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Chapter 11

      "Get up get up get outta bed, get up get up you lazy head," Brittany chanted as she jumped on Joey's bed.
      "Stop...too early," he grumbled turning over and hiding under the blankets. She stopped her jumping and ripped the covers from his hands to reveal his head.
      "Come on, we've got practice in a half hour, and you haven't had breakfast yet and you haven't showered baby!" she giggled as she tickled his sides.  He squirmed at her touch and finally sat up.
      " win," he sighed.  
      "Hooray!" she squealed as she hugged him tightly,"Now go take a shower and I got a bagel for you down at breakfast. I left it on the nightstand for you."
      "What would I do without you?" he asked as he got out of bed and smiled at her.
      "You would be dragged out by your body guard just like you used to before I came along!" she laughed,"Or you were waken up by the slut next to you."
      "Oh..that hurt," he cried sarcastically holding his chest.  
      "It's not my fault you used to be a playa!" she laughed as she walked out of the room.  He chuckled softly and stepped into the shower for a day of practice.

      "Water...water...water," Lance chanted as he rolled on the floor.
      "Shut up and get up," Dan laughed.  Wade was no longer the choreographer.  They had moved him to a co-producer of the tour because of all his help on the songs and a new choreographer, Dan, took over.  Chris started to squirt his bottle of water into Lance's mouth.  It soon overflowed and almost choked him.
      "Hey no ruining fellow pop-stars voices," Brittany scolded.  Chris threw his bottle of water and slumped down against the wall.
      "Are we done...Puh-lease?" Joey whined. Dan looked at him impatiently and sighed.
      "Fine...get out of here wimps," He said shooing them out of the room.  

      "Finally...the dressing room.. Where I now have to get dressed, but you guys can join me because I know you don't care," Brittany giggled as she gave Jackie, Dawn and a few lucky backstage pass girls the tour.
      "I'll be right back," she said taking her first outfit and stepping into a small dressing room inside the other.
      "So do you guys know her?" One of the fan asked Jackie and Dawn.
      "We used to dance with her...I was her teacher," Dawn replied.  The girl smiled excitedly.
      "Could you get me to dance with Nsync too?" she asked.
      "Ha...She did that on her own," Jackie chuckled.  
      "BRITTANY!" Holly screamed as she busted through the room,"OH sorry for the rudeness."  Holly knocked anxiously on the door that Brittany was in.  
      "Yes, oh impatient one?" She said stepping out of the room.
      "Kim is threatening to kill me if I didn't find you for hair and makeup, so get in there...FAST!" She huffed.  
      "Fine...take over my tour," she pouted,"Oh Jack and Dawn...I'll catch you guys in about a 1/2 hour, Holly take em to me when they are done with the tour k?"

