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Chapter 13

Brittany slipped on a red checkered sun dress and perched her sunglasses atop her head.
"Ready to go?" Brittany asked Joey slipping her arm in his.
"Let's go," he said kissing her on the cheek and walking her out of the room. Julia was comming later on that night along with Chris and possibly Lance. JC was out with his girlfriend all day and Justin was doing a taping for the Wayne Brady show but said he may make a cameo later on. Brittany drove the silver PT cruiser onto the Long Island expressway and finally made it to Smithtown. She pulled down her street and parked in her resident spot in front of the mailbox. Joey looked at the house and smiled.
"This is the cutest house ever!" he laughed. The grass was always the perfect shade of green and the flowers were always in bloom.
"We might as well go around back," Brittany said taking Joey's hand," Oh and we only have to stay until Julia and Chris get here...Cuz my family might drive you crazy and..." Joey pressed his finger against her lips.
"Stop worrying...I'll be fine," he said opening the white picket fence. They stepped around to the deck where Brittany's mother was watering her hanging flower baskets.
"Thanks for comming early...You know I need help with the food," She said giving them each a hug.
"'re parents called and said they would be here in two hours or so," she smiled. The oven beeped and Brittany took Joey inside to go fetch whatever was in there. She took out a plate of baked ziti and started to show Joey the rest of the house. They walked down a long corridor and knocked on an Nsync covered door.
"Tell me this was your room," Joey laughed.
"Hey I never said I wasn't a fan of you guys," she giggled. Jade opened the door and smiled.
"JOEY!" she giggled jumping into his arms.
"Nice to see you too sprout!" Brittany said putting her hands on her hips.
"Sorry Britt...I love you too," she said giving her a kiss.
"Let's go swimming!" Jade said taking Joey's hand.
"Let's wait until everyone gets here...okay babe?" he asked picking her up.
"K," she giggled as he put her onto his shoulders. He entered the room to see some random beatles posters hanging around.
"Now I see how this was your room," He chuckled.
"Yep...but once I left, Jade wanted the pretty pink room," she laughed. After an hour or two guests started to arrive. The Fatone's arrived with Brianna and she squealed for joy at the sight of Joey. Joey held her the whole day knowing it was his only day with her. Finally Julia, Chris and Lance showed up and they stayed around for a little bit and then decided it was time to head back. The three hour drive was long and tedious but they finally made it back, safe and sound.
"I told you I would survive," Joey said stepping into the hotel.
"I don't family is pretty nosey. I only have a few aunts and uncles but they like to talk....alot," she laughed. Joey smiled and held Brittany in his arms.
"Promise'll never leave me," he whispered.
"Umm...I can't," she said pulling away.
"What do you mean?" Joey asked as his heart dropped.
"Well, I only told Lance...but...I'm not going on the Euro tour with you guys," she said dropping her head.
"I've got my last year of school to finish and...well...I mean if this doesn't work dancing career I mean...then I have my fashion apparel degree to work on and I can become a free lance designer," she said lowering her eyes.
"I guess I understand that. But now I have to find a new dancer...and...well I'm going to miss you tremendously," he said grabbing her for another hug.
"I'll miss you too...and thats why I didn't want to get involved...because you'll be in Europe and I'll be here at school...and,"
"Nothing can keep me from ocean...or continent...nothing," he said holding her close. Brittany smiled and cuddled closer. She felt so safe and loved in his arms. But how was she supposed to know that what he said was true.
"Not to make this moment go bad...but shouldn't Kelly be back by now?" Brittany asked quietly.
"She should have been back a week ago. She told me if their was an emergency to call. I think I'll give her a call tommorow," he said laying back on the bed.
"Alright...but...what happens if she doesn't come back," Brittany whispered.
"Come on one is that heartless...not even Kelly," he laughed.
"I guess you're right," she said snuggling into his arm.

"WHAT?" Joey screamed at the phone. Brittany awoke with a startle.
"What do you MEAN you're not comming home?" Joey asked with his anger rising. Brittany rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and sat up in bed.
"I called my lawyer for the custody papers. I'm sorry Joey, but my boss made me an offer I can't refuse," Kelly said calmly.
"Alright alright...get thoes papers to my lawyer in a week or I'm going to court," Joey said slamming the phone down.
"What was that about?" Brittany asked rubbing his back. A smile lifted on his lips.
"I get Brianna...I get her all to myself... I get to have her BACK!" He screamed happily. He picked Brittany up by the waist and hoisted her over his shoulder.
"I'm getting my baby..." he chanted happily. He set Brittany down gently and hugged her. Brittany smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
" I'm taking a shower," she giggled.

