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Chapter 14

      Brittany held Joey's hand as she walked down the corridor to her hotel room.
      "Well...goodnight I guess," Brittany said kissing Joey on the cheek.
      "Yeah...goodnight," Joey muttered hugging her back.
      "Whats wrong?" she asked pulling him into the room.
      "Whats wrong is that contract that is keeping me from kissing you," he snapped.
      "Well, it's 11:01 and I might be shot if you are in here...and why do you want thoes kisses so much Joey?" she asked pushing his chest towards the door.
      "Mmm..because you're sexy, and beautiful...and I love you," he said inching towards her lips.
      "Well good, cuz I love you too," she said brushing her lips gently across Joey's and closing the door.  That was the first time they had officially said I love you to eachother.
      "I love you...thoes words sound so nice when she says them...but I'm not in love with her...I love her for her...and I'm not in love with her...If i was then I wouldn't be able to stop myself from kissing her all the time, or I would do random romantic things," Joey thought to himself.
      "Joey loves me?  That's a nice thought...too bad I'm not IN love with him.  I can't get into a relationship like's too scary after what happened in my last relationship.  I want one...but i'm scared...and nervous...and If I was in love with him...I think I would admit it,"  Brittany thought as she curled into her bed.  
      "In love...Ha...If I was in love with Joey, I wouldn't be able to sleep without his arms around me...and lately...I've been getting fine sleep," Brittany mummbled to herself.  Meanwhile, Joey stared up at the ceiling in wonder.  
      "What DOES love feel like?" He asked himself."Whatever it is...I'm not in love with Britt...thats for sure...we just shared kisses...and she's iristable, and wonderful...and...and" Joey thought as he drifted off to sleep.

      "Joey?" Chris called through the door.  Joey answered the door groggily and smiled at Chris.
      "What the hell are you doing here at eight AM?" Joey asked glancing at the clock.
      "I felt like talking," Chris said bouncing in the room.  Busta came prancing in behind him and jumped onto Chris's lap as he sat on the bed.  
      " had to bring the fucking dog?" Joey asked closing the door.
      "Don't go dissin' Busta!" Chris giggled hugging him.
      "So...what do you want to talk about?" Joey asked snuggling under the covers.  Chris joined him underneath and sat staring at the ceiling.
      "I wanna talk about girls," Chris giggled jumping up and down.
      "Oh's really early...can't we talk--"
      "How's Britt?" Chris asked happily as he pet Busta happily.
      "She's fine Chris...but I don't get to sleep with her anymore...and it's early and--"
      " want her?" Chris asked ignoring Joey's complaints.
      "I'm not in the mood to--"
      "Because you should probably win her over before she has Bri so she knows she's doing it for someone," Chris said opening Joey's eyelids.
      "Chris...don't you know when to BACK the fuck OFF?" Joey asked rolling over.
      "Jo-ey...Jo-ey," Chris sang pushing on his shoulder.
      "Fine Chris...I love her but I'm not in love with that what you wanted to hear?" he asked rolling over to meet Chris's face.
      "Actually...I wanted to hear you say you were in love with her...because you just won't admit it," Chris laughed.  
      "Well, tough shit...I'm not, now let me get back to bed," Joey whined.
      "Well, what do you define as In love...because I think you are and you just don't know it," Chris considered.
      "God DAMNIT CHRIS!  GO AWAY!  I've got another half hour of SLEEP!  And I'm NOT In love with her and if I WAS I would TELL you!" Joey said as he smacked Chris with a pillow.
      " it's nine o you have to get up anyway.  Come on buddy stop lagging about," He said ruffling Joey's hair.

      The week dragged on slowly.  Brittany felt empty without Joey's arms around her at night and Joey felt the same.  Knowing they couldn't do anything, made eachother even more irrisistable.
      "Do you think she would like this?" Joey asked holding up a small silver ring.  A small aquamarine stone was in the center with two small dimonds on the side.  
      "It's perfect, it's not too big and not too expensive," Lance said admiring the ring.
      "It doesn't look expensive?  Then I don't want it," Joey said setting it back on the counter.  The girl started to put it away but Lance grabbed it back.
      "No Joey...I meant it doesn't look looks simple, and Brittany isn't a big jewelry person, so It's perfect.  Why do you care so much anyway?" Lance asked suspiciously.
      "Well, I want to thank her for agreeing to take care of Brianna and it's sorta like a going away present...well actually, I just wanted to buy her a present...she's special," Joey smiled bringing the ring to the register.
      "And to tell her that you're in love with her?" Lance chuckled.
      "No one said that," he growled as the woman at the register wrapped it in a small box and handed it to Joey. Suddenly a thought popped in his mind about something he had said.