      "Joey meet my friends Jackie and Dawn.  Jackie was one of my best friends in dance and Dawn was my teacher," Brittany introduced.  
      "Lovely to meet you," he said politely taking their hands.  They met the others than sat down in the seats.  I gave them my number if they were ever in town where we were and I promised to keep in touch.  After the show everyone went out to clubs again.  Exhausted and sweaty, Brittany returned around 3:00 AM.  
      "You came back early?" Lance asked as she turned the key to her room.  She glanced quickly at her watch and looked back at him.
      "Early is correct," she smiled,"Come in Lance."  Lance stepped into her room.  
      "Geeze, it looks like schizophrenia in here," he laughed.  Brittany's half of the room was emaculate while Julia's was a pig sty.  
      "We're hot and cold and that is we're so close," Brittany sighed kicking Julia's bras behind the bed,"So why is a good looking Missisipian doing home by himself?"
      "Ha...I was doing some paper work with Meridith.  Annoying as hell but it had to be done," he huffed as he lied onto Julia's bed.  Brittany flipped through the TV guide as he lie comfortably on Julia's bed.  
      "Oooh!  The end to "Center Stage" is on!" Brittany giggled punching in the code for the movie.,"Oh and if Julia finds you on her bed she may rape you."
      "Maybe If my name was Chris and I was a soprano," he laughed moving to Brittany's bed.  
      "To be honest...Julia must have NO feelings besides friendship for him because she has not told me of fetishes she has with him yet," Brittany laughed staring intently at the television.  
      "You love to dance don't you," he sighed pulling her hair out of her eyes and back into a bun.
      "I wouldn't be here if I didn't.  Ever since I was two years old I dreamed of becoming a dancer on Broadway.  I didn't care about my 4.0 cum or my three medical sisters or my acceptance to Yale.  I wanted to be famous.  I didn't care how hard it would be or how I would become it but I knew I was destined to be. That is why I went to NYU to study Fashion Apparel because I know that if my dancing doesn't work, there are plenty of fashion opportunities.  Plus I was in the area easiest to be on Broadway.  Look at her extension.  It's amazing and I would watch this movie OVER and OVER till I pointed my toe that hard and got that many blisters," she whispered.
      "Wow...all that was hidden behind the eyes of you and I never knew it," Lance sighed.
      "Everything is hidden in someone's eyes...everything," She mumbled.  
      "I can see in your eyes that Joey is driving you wild," He slyly queried.  
      "Ahem...Not that is any of your business but I am going to tell you that our relationship is purely friendly except for the sexual tension," She giggled.
      "Sexual tension, eh?" Lance chuckled.  Brittany threw Joey's sweatshirt at Lance.
      "Smell this," she said staring back at the TV.
      "Smells like Joey," he laughed.
      "'s orgasmic is what it is!  I smell that and get high...and that scares me because he's just SO damn sexy and I do NOT want a relationship with him...or anyone," Brittany said grabbing the sweatshirt back.  
       "Well, I never thought of Joey as orgasmic, but I understand about not wanting to be in a relationship with him.  Just take it slow and fate will lead the way" Lance chuckled.
      "How do you know all of this," Brittany asked.
      "I'm just that special," he laughed as he hugged her on his way out.
      "Sweet dreams Princess Ballerina," he said with his deep bass voice.
      "Goodnight solver of all my problems," she called.  

      A knock on the door woke Brittany from her half sleep.  She warily walked to the door.  
      "Delivery!" Chris said holding a sleeping Julia in his arms.
      "Oh daddy!  It's just what I always wanted!" Brittany exclaimed.
      "Shut up you traitor!  You left us all at 3!" he cried.  Brittany glanced at the clock which read 4:30.
      "Get her shoes off and take her hair down, I'll clean her face," Brittany said making her way to the bathroom.  She came back with a Pond's face pad and gently wiped the makeup off of Julia's face.  Chris and Brittany tucked Julia in and she grumbled slightly as she rolled over.
      "Well, I need some shut eye!  Tomorrow is a free day for us, so enjoy it," Chris yawned," Oh and by the way, Joey needs aspirin medicine woman?"
      "Ha...sure he does," she said pocketing her key and grabbing a bottle of aspirin as she walked to Joey's room. She knocked loudly on the door and he opened it quickly.
      "Headache," he murmured as he grabbed the bottle.
      "Wow, Chris wasn't kidding!" Brittany replied as she massaged Joey's shoulders softly while he downed the pills.  Joey mumbled and dragged Brittany to his bed.  
      "Can give you a massage?" he whined.
      "Fine...but only one..." She said grabbing a bottle of coconut lotion from the bathroom.  
      "Ooh!  A lotion one! I'm excited!" he said as his eyes became larger.  
      "Shut up and take off your shirt dork," she sighed as she sat on his thighs.  He threw his shirt off the bed and his scent wafted towards Brittany.  She smiled softly, sat on his behind and started to massage his shoulders.
      "Damn you are heavy," he chuckled.
      "Shut up or I'll hurt you.  I'm 105 pounds, want me to go bulimic on you mister?" She giggled.
      "No...I don't dig those bingeing and purging girls," he laughed.  He grumbled softly as she massaged between his shoulder blades and worked her way down his spine.
      "How did you get so good at this?" he asked softly.
      "I was born with it.  I used to be the resident massager in my house. With three sisters and my parents my fingers were always cramping," she laughed. She finished up and turned Joey over and kissed his nose.
      "All done," she said curling up into his arms.  
      "My headache is gone.  It's amazing what you can do!" he laughed rubbing her arms softly.  
      "I work miracles," she whispered breathing in a sigh of his manly scent.
      "What are you doing tomorrow?" Joey yawned as he brushed his fingers through her curls.  
      "Shopping with J.  I got my first check from Wade the other its time for a shopping spree!" she smiled.  Joey chuckled softly and turned her to face him.  
      "I'm sorry about that night at the club," he said meeting her eyes.
      "Oh please...not this conversation again.  It's fine.  He was a down right scum bag and I honestly don't care because I know it's not my fault he did that.  No reason to worry," she said kissing him on the cheek.
      "All right.  I just wanted to make sure that you weren't mad at me or anything," he sighed.
      "Mad?  How could I be mad at this face!" She said squeezing his cheeks.  Joey giggled and pulled her closer.
      "Sleep with me tonight?" he asked.
      " long as I get up early.  I've got some shopping to do tomorrow."

