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Chapter 2

      Brittany rubbed her arms furiously as she ran from the shower to her room.  Her towel barely covered what needed to be covered and she ran to her room to make sure she wasn't seen.  
      "Cover yourself!" Julia called as Brittany ran to her room.
      "I AM!" She yelled back as she shut the door and continued to dress herself.  She started to put on a pair of black tights and cut off dance pants.  She slipped on her favorite gray tanktop and looked quickly at her phone.
      "Shit they called!" She screamed as she pressed the message button.  Julia ran in quickly to hear the voices of the 5 pop stars.
      "Hey Britt, It's Joe.  We're on our way now, it's about 10 AM, We'll be there around 11...ummmm," Joey slurred through the phone.
      "It's Joey's dancing friend....OOOH!" a familiar voice shot through the backround.
      "SHUT THE HELL UP CHRIS!" Joey screamed through the reciever, "I'M ON THE PHONE!" Laughter rang through the phone as you heard all 4 boys laughing at Joey.
      "Damnit, I'm tired, I don't know if i'll be able to keep up today," Joey yawned,"Well let me go beat the shit out of these losers, later,"
      "Told you he would call," Brittany said pressing save on her machine and slipping on her flip flops and sunglasses.
      "I didn't believe you but I guess I have to.  Now go dance away and promise to bring one home for me to play with," Julia said as she sauntered out of her room.
      "Jules they aren't puppies you know.  They do have a life!  Maybe they'll give you one if you're lucky," Brittany said as she picked her keys up off the table and started to walk out the door.
      "Sorry, I don't date pop stars," Julia screamed as Brittany shut the door. Brittany sighed as she jumped into an elevator and started to walk down the street.  The humid air was wafting her face as she walked.  The humidity and heat was a deadly mixture in New York City and was scarce in the early summer months.
      "God It's hot for May" Brittany thought as she entered the Broadway Dance center lobby.  Waiting for her were all 5 Nsync members and Wade.
      "You're late," Justin said pointing to the clock on the wall.
      "It's 11:03!" Brittany complaied as she fanned herself and leaned on the front desk.
      "Always be prompt, We're on a tight schedual," Justin said leaning back in the leather chair.
     "If he is going to be this tough all day, I'll die," Brittany thought.  Joey shot her a look of worry as if he knew something evil was going through her mind.  Brittany just smiled politely at Justin and covered up the curses that were running through her head.
      "This way," She said unlocking the door to the rooms and walking up 3 flights of stairs.
      "This place is huge!" Chris said dropping his bags and looking around.  The sun glistened through the huge sun roof covering the room.  Three rooms were seperated by walls with plenty of windows.
      "I can't believe I'm here on a sunday," Brittany said sipping her coffee.
      "Aren't we optomistic," Justin said faking a smile and opening one of the doors to a room, "Let's start before Miss Morning gets any grumpier."  Brittany was about to open her mouth when she felt arms around her waist.  Joey clasped his hand around her open mouth and kissed her cheek.
      "He's not a morning person either," Joey said hugging her tightly.  Brittany ripped Joey's arms off of her and turned to face him.
      "I am a morning person but this morning Justin just seems to be a bit cocky and arrogant. I hope every morning won't be like this," She said growling with anger and bustling into the room Justin had so graciously picked for them.  
      "Alright we've got a few moves lined up for the new single," Wade said popping in his burned CD, "We already know your dancing skills so we wanna see your choreography."
      "I'm not an expert, but we'll see," Brittany said stretching her leg onto the wall and falling into some splits.
      "Don't expect me to do any of thoes," JC said with his mouth open in astonishment.  Brittany laughed quietly and started to listen to the new single.
      I'm sick and tired of hearing all these people talk about, whats the deal with this pop life and when is it gonna fade out...
      "Pretty good lyrics," Brittany mumbled.
      "I wrote em," Justin said as he stretched his arms behind his head.
      "Surprising," She said grinning with her comeback as she stood up ready to dance.  Justin looked gravely at her and started to dance with the guys.  They whipped out a few moves and Brittany had to give credit to Wade for his choreography.  Brittany felt that the guys pretty much enjoyed the day with the mixed choreography of the two.  Except one guy.
      "Nah I don't like that move," Justin said crossing his arms and looking away.
      "Are you three years old? Do you always act like such an child?"Brittany asked walking up to Justin.  Joey looked frantic and tried to grab Brittany's arm."I've frankly had enough of you and your attidue Mr. Timberlake and I'm not gonna take this bullshit from a pop star like you who has their head so far up their ass that they can't care about any one else's feelings.  I try to pull out some of my best work for your ass and you go a reject it because you feel you are so much better. So how about you go and use your own lyrics and realize what respect is!"  Justin stared blankly at Brittany and uncrossed his arms.  Brittany sighed angrily and stared into Justin's blue eyes.  Suddenly a smile crawled across his lips and he started to chuckle.  The boys all started to laugh hysterically and dropped to their knees.
      "We wanted to see how long it would take you to crack," Justin said giggling, "Plus I wanted to see how you work under pressure. I'm so glad you finally talked back to me! I was begginning to think you were just an N'sync fan who was in awe to see me!"
