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Chapter 10

When they returned from the club, Joey had been following Brittany back to her room.
"What are you a lost dog?" She sighed impatiently as he ran up beside her.
"I'm lost without you," Joey said seductively as he stopped her tracks by standing in front of her.
"When you said you wanted to find someone for Brianna, I didn't think that you needed me," Brittany huffed as she stomped past him.
"Excuse me...No...You can't just walk away," Joey said jogging up to her again.
"Watch me," she said fumbling the key in the lock.
"Chris and Julia are in there," he said before she could turn the key. Brittany closed her eyes and sighed.
"Listen Joey...I'm tired, I don't feel that well and frankly I think I'm I want to go to bed," she whined.
"You said you weren't drunk before," he smiled.
"I was horny before," Brittany whispered uncomfortably.
"You were WHAT?" Joey asked impatiently.
"Shut know what I said...Now go away before I hit you," she complained.
"Will you hit me?" he asked pushing her against the door.
"Joey...stop...Stop flirting...If you REALLY want to find someone for Brianna get away from me," she said knocking on the door.
"Why can't you start a family with me," he asked brushing the side of her face.
"Because you are drunk, horny and we are just friends," Brittany sighed as she bit her lip. Since no one answered the door she stepped into her room and looked back at him limp in the door way.
"Goodnight Joey," she said looking into his eyes.
"Wait," he said pushing the door open.
"Come back when you're mature," she said shutting the door back at him. She leaned her back against the door and put her face in her hands. She slumped down to the base of the door and started to cry.

Joey shoved his hands in his pockets angrily and knocked on Lance's door.
"Lance opened it slowly and noticed it was Joey and let him in.
"I was just about to go to bed...but I guess I should let you in," Lance sighed. Joey walked in and sat down on Lance's bed. He pulled off his shoes and pulled his knees into his chest. He dropped his head to his knees and breathed heavily.
"What did she say to you," Lance said rolling his eyes and leaning back into a chair.
"I need your help Lance," Joey said picking his head up. His eyes were glassy and he was biting his lip.
"If you are asking me to help you get Brittany...I'm not helping," Lance sighed.
"WHY NOT!?" Joey asked impatiently.
"First, because she is one of our dancers and if you hurt her...she's gone...Two, she's too nice of a girl to get hurt and Three...Where are we going to get another dancer in the middle of our tour," He spat.
"OK OK...What gives you the impression that I'm going to hurt her?" he asked.
" long as I've known you...You haven't settled down once. And as far as I know, Brittany's past with guys hasn't been spectacular and she's been hurt several times. So unless you are willing to sweep her off her feet and be with her forever, she isn't the one for you," Lance said rubbing the stubble on his chin.
"What If I want to be with her forever," Joey said seriously.
"Joey...You have a baby with Kelly...and you're willing to start a relationship that you want to last forever?" Lance asked leaning forward.
"YES! God damnit...everytime I actually open up to someone and tell them that I actually want to settle down...and I finally found someone who truly makes ME feel special inside, they brush it off and tell me to think about it! Why doesn't anyone believe me when I say I LOVE someone?" Joey cried. A tear slipped out of his eye and he brushed it off angrily.
"Because you've never loved anybody before," Lance sighed,"But I'll help you."

"THAT was harsh my friend," Chris said walking up to the huddled body on the floor.
"SHUT up Chris," Brittany said between tears.
"Sorry...but Joey finally notices you...and you tell him off...I don't understand you," he sighed.
"What makes you think I want Joey's attention," she said standing up and wiping her tears away.
"Because I'm not as dense as I look. Joey's been extra sensitive lately..and he's not out to hurt you," Chris said grabbing Brittany for a hug.
"I know...We've talked about it before. I just don't think I'm ready for a relationship," She said walking towards her bed. Julia was sleeping soundly in her bed as Brittany pulled off her shoes and grabbed Joey's sweatshirt from her bag.
"You've been watching her sleep?" she asked.
"She's gorgeous when she sleeps. We watched a movie and then she fell asleep in my I tucked her in. That was about five minutes before you walked in. She's an amazing person," Chris sighed as he laid across Brittany's bed.
"She was smitten by that flower last night," Brittany said pulling her shirt off from beneath the sweatshirt.
"She was hurt that you thought that she was all about the sex. To be honest, we haven't done anything," Chris said sitting up.
"That's surprising. I've just never seen Julia in love that's all," Brittany said slipping on a pair of shorts quickly and sitting next to Chris.
"You think she's in love with me? Nah, I think we're just close friends," Chris sighed.
"Then I think it's time you cleared that up," Brittany said putting her arm around Chris. Chris smiled and kissed Brittany on the forehead.
"Thanks...," he said hugging her furiously, "Night."
"Goodnight Chris," she said flipping off her light as he shut the door. Knowing Julia had saved herself for Chris brightened her night just a bit. But the fact that she totally blew off Joey, who she admitted now to having a slight crush on...crushed her inside.