      Brittany awoke to the knocking on the door.  She slipped out of Joey's arms carefully without waking him.  She opened the door a crack to see Justin staring angrily.
      "You were supposed to be ready a HALF HOUR AGO!" he yelled pointing at his watch.  
      "I'm sorry! Get Joey up and I'll be ready in five minutes!," she squeaked as she ran back to her room.  She slipped on a pair of jeans and her favorite white spaghetti strap tank.  It was button down and buttoned with one button at the center of her cleavage.  It was the most comfortable shirt even though it was quite revealing.  She grabbed her purse, bandanna, makeup bag and brush and made her way to Joey's room.  Justin was jumping on the bed when she walked in and Joey was not budging.  She huffed towards the bed and braided her hair into two tails.  She slipped her white rhinestone bandanna over her head and walked over to Joey.  Justin stopped jumping as she came closer to his face.
      "Get up luv," she whispered brushing his brown locks off his forehead.  His eyes opened automatically and he smiled.
      "Where are you going?" He asked warily.
      "Shopping with J.  We probably won't be back for a while.  When I get back the girls and I are going to lay out so enjoy sleeping OK?" She asked quietly.
      "Mmmhmm, k," he said kissing her nose.  He rolled over quietly and sprawled himself on the bed.
      "You are a miracle worker," Justin gasped taking her hand and walking out the door.  

      "Do you like this pair?" Brittany asked coming out of the dressing room. The pants were tight low cut and had paint splatters down the side.
      "Get em before I find em in my size," Justin said excitedly.  3 hours, 40 stores and 20 shopping bags later, Brittany and Justin returned to the hotel excitedly.  
      "Where were you two without security," Randy asked stopping them in their tracks.  
      "Maybe if you took your head out of your ass you would realize what these bags are," Brittany said rudely.  
      "You can be replaced," Randy sneered.
      "No, she can' can though," Justin said pushing through him.  
      "We'll see about that," Randy mumbled as he walked away defeated.

      "So the shopping princess decided to join us?" Joey asked.
      "Shut up...I'm a shopping prince," Justin said hopping onto a lounge chair.  Joey sat happily eating a gigantic piece of watermelon.  Alexis, Holly, Imogene and Julia sat patiently in the sun listening to the radio.  Lance was in the studio with Meridith, Chris was doing some FuMan summer tour and JC was in the studio making finishing touches on the album.  
      "This would be so much better if it was at the beach," Brittany said tipping her teal sunglasses down.  
      "Brittany is gracing our presence J-Lo style," Justin chuckled as she sat on a lounge chair next to Julia.  Her sunglasses were dripped and had a small rhinestone star in the corner.  She was wearing her yellow string bikini which she had bought that day.  
      "Tell me you paid over 90 bucks for that," Julia gagged.
      "Nope...89.95!"  Justin helped me pick it out," she smiled.  Joey mouthed the words thank you to Justin and he let out a laugh.  
      "Joey you are eating that watermelon wrong," she sighed.
      "How is wrong?" he laughed.
      "NO ONE eats watermelon with a spoon doofus!  You eat it like this!" she said taking the watermelon in her hands and digging her face into it.  The juice dripped down her chin and left a trail down to her bellybutton.  Joey licked his lips.
      "Was that supposed to be sexual?" she asked giggling.
      "No, this is though," he said seductively.  He pushed her back on the lounge chair and licked the juice off the trail.
      "STOP THAT TICKLES!" She laughed. He dragged his tongue from his belly button up to her chin.  He stopped right before his tongue touched her bottom lip.  Brittany practically shivered with lust and managed to open her eyes.
      "You are an evil, evil person," she squeaked.  Joey just smiled and laid back in his chair.  Justin stood wide eyed at the spectacle that happened and stared at Julia who's lips were pursed to hold in her laughter.  Something was definitely going on though neither of them knew it.

