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Chapter 12

**Warning: This chapter gets a little hot.. R rated material!**

      They walked back to the hotel in silence.  The smile still wasn't wiped off Joey's lips as they entered the hotel.  He stopped at Brittany's door and looked her into the eyes.  She looked away shyly and smiled.  
      "Don't tell me things are gonna be weird now," she said wrapping her arms around Joey's neck.
      "I hope not.  The time was just perfect, I just had to kiss you," he said with a grin.  
      "Yeah...well I have to get to bed, it's pretty late.  And I have...well I have nothing to do but you have lots of press tomorrow, I'm sure and yeah..." she stuttered.
      "Brittany...shut up," he said kissing her lips firmly.  His lips lingered centimeters away from hers for about 10 seconds and finally she turned the doorknob and pulled away from his face.  
      "Night Joey," she said cutely.
      "Night baby," he said walking away from the room.  He started to dance back to his room happily and knocked on Lance's door. Lance opened the door sleepily and was surprised to see Joey there.
      "What do you want?" he asked aggravated.  
      "Just some quality time with you my friend!" he said happily as he jumped onto Lance's bed.
      "You kissed her didn't you?" he asked taking a sip of water.
      "How did you know?" he asked.
      "I'm just that smart," he laughed,"So is she acting weird or anything...I told you to wait."
      "Yeah...a little.  I hope that clears up though.  She was an amazing kisser and I love her to death...and I'm just so happy right now!" he laughed.  Lance stared at him oddly and started to push him out of the room.
      "I don't like when you are scares go to bed and wake up in the morning and just act like nothing happened," he said closing the door.

      Brittany closed the door and leaned against it.  A look of shock and happiness were mixed across her face.
      "God you look like somebody kissed you!" Julia laughed. Chris gasped and pointed.
      "He kissed you...didn't he?" He asked excitedly.
      "That was the best and worst thing that ever happened to me," she sighed falling onto her bed.
      "Why worst?" Julia asked annoyed.
      "I don't WANT to be liked or loved or Joey. I just want to be FRIENDS...that's it...and it's driving me crazy," she mumbled.
      "Wait... the one who told Lance that Joey was orgasmic is now saying she wants nothing to do with him?" Chris asked confused.
      "How the hell did you know about that?" She asked angrily.
      "Oh shit...sorry Lance," he said making a quick sign of the cross against his chest.  
      "He'll need help after I get to him," she said her teeth grinding.
      "I still don't get it," Julia sighed.  
      "OK OK...listen.  I admit it.  I want Joey SO bad and I want someone to love me and hold me and ugh...but first of all Joey has a child and guess what...I'm not the best mother at 20 years old, 2nd Joey is really confused right now and I don't think that him kissing me made it any better and 3rd...I don't want to be hurt again," she huffed rolling over onto her stomach.  
      "Why don't you just blurt that out to Joey?" Chris asked jumping over to her bed and rubbing her shoulders.
      "That's like saying why don't you tell Julia that you want to fuck her," Brittany sneered.
      "HEY!  I do not!" he chuckled.  Julia shot him a look of disbelief,"I do?  Oh shit guys stop blaming everything on ME!"  Julia and Brittany giggled quietly and Chris stood embarrassed.  
      "I'm going to wash my face," Brittany sighed picking up a tanktop and shorts. She disappeared into the bathroom and emerged with her Pj's on and toothbrush in her hand.
      "Excuse my while I shove this up Lance's ass," she said exiting the room.  She made her way over to Lance's room to see Joey being pushed out of the room.  
      "NO MORE!" Lance said trying to push Brittany aside.
      "No way...This toothbrush has things to do with you," she said angrily.  Lance looked confused at her and Joey stood longingly.
       "Lance...we have some business to take care of," she sighed tapping the toothbrush in her palm slowly.  Lance's eyes bulged and he slowly moved backwards towards the bed as she came closer to him.