Brittany's eyes fluttered open. She turned over and looked at the clock, hoping it was late. The clock read 3:30.
"I've been sleeping a half hour?" she asked herself annoyed. She lied there for another fifteen minutes and couldn't fall back asleep. She grumbled impatiently and sat up.
"Go in someone else's room if you can't sleep," Julia mumbled as she turned over and started to snore. Julia sat up and grabbed her Bert and Ernie pillow. She inhaled the sweet scent of Joey's sweatshirt which she still hadn't washed. Forgetting all previous things that had happened that night she pocketed her key and knocked on Joey's door. Joey opened the door sleepily.
"I can't sleep," Brittany yawned. Joey smiled lazily and brushed the stray pieces hair out of her eyes.
"Are you going to let me in? It's cold..." Brittany sighed impatiently. Joey nodded his head and had her follow him to his bed. He snuggled her in his arms and shoved her under the covers.
"I'm sorry," she sighed remembering what she had said before.
"It's OK...You were right," He said kissing her forehead. His eyes looked straight into hers and Brittany realized a look she had never seen. His eyes were warm and caring and had sincerity in them. Brittany kissed the tip of his nose and turned around so he could grab her waist. He pulled her into his chest and had her body fit to his contours.
"I sung to sing to me," Brittany whispered. Joey started to sing a few words of "That's when I'll stop loving you," and Brittany started to drift off in his arms. Joey yawned and stopped his singing. He kissed the top of her head and snuggled closer to her.
"Night baby," he whispered. She had already fallen asleep so she couldn't answer. Joey smiled contentedly and let the night send him into soaring dreams.

Brittany's eyes fluttered open to see Chris's eyes.
"OH MY GOD!" She screamed sitting up in her bed.
"Good morning to you too! Umm...the two of you," Chris giggled at the site of Brittany and Joey.
"Are you cold?" Chris asked as Brittany rubbed her eyes.
"A little...why?" She answered cluelessly. Chris pointed to her white tank top which you could clearly see through.
"OH MY GOD CHRIS!" She shrieked as she hid back under the covers.
" where you are hiding," Joey said startled.
"Sorry," Brittany smiled as her head surfaced the blankets right next to Joey.
"Damnit...If I knew you looked this bad when you woke up I would have never slept with you," Joey laughed ruffling her curls. Chris's mouth dropped and his eyes widened.
"Slept with...not had sex with or did the freaky deaky with Chris," Brittany sighed. Chris crossed his arms in frustration and pouted.
"Besides Joey...Look at your hair...stupid mop top," she said ruffling his hair back.
"Shut up," Joey growled sitting up.
"What are we doing today?" Brittany asked impatiently.
"You guys just have to jump on the buses...because we are off in about an hour and we're flying back to Pennsylvania. Then I think we've got some MTV crap to do tonight...some radio interviews and you guys are free to do whatever tonight...but tomorrow we've got practice all day," Chris muttered.
"Oh my God.. Chris knows the schedule...It's a miracle!" Brittany gasped.
"Shut up get back to your room before I chase you there," Chris giggled. Brittany smacked him with a pillow, covered herself with Joey's sweatshirt and let out a huff as she walked out the door.
"So what was that?" Chris asked.
"Amazing," Joey muttered.
"DID YOU FUCK HER OR NOT!?" Chris asked frustrated.
"Obviously not idiot...we had our clothes on," Joey said smacking him with a pillow.
"Right...well did you want to?" Chris asked rubbing the back of his head.
"Not especially...She came in here around 3:30 cuz she couldn't sleep and we just fell asleep," he sighed grabbing a towel.
"OK... we've gotta a lot to talk about on the plane," Chris said stepping out of the room.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Joey asked loudly. Chris must have ignored him because there was no reply. Joey huffed and stepped into the shower quickly.

Brittany ran towards the tour bus and threw her luggage into the underneath compartment right before it closed. She swung onto the bus and flopped into a chair quickly.
"Where the HELL were you this morning?" Julia asked angrily.
"You told me to sleep in someone else's room last night," she sighed.
"You slept in Joey's?" Imogene yawned.
"Yep," she replied. For the first time, no one taunted her or annoyed her about it. She quickly exited the room and curled up into an open cot that she claimed her own. She looked up to see a huge poster of Chris staring down at her.
"OH my GOD! What is Chris doing in my bed?" She screamed. The girls came running to see the poster dangling from the bed.
"You know he said that he was going to be with me on the bus...that ass," Julia sighed. Brittany rolled up the poster and shoved it into Julia's arms.
"I'm scarred now, I'm going to watch TV," she sighed. She flipped on the TV to see a Mickey Mouse club rerun.
"YES! Blackmail! Come here guys!" She screamed. An embarrassing skit with Britney, Justin and JC was on the Disney channel.
"Oh we have GOT to tell them they are on TV!" Alexis laughed handing Brittany her cell phone. She dialed up Justin's cell quickly and started to giggle.
"Word," Justin answered,
"Word? What the hell is that? Are you expecting your bitch to call J-dawg?" Brittany asked. Justin laughed impatiently and continued to talk.
"This is expensive, what do you want?" he mumbled.
"Did I wake up Prince Charming? Cuz' I suddenly feel like talking for hours!" Brittany giggled.
"Come on Britt...Tell me why you called me at 7 am when I just saw you last night," he gargled.
"I'm sure you have cable on your jetBlue so turn on channel 34," she said evilly. Justin sighed and turned on the TV. A shriek was heard from his mouth and Brittany started to crack up.
"Baby, Baby when I look at you...I get a warm feeling inside," Brittany sang imitating Britney spears on her mouse days.
"All right...fine you saw the early you want a cookie?" Justin sighed. Snickers were heard in the background as Lance and Joey started imitating Justin's high pitched preteen voice.
"SHUT UP GUYS!" He screamed as his voice cracked. Everyone almost peed their pants at that.
"Listen I have to go beat up the dweebs," Justin sighed.
"OK but Justin...remember..these changes are completely normal!" She giggled. Justin hung up the phone angrily and threw it.
"MMC?... He's using that early 90's lingo," Chris laughed. Justin lunged for him and JC dragged him off.
"What is wrong with you?" He asked taking off his head phones. JC looked up at the TV and screamed.
"OH MY GOD TURN THAT OFF!" he shrieked lunging for the remote.