The following weeks had gone well. Julia's parents had visited along with JC and Chris's. Brianna stayed with Joey's parents and everytime they were near he would visit. The group had become tighter than before and Joey spent every night possible with Brittany. Though she still didn't admit to loving Joey, she admitted to feeling safe in his arms and loving to be around him. They hadn't kissed since that time that the thunderstorm and Brittany couldn't deny that she wanted to kiss him. Everytime he wrapped his arms around her in bed, everytime she smelt his cologne mixed with his scent she wanted to kiss him so badly. But Brittany wasn't one of the girls who liked the make the first move. So she waited patiently until the moment would sweep her up again.
Joey on the other hand was also enjoying his time with Britany. He loved the way she fit into his body while they slept, the way she smiled with such passion and the way she whispered sweet nothings to him every time she knew she wouldn't see him for more than an hour. And he found himself falling for her more and more each day.

7/24 Passadena, CA
After Concert party on the boardwalk

"Who wants mudslides?" Chris asked hopping his butt behind the small wet bar. A few hands shot up and Chris laughed.
"Man...I know i've got another job in line for me," he chuckled to himself. Julia grinned as Chris passed her a drink. She brought two over to Joey and Brittany where they were sitting.
"Don't get too drunk," Julia laughed handing Brittany the drink. She stuck her tounge out at her as she walked away. After finishing up their drinks, Brittany decided she wanted to take a walk. She grabbed Joey's hand and walked to the edge of the water. She dipped her toes into the cool liquid and sighed. She let the waves crash onto her feet and let the sand bury her ankles. Joey stood beside her and had his feet engulfed as well.
"I used to do this at the beach when I was little," Brittany said sitting down on the cool sand.
"I used to get sucked under by Sunken Meadow," Joey laughed lacing his fingers into Brittany's.
"Me too. Sunken Meadow was always my favorite beach on the island. I used to go every day in the summer to surf," she said letting her had fall onto Joey's shoulder.
"My lawyer go the custody papers today...I've got Bri back," Joey sighed putting his arm around Brittany.
"Where is she going to stay while you're in England...with your parents?" Brittany asked quietly.
"Well actually...that is where you come in," He said his voice lifting.
"Excuse me?" she said turning to see his face.
"Well...My parents are going on vacation and no one is going to be there to take care of Brianna while I'm in Europe. I ask you because I know good you are with kids and how loving you are...and when I get back from the tour, I can take her back because we'll be going into the studio and messing with tracks," he said with hope dripping from his lips.
"Joseph...I...I have to go to school...I can't have a baby! I mean...between classes and working at BDC, I'll have no time to even take care of her," she complained.
"Well...You don't have to work at BCD...I'll send you a check every month...just take care of her Britt. I mean, when you are at classes you can get one of your friends to help...or get a nanny or something..."
"Joey...Let me think about it...I don't know. Not working at BDC would be a help...but school is something I take very seriously...I'll let you know," she sighed laying back.
"Thanks baby," he said giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Remember the first time we looked at the stars?" Joey asked.
"Yeah...that was the first night that I had actually had a talk with you...and you let everything out," she said smiling.
"I feel so much better since the days go on...and I spend more time with you...I feel better," he said rolling onto his side. Brittany tucked her knees to her chest and Joey threw his arms around her.
"I have to admit...since I've been with you...I've forgotten all of the bad guys I've known in the past," she sighed.
"Let's go swimming," Brittany said looking at the rough waters.
"What? Are you kidding?" Joey asked standing.
"Nope," she replied as she ripped off her long sleeved shirt. She had a tank top on underneath her long sleeved one and she was wearing jean shorts. She flipped off her sandals and dove into the cool water.
"It's nice...please come in?" Brittany asked patiently. Joey chuckled as he threw off his shirt and flip flops and came running into the water. Water droplets collected on Brittany's eyelashes and streamed down her body. Joey smiled as he wiped them off her cheeks. Brittany let Joey wrap his arms around her waist and she slipped her fingers through the back of his hair. Joey pressed his lips against Brittany's and slipped his tounge between hers. They're lips devoured eachothers as the kiss lingered on. Joey felt a rush through his body and he pulled back gasping for air.
"Wow," he said scratching the back of head shyly. Brittany smiled and pulled him closer by his belt loops.
"Well...when you put it that way--" Brittany cut off his words with a kiss. Joey moaned softly as she moved his hands up his back. The waves crashed onto their legs and they finally moved back to the sand. Brittany lied on his chest as the water nipped their toes as the tide grew higher.
"You don't know how long I've wanted to kiss you," he whispered in her ear. Brittany shivered and turned to bring her lips to his.
"HEY! Get back up here...we're leaving!" Justin called down to them. Brittany pulled her face away from Joey's and started to walk back up the dock.
"Yes," Brittany sighed.
"Yes what?" Joey asked pushing his hand into hers.
"I'll take care of Brianna for you," she mumbled.