**Don't skim this LONG paragraph it's pretty important!**

      It had been a few days since the kiss.  Things remained normal between them and they hadn't brought up the kiss once.  It was the night before she saw her parents at the first show at Giants stadium.  She was excited yet nervous and thought about that last week. Brittany curled under her covers and shivered.  Julia had gone to sleep in Chris's room so she was finally alone.  She lied on her back and let out a huge sigh.  She smiled at the romantic kiss she had shared with Joey.  It was like a movie scene.  He kissed her so gently and lovingly under the dim lighting of the lamp post.  It was a scene that kept playing in her head and she couldn't deny that she loved every minute of it.  Even though Joey had said he was ready for commitment, once the tour was over, Brittany would be back in school for a year and there would no time for her to do the European tour.  Julia would probably stay on tour with the guys since she had no job to go back to.  A tear rolled down Brittany's cheek slowly. There was no possible way that the relationship could work.  As much as she wanted to have Joey love would be for a short time and she didn't want just a small summer fling.  If she was going to get back into the game, it would be serious.  A thunderous clap interrupted her thoughts and she rolled over so she could see the flash of the lightning.  She smiled remembering the days when she used to lay on the front lawn and get rained on as she watched the lightning flash across the sky.  She opened the door slightly in case Julia came back and stepped out onto the balcony overlooking the pool.  She lied down on a lounge chair that was supplied on the balcony and let the rain fall onto her body.  The drops rolled off her bare stomach into her belly button and smiled remembering the watermelon incident.  Her head became soaked quickly and her clothes were drenched.  Amidst the gloomy weather her mood had changed and she had forgotten everything she was thinking of.  Lightning flashed across the sky and she heard Joey scream her name from the front of the room.
      "BRITTANY!  What are you doing?" he asked running to her side.  
      "You've never lied out in the rain before?" she asked stretching her body out.
      " get inside," he said trying to pick her up.
      "Stay out here with me!" she exclaimed pulling him down onto the lounge with her.
      "We are surrounded my metal poles!" he said nervously as he curled up next to her.  She opened her hand to reveal a small rubber ball.
      "Every time I go out, I always hold it...just incase," she giggled.  He rested his head on her shoulder and sighed.  He hadn't been with her the whole week and the image she was giving off was irresistible.  Her whole body was soaked with a tanktop you could clearly see through, her hair was scattered across her face, and he hadn't said or done anything sexual for the last few days since Lance told him to back off for a while.  He brushed the wet strands of hair behind her ears. He'd done that so many times, but today it felt so much different.  Brittany turned her head to face Joey.  His back was arched as he tried balancing himself on the chair.  His wife beater was soaked through and his boxers clung to his hips.  He had his superman gold chain hanging around his neck and his hair was matted to his head.  She took her fingers and brushed his hair up to spikes and smiled.  Another bolt of lighting danced and a thunderous clap was heard right after.  Brittany went to turn her body over when the water made her slip into Joey's legs.  Her eyes looked up to see Joey's staring straight back as she straddled his hips.  His eyes looked hungrily at her and he grabbed her waist pulling her in for a kiss.  His lips devoured hers and he pulled her closer.  Brittany's hips grinded against his and she was forced to feel the swelling lump.  She became excited as it brushed past her hip and her kisses became more desperate.  Another clap of thunder broke up the kiss and she stared up to see a bolt of lighting dance downward in the clouds.
      "The storm is close...let's go inside," she said pulling his hand.  He closed the sliding glass door and shut the blinds. He looked at her as she leaned against the wall waiting.  He smiled seductively and started to kiss her as he pushed her up against the wall.  She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist.  She shivered as his kisses moved up from her neck to her lips.  She pulled her arms around his neck and started to pull of his beater.
      "Oh my God," Chris said stopping in his tracks.  Brittany dropped from Joey's waist and hid her face in her hands.  
      "You guys are wet...and making out on the guys don't want eachother...I just came in here for a different bra for Julia...she told me to ask you," Chris said pointing towards Brittany.
      "Here," she said throwing him a sports bra.
      "Thanks...oh and you can continue," Chris chuckled as she shut the door.  Brittany chuckled and looked at Joey who was sitting on the bed with a face of shock.  She kissed his cheek gently and laughed.
      "Go get changed and meet me back in here," she said pushing him out the door.  Joey ran to Chris's room hoping to walk in on Julia and him.  
      "Ah HA!" he said pointing to Julia and Chris.  They were eating popcorn and watching a movie.
      "Sorry...we don't make out on walls...unlike others we know," Julia laughed.
      "SHIT!" Joey screamed walking out of the room and going to get dressed.  He came back and Brittany was already cuddled under the covers.  He jumped in and wrapped his arms around her.
      "Guess what," he said lightly kissing her ear.
      "What?" She smiled.
      "I'll never look at thunderstorms the same way," he chuckled.

