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The snow fell softly onto Brianna's head and Brittany covered it with a small wool hat. Joey wrapped his arm around Brittany and led her into a small starbucks. He laced his gloved fingers into Brittany's and sat in front of a fireplace. The purple velvet couch warmed them from the cold and Brittany layed her head into Joey's lap.
"What can I guys were on TV this morning," the waitress stammered.
"We were? Wow...Stupid paparatzzi...Can I get a small mocha cappichino?" Brittany asked.
"Sure," the waitress sighed. Joey got a small hazelnut coffee and they sipped their drinks quietly as Brianna played with the magazines on the table. It had been a day since the proposal and they had been closer than ever. Everywhere they went, someone would call out,"Congrats!" or something about Brianna...and surprisingly nothing had been obscene yet. The new leg of the tour was about to start in about a week or two and being on the road with Joey again was very exciting. Brittany decided to leave Broadway Dance Center and become a permanent dancer on the guys tour and as far as a wedding went, they were waiting until the tour was over. Brianna was going to stay with The Fatone's again and after the tour, Joey wanted to buy a house with Brittany and stay in it until they had to start recording again.
Brittany and Joey made their way out of the coffee shop and walked down the street to their hotel for the time being was. Justin had gotten Britney into the city for the week, so they wouldn't be seeing much of them. JC and his girlfriend Bobbie had retired to the Bahama's to get out of the cold weather and Lance was going back to Mississippi to hang with his family for a bit. Chris had to do some FuMan stuff all over the country with Dani and Julia was hanging with some old friends before she left for the next leg of the tour.
Brittany had done so much work while the guys were gone, that her classes were finished and she just had to submit her portfolio before going on tour and they were going to give her a diploma early. Her teachers congradulated her as she went on her way, and told her she would be getting a letter in the mail anyday now. Joey and Brittany were going to stay in the city with Brianna for the time being and then fly to Orlando a week before they had to go on tour.
Before they went to bed that night in Brittany's apartment, she admired her ring. She had put it on so quickly she hardly had time to take a gander at it. The diomond was cut round and was set up high. It had two small diomond set next to it and it was set in platinum. Brittany looked at it again and took it off . She felt an inscription at the bottom and she read it carefully.
"I know you know," Joey whispered wrapping his arms around her.
"Whats that supposed to mean?" she asked quietly.
"Well remember your first ring, it said I thought she knew. Well now, I know you know," Joey chuckled.
"Oh Joe...thats so sweet! I'll remember it forever," she said turning around to kiss Joey again. This next tour they were about to go on, would be something they would never forget, and Joey was going to make sure of it.

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