said leading the way out the door.  Joey pushed his hat further down over his eyes.
      "If you push it down anymore you wont be able to see!" Brittany laughed.
      "I do have a reputation you know," Joey said smiling.
      "Yeah a pretty bad one I hear," Brittany laughed.  Joey pursed his lips and frowned.
      "Hey! Cheap shot," he laughed.
      "I'm only telling you the truth," Brittany giggled as she took his hand and pulled him into the Deli, " besides, It's New York City Joey.  No one cares about any one else." Joey still kept his hat on but tilted it up a bit.  
      "Anything in particular you want? Try an Italian hero it's great," Brittany said looking at his eyes again.  They were a deep dark brown just like hers.  She came out of her blissful eye gazing and concentrated on his answer instead.
      "It'll try it," Joey said smiling and sitting down at a table directly behind them He started to admire Brittany's body as she went on her toes to order.  She had a thin small body, yet she had some various muscular parts of her.  She had light brown hair down to her mid back which hung in long pigtails.  "She couldn't be more than 21" Joey thought to himself.  She wasn't especially drop dead gorgeous but she was pretty good looking and had a great smile. She turned around quickly to see Joey staring at her.
      "Looking at something you like? Cuz you aren't gonna get it," She laughed as she took the two Italian hero's from the counter.
      "Hey! No disrespecting the boss now!" Joey said laughing.
      "Does that mean I have a job?" Brittany asked as she raised her eyebrows.
      "Well, you'll have to meet Wade, our choreographer, and the other guys and then you'll be on our squad," He said taking his sandwich out of it's wax paper wrapping,"Then you'll have to sign 10 million papers, go on tour with us and make the new video, plus there are awards ceremonies and MTV and such."
      "Sounds like a handful, I can handle it though," She said with ease. Joey let out a huff and laughed, "You have no idea."
      "I've been on tour before!  With the American Ballet Association," She said narrowing her eyes.  
      "Oh please, did you ever get screamed and bombarded by girls?" He said taking a bite into his sandwich,"By the way this is really good."
      "No, and I'm glad I haven't because that would be a little awkward," She laughed.
      "I'm sure you've been bombarded by men though," he said turning on his flirtatious gene and smiled suavely.
      "All male dancers are gay, none would be interested.  Except for you pop star, I mean I'd hope you weren't gay," She said with an attitude as she bit her lip.  Joey looked at her with disgust and laughed.
      "I'd hope not either...that's not good for the reputation," he said taking another bite.
      "I heard you're quite the ladies man.  It's all about the sex, drugs and rock and roll huh?" She asked as she finished up her sandwich and took a sip of her drink.
      "No...I can commit.  It's just every girl I find I seem to find an imperfection.  It's like a curse," he said as he shot his paper bag into the garbage pail about a foot away.  "God why the hell am I telling her this?" he asked himself.
      "Then obviously you aren't ready for a relationship.  You find the imperfections because you are afraid that she's perfect and you don't want that.  You're afraid to commit because you know in the next day that you'll be gone and you won't see her. So you fuck the girl out of pity and leave her be and go on to the next girl thinking the same thing going in.  But you will never commit unless you finally find that girl with the imperfection that you can stand up to," Brittany said leaning back into her chair.
      "Wow, I never thought of it that way.  Thanks," he said feeling quiet embarrassed that he even asked.  Joey looked at his watch and realized it was time to go.
      "Well, thanks for taking me out to lunch, but I have to go back to the hotel.  We've got a show tonight," Joey said as he got up out of his chair.  The two walked out onto the sidewalk where the limo driver pulled up in front of them.
      "Any time Joe," Brittany said feeling a loss for words.
      "So I'll call you tomorrow about coming and meeting Wade and the guys.  We've got to work on our choreography for the new video tomorrow. Think we could come to BDC to practice?" Joey asked as he opened his door to the limo.
      "Sure! Just give me a call when you guys are ready to come in and I'll be there.  Still have my card? My home phone is on there," She said peeking inside the limo as Joey stepped in.
      "Got it, I'll bring along the contract because I know they guys will love ya tomorrow," He said kindly as he kissed her on the cheek.
      "Bye Joe," she said waving as he closed the door.
      "Lata," he said sticking his head out the window as the limo drove away.  Brittany smiled as she headed towards the parking garage to go home.  "A new life, just what I needed ".

Chapter 2
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