      "I love you...thoes words sound so nice when she says them...but I'm not in love with her...I love her for her...and I'm not in love with her...If i was then I wouldn't be able to stop myself from kissing her all the time, or I would do random romantic things," Joey sighed.

      **End Flashback**

      Joey shrugged off the thought andsighed.
      "I'm not in love with her Lance.  I don't exactly know what it feels like, but I know that I love her as a good friend," Joey said patiently.
      "A friend that you kiss randomly and sleep in the same bed with...right," Lance laughed.
      "Shut up Lance...for some reason, I just don't feel in love with her...I'm sorry," he sighed.
      "As much as I want to be in love...I just don't think I am..." he whispered.
      "You'll see...she's the one.  I just have this feeling Joe...I don't think anything can keep you guys apart," Lance said with confidence.  
      "I can't force myself...I guess it will just take time," Joey said walking out of the mall.

      Brittany's hair was finally finished by Julia.
      "This looks SO cool," she squealed.  She had taken small squares of her hair and twisted them into small buns all over.
      "It DOES!" Julia giggled.
      "Let me go get my dress on!" Brittany shreiked as she ran to the bathroom.  Joey had told her that he was going to bring her on a nice date as a thank you.  She hadn't been anywhere with Joey alone in the last few weeks, so this would finally be time to get away.  She slipped on a short red leather mini-skirt and a black backless tank top with a shrug over it.  She slipped on her favorite black, knee high boots and picked up her purse.  Finally a knock on the door broke the silence of Julia and Brittany.
      "I'LL get it it!" Julia giggled jumping over random clothes on the floor and answered to see Joey waiting with a rose in his hand.  
      "How sweet..." She said grabbing the rose from his hand.  
      "Brittany...your DATE Is here," Julia called throwing her the rose.  Brittany walked to the door and smiled at Joey.
      "Wow..." he muttered under his breath.  
      "Now you too have a good time, and don't get back too late," Julia said closing the door.   Joey was wearing a black sweater with khaki pants and his superman emblem hung loosley on his neck.  He had an amazing aftershave on which made Brittany practically melt.  He wrapped his arms around her as soon as they got out of the hotel and kissed her shortly on the lips.
      "You look amazing tonight," he said as his fingertips grazed her neck.
      "Thank you," she whispered as she stepped inside Justin's black jaguar.
      "You mean Timber-flake let you borrow his prized car?" Brittany giggled as Joey let the convertable top down.
      "I actually had to pay him to rent it...he's such a dick," Joey laughed.  They drove off as the sun was setting and the street lights started to shine.  New Orleans was an interesting place to be at night.  He drove around a corner to park and led her to a small cafe on the corner of bourbon street.  After a delicious dinner, they drove for a little until they found a park where Joey sat with her on a park bench.
      "I've got something for you," he said taking something out of his pocket,"It's another thank you for just being you."
      " didn't have to do that," she said opening up the small velvet box.  It revealed the aquamarine rock and she smiled as she admired it.
      "Read the inscription," he said pointing to it.  She looked carefully and read inside. It said, "I thought she knew".
      "You thought I knew what?" she asked as she slipped it on her finger.
      "I thought you knew that I love you," he said bringing her lips closer to his.  He hovered for a few seconds and finally their lips locked. He cradled her chin in his hand as he brought her closer.  He leaned in and brushed her cheek with his finger.  He licked her lips softly and his tounge entered her mouth gently.  Brittany sighed in excitement and brought her hands around his neck.  The kiss went on for a few minutes and finally Joey pulled back.
      "I love you too," Brittany said taking his hands.  
      "Let's go back to the's already midnight," he said bringing her back to the car.  After the ride, they made it back to the hotel safely and he walked her to her hotel room.
      "Thanks for everything," Brittany said kissing his cheek.
      "I love you," Joey said brushing her face.
      "I love you too," she said closing the door.  She turned around to see Julia, Holly, Imogene and Alexis waiting.
      "I love you too?" Julia asked. Brittany blushed and took off her boots.  
      "Hey...what is that ring on your finger?" Holly asked running over to her side.  The girls hovered over her finger and took it off to see the inscription.
      "Wow...he must really love you," Alexis said slipping the ring back on Brittany's finger.  Brittany just smiled and went to the bathroom to change into her Pj's.
      "She's got it bad...real bad," Imogene said slyly.

      Joey entered his room to find Chris and Lance waiting on his bed.
      "What are you guys doing here?" he asked in between his humming.
      "Watching TV...How did your date go?" Lance asked excitedly.
      "It was...amazing," Joey sighed humming more bars of I thought she knew.
      "Did you tell her?" Chris asked.  Joey lowered his head and brushed his hand through his hair.
      "I couldn't do it...I told her I loved her...I couldn't tell her how much she means to was so akward..and...It wasn't the right time," he said lying back on his bed.  Chris sighed angrily and layed down towards Joey's head.
      "Just say it...just say I'm in love with you," he yelled.
      "I want to say it SPECIAL...the time has to be perfect," Joey complained.
      "He's right Chris...but he BETTER do it soon...there isn't much time left," Lance hinted.
      "I know...I know...I already have an idea though," he smiled.
      "What is the bright idea?" Chris asked.  
      "Well...guys, I'm gonna need your help on this one," he sighed.