      "Get have to meet your parents outside...NOW!" Julia screamed as she shook Brittany's shoulders.  
      "Another thing...Joey go through the conjoining doors to Lance's room because if they came in here seeing you in bed with Brittany with no shirt on...they would whip your ass," she said pushing Joey into Lance's room.
      "She's right...go take a shower and get dressed and then you come back in the hall," Brittany said smacking his back.  Brittany opened the door to see her family's smiling faces.
      "Hey guys," she yawned as she went down the line hugging everyone. The family asked their questions and Joey came running down the hall.
      "Oh...this is Joey," she said introducing the family.
      "Joey this is my Mom, My sister Jessica, My sister Danielle, another sister Courtney, and my little sister Jade," she explained.  Joey shook hands and kneeled down to shake hands with Jade.
      "You're in Nsync?" she asked her eyes widening.
      "Yep," he replied smiling.
      "Cool!" she giggled giving him a hug.  He picked her up and rest her on his hip.  
      "So Joey? Your parents are from Brooklyn?" her mother asked politely.
      "Yep...they are coming to the show tonight.  They should be in the sky box with you," he added.  Jade lied her head on Joey's shoulder.  He kissed her forehead and she snuggled closer.  
      "Well, we're going to get some lunch and we'll meet you at the venue around 6ish," Jessica said rushing them out of the hall.
      "Bye guys," Brittany waved. She rushed inside and took a quick shower.  She slipped on her favorite sparkling jeans and a Paul Frank tee shirt.  She put a rhinestone doo rag on, powdered her face and opened the door to see Joey.
      "Are you trying to scare the shit outta me?" she asked grabbing her heart.  She grabbed her small nine west bag and took Joey's hand.  
      "I'm going to shoot something for the website with the guys.  We've got some interview for Rolling Stone today so I'll meet you at the stadium around five OK?" he asked squeezing her tightly.  She nodded into his shoulder and he turned and gave a wave good-bye.  
      "I've gotta go catch up with my family downstairs," Brittany sighed waving good-bye to Julia.  She ran down to the hotel restaurant to see her family sitting peacefully drinking some coffee and OJ.
      "Hey guys," she said plopping down in the chair,"Did you order yet?"
      "Not yet..." Jade smiled scooting closer to her sister.
      "I've missed ya baby," She said kissing her head.  
      "Do you dance with Joey?" Jade asked her eyes filled with hope.
      "No...I dance with Justin, but Joey is my best friend so you'll see him around a lot," she smiled.  
      "So has the tour been hectic?" Jeff asked.  Jeff was Brittany's brother in law who had just walked in.  Her oldest sister, Jessica was his wife.  
      "Very...we're constantly practicing but the guy have it worse than us.  But we do a show and then we have a day off...that's how it works so we don't get too stressed," Brittany said taking a sip of water.  The lunch went calmly and Brittany ended up going back upstairs around 3:00.  She walked past Julia who was talking calmly with Randy.  She hid around the corner and tried to listen to what he was saying to her.
      "Listen Jules...I'm sick of this...why don't we just make up," he said calmly brushing her face.
      "Because you abused me...I've still got the scars from the burns...there is no way I am forgiving you for that," she sobbed.  He looked into her eyes lovingly and smiled.
      "But I've changed...and I took this job because I wanted to be closer to you," he said with ease.
      "Really?...Ok I'll give you one more chance...but that is it," she said wrapping her arms around him.  He smiled softly and kissed her on the cheek.  He walked the other way and Julia skipped to her room. Brittany held her heart and put her back against the wall.  
      "I've gotta tell Chris," she whispered.  She ran to his door and knocked furiously.  He opened seeing her tear stained face and pulled her close.
      "Woah...what the hell happened?" he asked cradling her.
      "Randy...Julia is giving him another chance.." she choked.
      "What?  Why!" he yelled.
      "I just saw them in the hall..and she said I'll give you another chance," she shivered.
      "We'll see about that," he said attempting to walk out of the room.
      "NO...don't, she doesn't know I was eavesdropping," she gasped wiping her tears off.
      "I'll tell her I was...I can't see her get abused by that jock again," he said leaving the room.

