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Chapter 4

      Joey frantically scooped Brittany up into his arms and rushed her downstairs.  Julia immediately stood up staring at her friends stale body.  Tears started to stream down her face as she screamed ,"WHAT HAPPENED?"
      "I'm not sure, I'm taking the PT cruiser back to your house.  J come with me and you guys can come around home whenever." Joey spat as he started to storm out the door.  Justin grabbed Brittany into his arms and sat with her in the back seat as Joey brought the car to a start.  In no time, they were back into the apartment.  Joey fumbled Brittany's keys into the lock and rushed inside the house. Justin ran to get a bucket and Joey laid Brittany on her side on the couch.  Justin put the pail beneath her and sat staring at her cold body.  Joey brushed his fingers through her hair and tried to wake her.  
      "I'm going to get a drink," Justin said shuffling over to the refrigerator. Slowly Brittany's eyes fluttered open.  
      "JOEY!?" she screamed as the pain engulfed her body.  She collapsed back into Joey's arms, unable to lift anything.  Joey lifted her neck up to face him.
      "Are you OK? I'm here, don't worry," he said cradling her.
      "I'm so tired.  That guy...I don't remember, except he just kept punching me," Brittany said snuggling into Joey's shoulder.
      "Do you have a hangover?" He asked brushing her hair lightly out of her eyes as Justin laid a blanket over the two.  
      "No...just a bad headache," she replied leaning back into the side of the couch.  Joey laid beside her wrapping his arms around her waist.  
      "Well, incase you get sick, a bucket is right there.  I'll be here the whole night OK?" he said being careful not to hold her tightly.
      "Mmmhmm," she mumbled softly as she drifted off into a quiet sleep.  Justin pulled a pillow next to the sleeping pair on the floor.
      "Joe, I'm beat, I'm sleeping here," he said curling up into a ball on the floor.
      "Same here," Joey as he let the night devour his mind into a sweet sleep next to Brittany.

      The vibration of his beeper had Joey startled.  He sat up from his sleep realizing that Brittany was next to him sleeping soundly.  Justin was on the floor next to him and JC, Wade and Lance were sleeping on a pull out couch next to the couch he was laying on.  Chris and Julia were no where to be seen, but that was no surprise.  Joey glanced at his beeper to see who caused him to wake up.
      "Damn Kelly," Joey said crawling over Brittany and walking to the phone to call her.
      "Hello?" Kelly answered groggily.
      "Hey Kel, It's Joe... you beeped?" he asked.
      "I've been doing some thinking, and I need you to come over and talk to me," Kelly said as she responded to the crying baby in the backround.  Joey sighed nervously and his palms started to sweat.
      "Alright, I'll be over in a bit," he said as he hung up the phone.  He quickly pulled a piece of paper of a pad on the wall and started to scribble a note.

      Brittany, Julia and the rest of you twerps,
            I went to Kelly's...she has to tell me something, I have no clue what.  Anyway, I was a bit surprised to see you all here this morning...ok whatever I'm rambling now, I'm goin to Kel's, and I'll be back before sound check tonight.

      P.s- Feel better Britt! :)

      Joey finished up his note and creeped out the door.  Justin's black truck was in the driveway and he figured Justin wouldn't mind.  He then got in the car and drove off the see what Kelly wanted.

