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Chapter 15

     "Come on Britt...we've gotta go," Joey said pulling Brittany away from the girls.
      "I don't wanna leave," she sobbed hugging them tightly.  
      "We'll miss you!  But you'll be back for the 2nd US leg of the tour! Don't worry," Imogene smiled.  Brittany recived the rest of her hugs and met Joey, Julia and Chris on the plane.
      "You'll see them soon enough," Julia said patting her head.

      "Home sweet HOME!" Julia exclaimed flopping down on her bed to see Mark, Travis and Tom on her ceiling.
      "Oh man...not thoes guys again," Chris said angrily staring at the ceiling. It had been a long day, so the four of them went to sleep early.  It felt so good to sleep in Joey's arms that night.  The night before was so romantic and Brittany knew that she could never leave him now.  She would sob the day he left because she knew she wouldn't see him for about 3 months.  She shook the thought from her head and continued to snuggle into Joey's body.  
      "I've got him for a week...thats enough," she sighed.

      "Get up Britt...get up...come ON!" Joey yelled pushing Brittany on the shoulder.
      "Damnit Joe...can't a girl get some sleep?" she said bringing the covers over her head.
      "I promise you'll like this," he said lifting her body into his arms.  He cradled her small body and brought her to the elevator where they rode higher and higher.
      "JOEY!  I'm wearing a sports bra!" She said hopping down.
      "I know..." he said slyly cupping his hands on her sides. Brittany blushed and pulled him out of the elevator.  
      "Well..." she said looking around.  
      "Look behind you," he said wrapping his arms around her waist.  A small checkered cloth was placed on the ground.  A bottle of champagne stood next to a bottle of OJ and egg sandwiches were placed on paper plates next to a picnic basket.  There was a present lying next to the picnic basket and the sun was rising slowly behind the picnic.
      "Oh god...why are you so sweet?" Brittany said kissing Joey's lips gently.  
      "I learned from the best," he said kissing her back and bringing her to the cloth.  She sat patiently as he poured the champagne and OJ in one glass.
      "Who's that?  Lance's school of romantic things to do for your girlfriend?" she giggled.
      "Girlfriend...I like the sound of that...and No...I thought of this and the concert thing all by myself," he said proudly.
      "I didn't know you were such a romantic," she giggled.
      "Neither did I," he chuckled.
      "This is gonna taste interesting," she laughed taking a sip.
      "'s actually really good!" He said taking a swig.  Brittany smiled and started to eat her sandwich.  After they finished their meal and packed everything in the picnic basket, Joey handed Brittany the present that lied next to it.
      "Joey...all of this is un neccessary," she said slowly unwrapping the gift.
      "'s to show you how much I love you and that 24/7, I'll be thinking of you constantly," he said brushing her stray pieces of hair behind her ears.
      "Thanks baby," she said kissing his neck.  She continued to open the box to find the sweatshirt that she had stolen from Joey.
      "I stole it back and then wrapped you know officially that it is YOURS," he said sheepishly.  She slipped it on and felt something in the front pocket.  She took it out and saw a bottle of Joey's cologne.
      "This is so, you can smell my orgasmic scent whenever you want," he laughed.
      "Lance really needs his Missisipian ass kicked," Brittany said shyly. She set the bottle down slowly, inched her way towards Joey and sat in his lap.  
      "Now what should I do to thank you?" she asked tapping her finger on his nose.
      "I can think of a few things," Joey gulped.  Brittany smiled and pressed her lips against his.  Her tounge slipped inside his mouth warmly and she rubbed the back of his neck to make the hairs stand up on end.  She straddled his waist and leaned his body back onto the blanket.  Once his back hit the floor, Brittany let down her hair and took the sweatshirt off.  She tossed it to the side and made her way back to Joey's lips.  His hands roamed up her back and started to lift up her sports bra.
      "Nope nope...this is thank you for YOU," she said reaching her hands behind her and putting Joey's hands underneath him.  Joey smiled as she continued to drag his shirt off and kiss her way up his chest.  She took the champagne bottle and dripped some on his chest and licked it up slowly.
      "Payback for the watermelon incident," she giggled as she continued.  Joey shivered with anticipation and started to thrash about.  She made her way lower and let champagne drip down into his boxers.
      "Wow...I like payback," he chuckled.  
      "You're thank you is greatly appreciated," he said kissing her forehead.  Joey grabbed the picnic blanket and wrapped it around the two of them.
      "I think I'm gonna like spending the week with you," she smiled curling into his chest and falling asleep.