Chris drank his 4th drink and stumbled into the car. As they got to the hotel he was stopped by Randy.
"Hey buddy," Randy said slinging an arm around his shoulder. Chris nodded and looked at him with question.
"I need you to sign this says some emplyees get less or more money," he said shoving a pen into Chris's hand. Chris signed drunkenly and stumbled away into his room. Randy smiled and skipped away.
"Now let's see who can get kicked off the tour," he chuckled evily.

Brittany snuggled closer to Joey's chest and smiled as the sun seeped through the window. Joey yawned and threw his arm around Brittany protectively. She slipped out of his grasp and took a quick shower. As she got out of the shower she heard a gentle knocking on her door. Julia appeared rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
"Dancers meeting in my room," she slurred pulling her across the hall. Brittany sat on the bed where the other four girls were falling asleep.
"Geeze, it's 8:00 arne't you guys up?" Brittany asked pushing Imogene over.
"NO!" They replied angrily in unison. Brittany shrugged as Randy walked into the room.
"Well...look what the cat dragged in," Julia sneered.
"I have a contract here signed by a wealthy executive saying that dancer's checks will be cut in half because of a sudden need for money on the stage as well as a few random other rules," he smiled.
"What other rules?" Holly asked sitting up.
"Oh...little things like, no sexual relations with other staff members...oops...Britt, guess you broke that rule, No staff members off the opposite sex are allowed in Nsync's rooms after 11:00, other shit like that," Randy chuckled.
"What the HELL? Who signed that?" Julia asked anger bubbling in her skin.
"Why? Did you break that no sex rule...I bet you did...Since you gave someone else some instead of me," he huffed walking out of the room.
"I'm gonna SHOOT him!" Julia screamed lunging for the door.
"Oh...There is some rule on here about hurting me...I'm sure," he cackled down the hall. Brittany walked out of the room and leaned against the wall next to her door. Joey came out and picked her gentle body off the floor.
"Whats the matter baby?" He asked giving her a kiss on the lips.
"What the hell?" Brittany asked whirling around to see a black coat disappear into a room.
"Shit," she screamed.
"What...whats the matter?" Joey asked grabbing her arm.
"They just signed some rule...No sexual relations shit or you're not allowed to sleep in my room anymore and my check got cut," she huffed.
"Woah woah...who the hell passed laws about THAT?" Joey asked.
"Randy didn't bother to tell us. But no more kissing for us...that's annoying," Brittany muttered.
"No one can control what I do like that! I'm going to talk to Johnny," Joey said angrily.

"What did he say?" Brittany asked eagerly as she waited in her room.
"The person who signed it refused to let the contract pass. Whoever the guy is who signed it, has more consent than It's out of his hands," Joey sighed.
"Well, I guess we can't do anything now then...No snuggling anymore," Brittany mummbled.
"I'm going to miss thoes nights...when I held you in my arms...and you sung me to sleep...or vice versa," Joey said wrapping his arms around Brittany's neck and pushing her back into her room.
"Joseph...You don't want to get Brittany kicked off the tour do you?" Randy said as he passed.
"You were the one who signed this?" Joey asked angrily as he ran after him.
"Little old me? I wish...I don't have more power than Johnny though," he muttered.
"Tell me the fuck who it is," Joey said ramming Randy against the wall. Randy was bigger than Joey but Joey's anger rose and made him seem stronger.
" better calm down...I don't want any trouble," Randy laughed.
"Tell me...who it is...or there will be more fucking trouble than you can handle," Joey threatned.
"You'll find out soon enough," Randy chuckled throwing Joey out of his grasp.

Chapter 14
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