      Justin slowly rose from his uncomfortable sleep on the floor and awoke to see Wade, JC and Lance on the pull out couch next to him.  Brittany was still soundly sleeping on the couch.  Justin stood up and realized Joey was gone.  He went over to the table to find a note from Joey.  He sighed with impatience as he slammed the note back on the table.
      "That damn girl is gonna get him in the end," He thought to himself. Finally after a cup of coffee, Lance and Wade woke up.  
      "Eeeww, What am I doing sleeping next to you to queers?" Wade asked jumping up from the bed and running to Justin.
      "We came here to see how Britt was and we all fell asleep.  Plus, don't call me a queer again or I'll beat your ass down," Lance said rubbing his eyes.  Wade came running back pouncing on Lance as the wrestled on the bed which JC was still sleeping in.
      "Stop... too early," JC mummbled quietly.  Wade and Lance then began jumping to wake JC up.  Justin sighed again and was going to have to stop the three stooges fun fest.
      "Guys, where is Chris?" Justin asked as he walked over to the guys.
      "He went to go sleep in Julia's room...ooooooh," The boys said in mock unison.
      "NOTHING HAPPENED!" Julia yelled from her room as she emerged in her boxers and tank tops.
      "I couldn't!  I had pictures of naked Blink-182 staring down at me," Chris said unhappily as he trudged over to the table, "Hey Joey went to Kelly's?"
      "Yeah, that damn girl's pulling him apart," Justin said now joining the bouncing to wake JC up.
      "Who's Kelly?" Julia asked rubbing Chris's back.
      "Joey's Girlfriend/ex-girlfriend.  She's on and off with him.  She had his baby though...stupid hoar," Lance mumbled.  
      "I take it you don't like her?" Julia asked continuing on Chris's back massage.
      "She's a nice girl, but she's constantly killing Joey with the baby.  Joey LOVES Brianna and she rubs it in his face that he can never see her since he's always on tour and such," Chris said as he welcomed the rub on his back.  Suddenly Brittany started to rub her eyes and wake up from her sleep.
      "Morning," she said as she hopped off the couch.  The guys looked at her in confusion as she happily walked to the fridge, "What am I naked or something?"
      "Do you remember anything that happned last night?" Julia asked.
      "Not especially...Oh that guy beat me up in the bathroom right? That was annoying. I hope I don't have any bruises...Oh and then I fell asleep in Joey's I correct?" She said taking a swig out of the OJ container.
      "Brittany, the guy practically raped you...are you ok?" Justin asked.
      "He didn't rape me J! Don't say that!  He just roughed me up a bit thats all, I really don't care now!  I'm the only person who wakes up from a night like that happy," she said smiling, "Who's up for pankcakes?"
      Joey pulled into the driveway of Kelly's small house in Queens.  He knocked on the door and was greeted by Kelly and Brianna.
      "BRI!" he shouted grabbing the 14th month baby into his arms.  She giggled softly as he cradled her in his arms.  
      "Da Da," she murmmered as Joey made funny faces.
      "Hey I didn't know she was talking," he said playing with her in his arms.
      "Maybe if you were here more you would notice," She said angrily as she took the baby from his arms.  Brianna started to whine as she was being taken away.
      "Joey, I'm going on a trip.  I'm not telling you where becuse I need to be totally secluded and if you found me It would ruined," Kelly said shoving a pacifier in the whining baby's mouth.
      "Why would I come looking for you?" Joey asked aggrivated.  
      "Don't act like a child Joey.  I'll be back in a month, I'm going there with Jack," she sighed.
      "Jack...your boss?" He asked taking Brianna back in his arms.
      "Yes Joey, my boss.  I'm leaving tommorow, sorry such short notice.  I don't care what you do with Brianna just take her.  If you absolutely have to contact me you can call my voice mail.  So I need you to take her now because I'm going out tonight," she said as she packed some things into her large suitcases.  
      "Alright...where is Brianna's stuff," he asked carrying the girl in one arm and looking around.
      "Right here.  Her diaper bag is here, car seat, stroller, clothes everything you will need," she sighed forcing the stuff towards him.  
      "Alright, thanks I guess," he said staring at her confused.
      "Don't give me any faces Joe.  I'll be back in a month, it's a quick mental relaxation time for me.  So I'll see you in a month," she said rushing to get him out of the door.  She shoved the baby equipment out the door and gave Brianna a kiss on the forehead, "Good bye Joe."  She shut the door and Joey looked straight at the door.
      "Well I guess it's just me and you Bri," he said taking her and the baby stuff with him.

      "Great pancakes," Chris muffled with his mouth full.
      "Thanks," Brittany said taking another bite out of hers.  Suddenly the door opened and Joey emerged with Brianna.
      "BRIANNA!" Justin said scooping the baby out of Joey's arms.  Joey dragged Bri's accessories into the home.
      "Get this.  Kelly is going somewhere with her Boss and is leaving me with Bri for a month," he sighed.
      "Whats so bad about having Brianna around?" Lance asked as he made faces at her.
      "Nothing.  I love her to death, but it was just a little short notice," Joey sighed.  
      "I wouldn't wanna be stuck with my baby either," Brittany laughed. Justin shot her a look of anger. "I'm kidding J!"
      "Oh..haha," Justin laughed.
      "Well anyway, Little Bri is comming on tour with us.  Hope you guys don't mind," Joey said.
      "Mind! Come on!  She's gonna be SPOILED by the time she goes back to mom," JC said rocking her back and forth.
      "Joe, this would be a good time to adress the court that you are a better father," Lance said.
      "I'll keep it on file till she gets back Lance," Joey said with anger.  
      "My dad is a pretty good lawyer," Brittany said shrugging,"When the time comes you can go to my dad's office and see what he can do for you."
      "Thanks Britt, but I won't be needing one yet," Joey said politely.
      "Whatever floats your boat Joe," she said calmly, "Well Jules and I better start packing!  I mean when are we leaving for the next date?"
      "Well we have a 2 week break now. Thats why we're here learning the new moves for the new Pop Odyessy tour.  We're going back to Orlando for a few days to put the finishing touches on the moves plus teach you and the other girls everything and THEN the tour kicks off on May 23rd," Lance said.  He took a sigh afterwards and took a sip of  orange juice.  
      "So basically we're leaving in 2 days?"  Brittany asked.
      "Exactly," Jc said taking a bite of toast.

Chapter 5
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