      "Britt?  Joey?" Julia called into their room.
      "They're up on the roof...and I wouldn't disturb them if I was you," Chris said rubbing his eyes.
      "Why is that?" Julia asked,"Are they finally gonna fuck?"
      "Woah woah...I just meant Joey had something special planned...I wasn't thinking that...Man you've got a dirty mind," Chris laughed.
      "I know..." she sighed.  At that moment Joey and Brittany stepped back into the room happily hand in hand.  Chris burst out laughing with Julia and they looked at them oddly.
      "What the hell?" Joey asked suspiciously.
      "Nothing," Julia huffed through her guffaws.  

      The week had gone quickly with the small romantic excursions Joey had brought Brittany on.  He brought her to the beach, a park anywhere he could think of that was special to the both of them.  At the end of the week, Mr and Mrs. Fatone came over to bring Brianna.  
      "This is my baby," Joey said happily as he snuggled her closer to his chest.  Brianna giggled and smiled.  Brittany loved to watch Joey when he was with Brianna.  She would smile everytime her father touched her or made a face.  She was a pretty good baby, who hardly ever cried, but she was just like her father when it came to food.  That night was her last with Joey and Brittany slept in his arms for the last time.  The next morning, Joey packed in silence.  The apartment was filled with an eerie quiet feeling and no one said a word.  Brittany and Julia drove the guys to the airport with Brianna in the middle of the two men.  They tickled her occassionally and would then go back to saying nothing and staring out the window.  When they finally made it to the airport, the guys were under heavy disguise.  Nearing their terminal, Brittany grabbed Joey's hand with fear.  The overhead announcer called out their flight to Orlando, where the guys would meet before they went to Europe.  Brittany set Brianna down in a chair and hugged Joey goodbye.   He kissed her lips gently and held her close.
      "I love you," he whispered.  
      "I love you too," She said keeping her stregnth.  She felt wetness on her hand and realized tears were streaming from Joey's eyes.  He brushed them away angrily and held Brittany close again.  
      "Promise me, that when I come back, You will go on the 2nd US tour with us," he said holding her hands.
      "I'll be there waiting, I made a deal with my fashion teachers that every state I go to I have to learn a little about their culture and their fashion.  So I'll be there right by your side, dancing," She mummbled.
      "Yeah...I think I'm gonna give Alexis to Justin and take you," he chuckled nuzzling her into his chest.  
      "Well promise me that you don't fall in love with your next dancer," she giggled as some tears managed to escape her eyes.  
      "I promise," he said as the announcer called a last call.  Julia and Chris were talking calmy beside them and Joey sweeped Brittany in for a kiss.  
      "I've got one last gift for you.  Open it when you get home," he said slipping her a long slender box.  She slipped it into her purse and hugged Joey one more time before picking Brianna up.  
      "Daddy?" Brianna mummbled.  Brianna's little hand extended out to reach her fathers in a brief moment before he stepped onto the plane.
      He mouthed I love you to the both of them and dissapeared into the plane.  Julia slung her arm around Brittany before she stepped onto the plane and hugged her tightly.
      "Take care of the apartment and don't let me come home to parties!" She laughed.  
      "Take care of the guys for me...ok?" Brittany said waving goodbye.  
      "I will...I'll keep an eye on your man," she chuckled as she stepped into the darkness of the plane.  Brittany managed to wipe off her tears and walked back to the car after the plane took off.  She set Brianna in her car seat and started to drive back home.
      "Bye Bye Daddy?" Brianna whimpered.  
      "Yep..Daddy went bye bye Brianna," Brittany sniffed as she drove away from the airport.

Brittany stepped into her apartment and opened the small box that Joey had given her. She found a silver locket inside. When she opened it there was a picture of Joey and her kissing on one side and a picture of Brianna on the other. A note fell out of the box and she picked it up slowly.

It read:
"I told you I wanted someone I loved to take care of Brianna for me."

Chapter 16
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