      "I don't think that any girl, even your biggest fan could put up with that attitude!" Brittany laughed.  Justin put his arm around Brittany's shoulder and gave her a side hug.
      "Welcome to the team," he said, "When can you sign the papers?"
Thank god school is over and I can do whatever I want," Brittany said as she flopped onto her leather couch.
      "And leave me with the rent for a year? Yeah right," Jules said popping a lollypop into her mouth and sitting on the couch with Brittany,
      "I'll send you money for rent, unless you want a job too?" Brittany asked.
      "A job...with N'sync.  You have got to be kidding!  My reputation would be ruined," Jules said getting up to go to her room.
      "Oh your precious punk princess reputation!" Brittany said mocking her with gesticulation. The doorbell than rang and Julia went to go answer it.  
      "Please, You're lucky I'm letting them in this house," Jules said swinging the door open,"Well speak of the devil! Oh Brittany, you're pop princes are here to take you away!"
      "And who is this lovely lady?" Chris asked pushing his way through the 5 guys.
      "Don't even try Chris, She's rock solid," Brittany said getting up from the couch.
      "You can't blame me for trying when a girl this beautiful is standing in front of me," Chris said taking her hand.  Julia whipped her hand away and started to walk towards her room.
      "I'm warning you Chris," Brittany said.
      "FUCK OFF YOU POP SHIT!" Julia screamed as she closed her door in Chris's face. The guys started to laugh hysterically at Chris's stupidity.
      "I guess she's not a fan?" he asked.
      "Miss Punk Princess is a firm believer of hating pop," Brittany laughed as Chris leaned his arm onto the couch.
      "Well how can I get her?" Chris asked sliding himself next to Brittany.
      "She's just in a bad mood today.  She really wouldn't care who you were.  You could probably enchant her somehow," Brittany said putting her arm around Chris, "Actually probably only Joey could." The guys laughed and started to sit around her and on the couch.
      "So can you sign now?" Justin asked as he handed her the papers.
      "I suppose I could," Brittany said as she took the papers in her hand and stated to sign her name,"So what am I signing for?"
      "Your soul," Lance said, " No you're our backup dancer slash co-choreographer."
      "Wow! Wade you don't mind?" Brittany asked as she finished signing.
      "As long as that co- is there," he laughed.
      "So who are the other dancers?" Brittany asked as she got up off the couch.
      "Oh we'll meet them what are you doing now that you are an offical Nsync dancer?" JC asked her as she walked to the bathroom.
      "Taking a shower!" Brittany laughed as she grabbed a towel from the linen closet, "I'll be right out."  She stepped into the bathroom and turned on the water.
      "SO whos gonna fuck her first?" Wade asked nudging the guys.
      "JOEY!" the guys laughed in unison.
      "Hey she doesn't seem like that! Come on!" Joey pleaded.
      "Nah, Joe is right.  If she's anything like her punk princess she'll stick her ground," Chris said.
      "Chris how DO you think you are going to get her?" Joey asked throwing a pillow at him.
      "With my charming good looks and adorable singing talent?" he asked.  The guys just laughed and punched him in the arm.  After a while of chatting and gossiping Julia came out of her room.
      "The beast has awoken!" Justin laughed throwing a pillow at her.
      "Ha Ha.  I'm sorry for before guys, I'm just a little tense now," she said taking watermelon out of the fridge. Chris joined her by the kitchen island and leaned on the counter.
      "So I know what can cheer you up," Chris whispered seductively as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
      "Whats that?" Julia asked as she welcomed his arms.
      "TICKLING!" Chris laughed as he pushed her back onto the counter and poked at her sides.  He slung her over his back and flopped her onto the couch with the guys.  They each took a foot or her stomach and prodded and poked for atleast a minute.
      "Hey!  The block of ice finally smiled," JC said as they all stopped their tickling.
      "Thanks guys I needed that," Julia said as she picked herself up off the couch.  Not once would she look into Chris's eyes.
      "So do you have a name or are you just the punk princess?" Lance asked leaning back onto the white shag carpet he was laying on.
      "Julia...or Jules...whichever," she giggled.
      "So do you dance too?" Joey asked as he slid closer to her.
      "I sing and dance.  I'm currently off broadway in a small production," she said propping her feet up on Justin's shoulders.      
      "Well why don't you come along with us then?" Wade asked.  
      "Are you guys gonna ask everyone we meet to come with us?" JC asked.
      "I couldn't leave the apartment behind. Besides I've got no money as it is," she said slapping her hand on the leather apolstry.
      "Hell you could bring the apartment with you! Or I'll take care of it so when you come back it will be the way you found it, and trust'll have money!" Chris said taking her hand.
      "Well I guess so then," She said smiling.  The guys cheered and handed her the contract newly signed by Brittany.
      "Sign on the line after her!" Justin said handing her a pen.  Julia signed abrubtly and dropped the pen from her hand.  The guys let out another cheer and hugged Julia.
     "This is going to be an interesting few months," Julia thought.

Chapter 3
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