      Brittany sat with Julia in the car.  She wasn't talking with Chris because she was under the impression that he was trying to tell her what to do.  Chris was driving angrily to the venue by his motorcycle and Justin was driving the two girls to the stadium.  When they got there the silence was deafening and they stepped backstage.
      "Chris was only trying to help," Brittany finally squeaked.
      "Listen...I don't want to get mad at you too.  Just stay out of it," she said pushing her way past her.
      "What's wrong with her?" Joey asked putting his hand on Brittany's shoulder.  
      "She's mad at Chris for trying to help," she sighed.
      "Don't you just hate that?" Joey asked.  Brittany smiled and punched him on the shoulder.
      "My parents are coming in an hour," she sighed not knowing what else to say.
      "Mine too...Wanna do something in the mean time?" he said excitedly.
      "Ha ha... I wonder what that would be," she laughed sitting down on a crate backstage.  
      "Well, it would be time well spent," he said sitting down next to her.  Brittany smiled and leaned in to kiss him.  
      "JOEY!" Lance yelled throughout the venue.  Their lips hovered in front of eachothers.  They both looked down as Lance came pounding through the hall.
      "You're needed in hair and make-up," he said sending him off.  
      "There goes the time well spent," Brittany mumbled.  Joey smiled and gave her a peck on the lips.
      "I'll be back for you miss," he chuckled leaving her side.  Before she melted Lance waved his hand in front of her face.  
      "You're gone girl," he laughed dragging her arm to the dressing room.
      "Am NOT!" she complained making him let go of her.
      "Besides...I heard about that making out on the wall," he said closing the door behind them.
      "Geeze...does everyone tell everyone everything here?" she laughed.  
      "Please...we're brothers!" he exclaimed."So tell me...Could this be love?"
      "I wish it wasn't," Brittany said lying down on the couch.
      "So then it is," he questioned.
      "I didn't say it was," she said slyly."Listen...Joey is a great guy...but it could never ever work between us.  After this tour I've gotta go back and finish school.  I didn't tell everyone I'm not coming on the European tour with you guys.  After that, you guys will probably take a break, but that's three month without him and he has a child and I'm not ready for any of that," she said rolling over.
      "I completely understand that...but all you need is love right?" he asked.
      "I wish it was that simple.  Unless Joey called me everyday from Europe...I don't think that would work," she sighed.
      "I need something permanent...I'm sick of flings," she said sitting up and grabbing her outfit.
      "All right...well now that I squeezed that out of you, I'll let you change," he chuckled.
      "Just reconsider Joey.  Thing seem to be going well for don't ruin it now," he said exiting.  She let out a loud sigh and slipped into her first outfit.  She threw her hair into a messy bun on top of her head and curled up into a ball on the white leather couch that was supplied in the room.  She slowly drifted off with the words of Lance in mind, "Thing seem to be going well for don't ruin it now."