      "I can't believe its the last show already!" Brittany sniffled as she curled into Joey's arms.
      "Hey....hey now...don't sniffle at me.  We've got a week before I have to go to Europe...and You, Brianna and I will have the time of our lives," he said lovingly as he wrapped his arms around Brittany.
      "But this is my last time dancing with you guys," she said looking into his eyes.
      "Are you kidding?  We've got TONS of awards shows and stuff to do, and you will be RIGHT there dancing along side me," he said kissing her cheek.
      "Show starts in ten," someone called from backstage.
      "Well, I've gotta go run to the center stage for the last time," he said kissing her forehead.
      "Enjoy this night...don't you fret about ANYTHING," he smiled.
      "Ok," she whined kissing Joey on the nose.  She watched Joey walk out of the room and Brittany went to get her hair and makeup done.  Little did she know the surprise that was in store for her.  
      "Alright now it's my personal favorite time of the show...Time to introduce the band!" Lance said happily as he ran up to meet the guys.  Brittany stood solemly on the side of the stage.  Suddenly Lance started an announcement she had never heard before.  The band hadn't done their solo's and Lance was rushing.  Julia grabbed Brittany's arm and had her come with her.  
      "But hey...something is wrong!" Brittany said hearing Lance talk faster and faster.  The guys rushed back onto the stage while Brittany looked the other way and Julia pushed Brittany back to the side of the stage.
      "What was THAT?" Brittany asked angrily.
      "Nothing...I thought I saw a bug," Julia lied as Brittany sat down.  
      " that we introduced the band...we have a special song we'd like to sing tonight," Joey announced nervously.
      "WHAT?" Brittany yelled in confusion.
      "You of our very special dancers won't be joining us for the European tour...and we'd just like to say goodbye in a special way," Justin said waving to Julia.  Julia pushed Brittany out onto the stage and she stood embarassed before the screaming crowd.  Brittany let her stage presence take over and she galloped over to the boys where Joey gave her a bear hug.  
      "Now this is the first song you ever sung to me," Joey said leading her to a stool.  They guys sat down on stools oppisite her and started to sing her famous lyrics.
       I saw you standing there
      but I was only dreaming
      You looked at me I looked at you
      But only in my dreams
      I find my self waking up grinning
      but I was only dreaming
      the way we held eachother
      But only in my dreams

Brittany started to tear as she heard her lyrics in harmony.  Joey looked at her, smiled and winked playfully.  Brittany chuckled as she let out a huff of air and a few more tears.  

       I thought that all these dreams
      would never end it only seems
      that when I'm with you, I'm lost forever
      But just as it starts to get good
      I wake up and then I understood
      I was just dreaming...

      I think I see your smiling face
      But I'm not dreaming
      You say you know me from somewhere
      this isn't just a dream

Joey walked over to her crying eyes and wiped the excess makeup off her cheeks with his finger.  He traced his fingers down her face and turned away to sit back on his stool.

      And now that I'm in your arms
      I understand you'll never cause me harm
      We'll be together forever now
      The dreams are over and now I see
      This is actual reality
      I love you, and you love me

 I saw you standing there
      but I was only dreaming
      You looked at me I looked at you
      But only in my dreams
      I find my self waking up grinning
      but I was only dreaming
      the way we held eachother
      But only in my dreams


      Brittany smiled and ran to the boys for a hug.  
      "You didn't have to do that," she sobbed into the microphone.  The crowd "awwwed" and the guys left stage except for Joey and Brittany.
      "Brittany...I've been waiting for the perfect time and this seems to be it," Joey said holding Brittany's hands in his.  Brittany stood perplexed and his eyes turned brighter at the sight of her bloodshot green orbs.
      "Brittany...In front of this crowd of thousands, I've got to let you know that I'm in love with you," he sighed.  The crowd started to cheer as he leaned in to her for a kiss.  He cupped Brittany's head with his hands and leaned into her kiss.  Brittany pulled away slowly and smiled.
      "I'm in love with you too," she whispered into the microphone.  The crowd went wild as Brittany leaned into him for another kiss.  The guys came running out and hugged them both excitedly.
      "Alright, let's get this show on the road!" JC yelled over the roaring crowd.  Joey brought her lips in to his once more as she walked off stage.
      "Thank you," she whispered as she galloped off stage.  The show was phenomonal that night and it was a night that no one could ever forget.

Chapter 15
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