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Chapter 16

Brittany clasped the locket around her neck and picked up Brianna.
"Want some breakfast?" she asked in a sing song voice. Brianna cooed as she sat her down in a high chair. Brittany spooned some applesauce into Brianna's mouth as she read the morning Newsday. After filling Brianna's sippy cup with Orange Juice and handing it to her she sat her in front of the TV to watch cartoons while she took a shower. She came back to see Brianna in the same exact spot. She laughed in amazement and took her to the car to go to Broadway Dance Center to teach a quick class and then go to school.
"We're going to DANCE class Bri!" She said happily as they walked into the double doors of the studio.
"Hey Britt...woah...a baby?" one of her students asked.
"Don't look so surprised. This is Joey's baby Brianna and I'm taking care of her until he gets back from the Euro tour," she said happily.
"Is Joey your--" She stopped him by flipping open her locket. He looked at the picture and smiled.
"You didn't find an ass hole! I'm so proud of you!" He said hugging her gently.
"Get inside, I'll be there in a minute," she said knocking on the door to Frank's class. Frank called her in and he looked at her happily.
"Well, well, well...look who's back from her little old Nsync tour," Frank laughed.
"And she came home with a baby!" One of the students laughed.
"This is Brianna Fatone. I'm taking care of her while the guys are on tour in Europe," she explained.
"If you ask me, a father wouldn't ask just a plain old dancer to take care of his baby," he said inching closer to her. She sighed impatiently and opened her locket. Frank laughed and gave her a hug.
"I knew you'd hook up with one of thoes cuties," he winked. Brittany rolled her eyes and made her way to her classroom. She explained her story once again and told some tour stories while they stretched. Brianna was starting to walk around the room but she still held onto the mirror. After the class was over she ran over to her class at Parsons and brought Brianna into the classroom. Her teacher looked strangely at her as she sat at her desk and started to draw a fashion she had stuck in her head.
"Now I know this is a portfolio class, but I have to ask...why do you have a baby here?" her teacher asked. She giggled politely and continued her story for the class. She stopped at the grocery store on the way home and heard the phone ring as she entered her apartment.
"How's my favorite girlfriend?" Joey asked.
"I better be your ONLY girlfriend," she laughed putting Brianna on the couch.
"I miss you," Joey sighed.
"It's been 2 days Joe...only 3 more months left!" She chuckled as she handed Brianna a teething ring.
"How's my baby?" he asked sweetly.
"She's a complete doll. Plus everyone loves her at work," she muttered.
"I thought I said you didn't have to work?" Joey asked.
"I can't stay away from dancing Joe...Plus it's not interfering with my school schedual. Infact I only have a class a day," she said happily.
"So you stayed away from me for only 5 classes a week?" he asked as angre rose.
"Joesph, I've gotta finish my seinor year. It's practically nothing, plus I won't even be here for wintersession, because I will be with YOU!" she laughed.
"Well baby...I go on here in about an hour and Justin is shooting daggers at me," he laughed.
"I AM NOT!" Justin yelled.
"Hey hows the new dancer?" she asked quickly.
"She's doing fine...but she's not as "FINE" as you," he chuckled.
"I love you Joey," she whispered.
"I love you more," he said as he hung up the phone.

"BRIANNA!" Brittany yelled grabbing her waist from running into the living room.
"Can you stop running? I need to dress you silly!" She said slipping a red jumper onto her. Brianna finally gave up from running and let herself be dressed.
"No dance," Brianna whined.
"I know you get bored Bri, but we have to go for the last time," Brittany sighed.
"Then Daddy?" she asked quietly.
"Yep...then daddy, and Uncle Justin, Chris, Lance and JC!" She said strapping her into her car seat.
"Hooway!" She laughed happily. It had been three months since Brittany had last seen Joey. She had talked to him on the phone atleast once a week, in which he told her he loved her every time. Finally, they reached the day when she was picking him up from the airport. After dance, she brought Brianna through the harsh December weather to the airport. Millions of fans were waiting, but one of the bodyguards was assigned to find her in a specific spot and bring her to Joey. As they stepped off the plane, Joey spotted her. She was wearing tight blue jeans and a white Fu Man Skeeto shirt that had thumb holes. Chris smiled as she showed off his shirt and Brianna ran to her dad excitedly. He picked her up and swung her around giving her tons of kisses. Justin stole her and Joey looked at Brittany standing patiently. Her hair was blowing softly in the cold wind and her cheeks were flushed. He started to walk faster towards her and finally he was in a full fledge run. He reached her finally and touched her cheek gently. The fans looked perplexed, the fans had welcomed Brittany at the concert the night she left, but she hadn't been seen after that until now. Joey grabbed a megaphone from a police officer and started to yell at the fans screaming around them at JFK airport.
"Ladies and Gentleman? I LOVE this woman!" He said pointing to Brittany excitedly. The crowd cheered and awwed as he leaned into her for a kiss. Their embrace heated up the cold weather and when they pulled away the crowd kept cheering. Joey held the megaphone up to his lips again and shouted.
"I was going to wait till' tonight, but I know how much you like attention," he said getting down on his knees. Brittany's eyes widened and a tear dripped down her frozen cheek.
"Brittany, I've been three months without you and it's been hell, but every second I spent with you before that had been so special. Without you, I would never had been able to overcome the things I did. You complete me Brittany and you are the family I've been looking for all my life," he started. Brittany's tears became more frequent as he went on. Justin, JC, Chris and Lance looked astounded at him and held Brianna tightly. TV cameras and photographs were going off like crazy as he took something out of his back jacket pocket. He revealed a small diomond ring set up high and spoke into the microphone again.
"Brittany? Will you marry me?" he asked loudly. The crowd went wild screaming and chanting the words "say yes". Brittany stole the megaphone from Joey quickly and screamed into it.
"YES! I will!" She said. She threw the megaphone down and Joey slipped the ring on her finger quickly. She pulled him in for a tight kiss and she pulled back and smiled.
This was the man, she had been waiting for. He had loved her more than she could imagine and thats all she wanted. She now knew, that the next tour would be more fun than the last.

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