Wake up...Britt..come on," Joey whispered shaking Brittany's shoulder. She gasped and sat up.
      "Wow, I didn't mean to startle you," he said rubbing her back.  She chuckled and gave him a hug.  
      "No, I just was surprised that someone was actually waking me up!" She yawned.  
      "Well, remember that time slot that needed to be filled?" Joey asked pushing her back onto the couch.
      "Umm...Joey our parents are going to be here in 15 minutes," she said nervously,"With our timing, they'll be early and walk in on us."
      "Well I was just thinking of playing some video I don't think they would mind," he laughed.  She punched him softly in the arm and let him rest on top of her.  
      "You're suffocating me," she laughed trying to push up his chest.  He laughed and propped his elbow up behind her.  
      "There are better ways to do that," he smiled seductively.  He leaned into her lips and knock came from the door.
      "Brittany?  Are you in here?" Julia asked knocking.  Brittany sighed and pressed her finger up to Joey's lips.
      "I think God is trying to tell us something," she laughed pulling herself away. She answered the door to see Julia's tear stained face.
      "What happened honey?" she asked grabbing her into her arms.
      "It's Randy...he...he," She stuttered.
      "I knew he would do something like this...Julia, Chris and I warned you about him," she said looking sternly into her eyes.
      "I know... I'm so sorry...I should have known better...I need," she sobbed.  Brittany took her hand and led her out the door.  She held up her finger to Joey, meaning she'll be back in a second and led her to the makeup room.  Chris was giggling with Justin and JC when he saw Julia wiping off her tears.  He immediately ran over to her with worry in his eyes.
      "What did he do to you?" he said grabbing her in his arms.  She broke down again and Brittany waved good-bye.  She started to make her way back to the room and walked in to see Joey waiting patiently on the couch.
      "She'll be fine," she said sitting down next to him.  
      "I need to kiss you," he sighed putting his hand on her knee.
      "After that episode...I think we better wait," she said kissing him on the cheek.  He turned to look at her and leaned in towards her lips.
      "Joseph?  Are you in there?" He heard his mother call.
      "Holy fuck...this is ridiculous," he sighed getting up to answer the door.  Brittany walked over to the vanity to start to brush her hair to look presentable.
      "Hey Mom...Dad...Janine...Steve," he said going down the line.  Brittany turned around slowly to greet the family.
      "This is my friend Brittany...she's one of our dancers," he said proudly as she got up to introduce herself.  
      "Nice to meet you," Brittany said flashing a smile and greeting them with a handshake.
      "Are you from New York?" Joey's mother asked excitedly.
      "Long Island," she said shyly.  
      " Italian, New Yorker dancing with Joey...what are the odds!" she laughed happily.  Brittany chuckled softly and continued to introduce herself.  Brittany's family seemed to find their way to the dressing room as well, where a New York fest occurred.  Brittany and Joey finally pushed them to their VIP box where they realized the food was.  Brittany closed the door behind them and Joey forced his body onto hers.
      "I'm dying here," he chuckled pushing the stray pieces of hair off her face.  Another knock interrupted their longing stares and Joey practically fell on the floor.  
      "Brittany, you need to get hair and makeup done and and greet is waiting for you," Imogene said grabbing both of their hands separately.
      "Oh...and there better be no dents in the walls or anything," Imogene giggled tossing Joey down a separate hall.
      "That is going to live in infamy isn't it," Brittany sighed covering her eyes with her hand.
      "Yes, it will," Imogene laughed shoving her into the hair and makeup chair.

      "So tomorrow at 6:00?" Joey's dad asked shaking hands with Brittany's Mom.
      "Right...see ay then!" she said waving good-bye.  
      "Honey, we're having a family barbecue tomorrow and we invited the Fatones.  Why don't you bring Joey and Julia along tomorrow...or anyone and join us," she said hugging her softly.
      "Sure Mom...I'll be there with Julia, but I'll have to run the schedule by the guys," she smiled.
      "Oh, we're off for the next two days!" Joey said happily,"I'll be there Mrs. James!"
      "Wonderful Joey!" She said grabbing him for a hug.  Brittany hid her laughter and Jade pulled her down to her knees.
      "Can Joey help me swim tomorrow?" She asked excitedly.
      "I sure can," Joey said kissing Jade's cheek!
      "Whoopee!" She giggled hugging him tightly.  
      "We'll bring Brianna along tomorrow," Mrs. Fatone said hugging her son tightly.
      "I can't wait to see her.  I miss her so much," he sighed waving good-bye to his parents.  
      "Bye guys," Steve called waving away.  Since Steve was the MC for the shows from now on, he was staying in his own hotel room.  After the family was away Brittany went into her room to change into her pajamas.
      "Are you sure you're OK coming to the barbecue tomorrow?" Brittany asked politely.
      "I wouldn't miss it for the world...I can't wait to meet everyone," Joey said kissing Brittany's forehead.  
      "Hey...we've got some spare time now," Joey said seductively lying Brittany back onto the bed.  
      "Finally some peace and quiet," She said as Joey lowered his lips towards Brittany's.  The phone rang before he could touch them and Brittany screamed.
      "WHAT!" Brittany screamed into the phone.  
      "Just making sure you guys weren't making out or anything," Steve said hanging up the phone.
      "You're brother knows about the wall incident," Brittany sighed.
      "Good," Joey said shutting the light out.

Chapter 13
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