      Brittany opened her eyes to see the stars.  She looked around and realized she was the only one left on the roof.  She remembered falling asleep around sun set.  She slipped on her shorts and flip flops and started to make her way downstairs when the door opened.
      "Joey?" she asked looking far in the distance.
      "Hey you woke up?  No one wanted to wake you up.  I just ran to the bathroom...Did you have a nice nap?" He breathed.
      "Wow...lets see..Yes and Yes," she smiled as he took her hand and pulled her close to him.  
      "Did I make you uncomfortable today?  I'm sorry," he said as he rocked her back and forth to a soundless musical beat.
      "It's fine...I know I looked hot in this suit," she giggled pressing her head against his chest.  Joey chuckled and pulled her closer.  He loved the way her body fit into his so perfectly, the way she smiled, the way her hair danced in the wind.  He loved her that was for sure...but he wasn't in love with her.  That takes time.  He loved her personality and her inner and outer beauty.  He loved everything about her...but he wasn't in love.  
      "If I was in love, I wouldn't be able to resist her at any moment.  I wouldn't be able to stop myself from thinking about her," He thought to himself.  Brittany breathed in his heavenly manly scent.  She felt so safe around him and in his arms.  When he was around her everything else didn't matter and he concentrated on her and nothing else.  Making her feel special was something she craved and he fed her.  She used to feel the same way about Scott.  That is what scared her the most, is that any moment Joey could turn to the person Scott used to be.  She ignored him at the moment and let herself indulge in his rocking.
      "Love and In love are two totally different things.  I've gotten them confused so many times and I know that I just love him for the person he is.  I'm not in love with him," Her mind thought.  Finally Joey broke the silence.  
      "Let's go get ice cream," he said taking her hand.  She slipped on a light yellow Henley which was one of her favorite shirts.  It was a very light shirt which protected her from bites yet let her feel the breeze still.  It was quite late so Joey just put a bandanna over his hair.  They jumped the fence so security wouldn't be with them and they ran to a quiet street where there were old small shops lined up.  They walked into a small ice cream parlor decorated in a 50's motif.  Brittany chose a mint chocolate chip and Joey chose a plain chocolate cone.  A single lamp post shone on the corner of the street.  Two hanging flower baskets were in full bloom against it and a mail box was present next to it.  Joey hopped Brittany onto the mail box and he leaned against the lamp post.  
      "Are you excited about your parents coming?" He asked licking up his cone.  
      "Yeah, they haven't seen me in a while and I haven't seen my sisters.  To be honest my 26 year old sister loves you guys so she already had tickets for the show.  She's going in the VIP box instead though," she giggled.
      "Yeah, my parents will be there too.  I think Chris's parents and friends are coming tomorrow night.  So it will be just New Yorkers," he chuckled.  Brittany smiled as she finished up her cone.  She hopped down and Joey threw his napkin in the mail box.  
      "I think I've got ice cream all over my face," Brittany giggled.  She leaned back into the lamppost and Joey wrapped his arms around her waist.  He looked straight into her eyes and smiled.
      "I'll help you with that," he replied as he lowered his lips onto hers.  Brittany's heart jumped and her whole body jolted.  Joey arms pulled her closer and closer.  Her hands roamed up to his silky hair where she intertwined her fingers.  Joey traced his tongue around her lips and entered her mouth.  She gently kissed back and lightly sucked on his bottom lip.  He moaned softly and pressed her back against the lamp pole.  She pulled back slowly and gently grazed his lips.  A smile creeped across his mouth and he opened his eyes.  
      "Thanks for getting that off for me," She shivered as she took his hand and led him back to the hotel.

Chapter 12
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