After the 14 hour drive they arrived in Pennsylvania safe and sound. Brittany's phone started to ring as she was unpacking her things in her new hotel room.
"Helooo?" She answered sweetly.
"Britt? It's Jackie...from dance?" She asked.
"Oh hey Jack! What's up?"
"Well, I knew that you were on the tour, and you know how big of a fan I am...and I just wanted to let you know that Dawn and I are coming to the concert tomorrow night," she giggled.
"Awesome! Tell ya what, Meet me at my hotel tomorrow around 6, while the guys are doing meet and greet you can have a backstage tour and then MAYBE....I'll bring you to them," She giggled.
"You know I would do anything to meet them luv," Jackie sighed. Jackie was 3 years older than her and was practically her mentor. Dawn was her dance teacher back on the island and had always helped her in times of need.
"Well, I'll see you at six tomorrow!" Brittany said as she hung up the phone. It was about nine and everyone was pretty much pooped. Brittany found this as her opportunity to get out and play her guitar.
"I'm going on the roof Jules," she called to her through the bathroom.
"Fine," Julia sighed. Armed with her guitar and notebook Brittany made her way to the roof write. She strummed out a few chords of "I drive myself crazy" and stopped.
"Why can't I think of anything else?" She thought to herself.

"JULIA!" Joey screamed through the bathroom door,"WHERE IS BRITTANY?"
"On the roof doofus!" She said opening the door to a cloud of fog. Joey wafted the air away to reveal Julia in a towel.
"Don't let Chris see you like that!" Joey said seductively.
"Why not? Not like he hasn't," Julia smiled. Joey backed off and ran to the roof.
"Operation Get Brittany is under way," he thought cleverly.

Brittany stared up at the stars and set her guitar beside her. Nothing was coming to her except the thoughts of the tour clouding her brain. All she could think of was Jackie coming tomorrow, her dance steps...and the guys. Especially...
"Can I cut into your time?" Joey asked laying down next to her.
"Sure," she said nonchalantly. Brittany rolled over to look him in the eyes and he stared back softly.
"Don't you ever too many thoughts at once?" She asked brushing the stubble on his chin.
"It gets hectic in here," He said pointing to his head."I've got the tour and dance steps, Kelly, Brianna and everything just moshed in there." Brittany winced at the thought of Kelly and Brianna. She had completely forgotten that Joey had a daughter and her mother waiting at home. Joey realized he had said the wrong thing and slipped his arm underneath Brittany's neck and pulled her closer.
"Everytime I'm with you it seems everything else goes away," he said sweetly as he pulled the red bandanna off her head to reveal her dark brown curls.
"That's what best friends are for," She said snuggling closer. Joey sighed impatiently and pulled her waist closer to his.
" friends," he mumbled. His plan was crumbling quickly and he had to make her realize.
"What ever happened that keeps you so closed off from all men?" he asked turning her around. She sat up coldly and walked over to the edge of the roof.
"I've just been hurt too many times by men who pretend to love me," she said resting her head in her hand.
"What happened with Scott?" he asked sitting up and walking next to her.
"Who told you about him...," She shivered.
"What happened with him?" he asked again.
"He just....screwed me over that's all," She sighed.
"Stop lying. I just really want to know if this barrier you put up is for a good reason," he complained.
"It's not your place to say if it was a good reason or not!" She said turning to him.
"Why can't you tell me the TRUTH?" Joey asked coldly.
"You want the truth? FINE, here is all the truth I have in me. Scott asked me to marry him on a bet...Then I found out he was cheating on me at the same time. I dated a guy for 3 months and finally he said...I wanna be your friend. Then I was RAPED the night I went out with you... how much more can you handle? Let's see..." she stuttered. Tears started to spill out of here eyes onto her cheeks.
"You said he didn't rape you," Joey said surprised.
"I lied...I didn't want anyone to know," she sobbed. Joey threw his arms around her and cradled her. She cried softly into his arm and finally looked up.
"Thanks for being here for me," she sniffed kissing him on the cheek.
"Well,...what are best friends for?" he asked as he grinned a smile a mile wide.
" friends," she muttered.

Chapter 11
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