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Chapter 5

The boys left soon after and Julia and Brittany started to pack up some things.
"I'm excited to start learning from Wade," Julia said packing her clothes into her suitcase.
"He's an awesome choreographer, trust me," Brittany said packing her suitcase as well. The hours flew quickly as the girls listened to the No Strings Attached cd that JC had given them.
"This CD isn't too bad," Julia said humming along.
"Excuse me? Punk Princess finally revealed her inner pop star craving?" Brittany laughed.
"Oh I have pop star craving," she mumbled.
"No way...Julia if you go and just fuck him and leave, I'll kill you," Brittany sighed angrily.
"No no no...I won't. I promise. He's not like that, he seems a little deeper than just sex, trust me," Julia said calmly.
"Fine. But if I hear anything..." Brittany stopped short. Julia just sighed and chuckled.
"You know them for a day and you already care," Jules giggled.
"What can I say, I'm a caring person," Brittany chuckled. At that moment, the phone rang.
"Hello?" Julia answered softly.
"CHANGE OF PLANS!" Chris yelled into the phone. Julia laughed and continued to talk.
"What happened?" she laughed.
"We're leaving EARLY tomorrow sixish," he said.
"Sixish? Are they trying to kill us?" Julia asked.
"Gotta leave early! Plus, there are bunks on the ya know...." Chris added slyly.
"Oh yeah...Now I'm excited,"Julia snickered sarcastically.
"Anyway, We're coming over to celebrate tonight. Can we have a party?" Chris asked shyly.
"A Party? At our place? You've got to be kidding me..." Julia mumbled.
"HA HA! Just kidding! There is a going away party here. It's sorta dressy Black Tie GET DRESSED UP!" Chris laughed.
"I've known you for two days and you're already asking me to get dressed up for you?" Julia asked.
"Umm....Sorta," Chris said humbly.
"AWESOME! We'll be there around 7ish?" She asked.
"Great...we put you guys on the list so there should be no trouble getting in," Chris said as he breathed a sigh of relief.
"All right, I'll see you tonight then....bye," Julia said as she hung up the receiver, "Get packin' Britt!"
"We're leaving tommorow? And going to a black tie party tonight? OH MY GOD!" Brittany said scrambling around.
"Chill girl. You go out shopping for a dress, I'll finish packing," She sighed.
"I've got a dress and you are anal. So go get your dress and I will pack everything in your room up...even you journal and cd player and all that crap...agreed?" She laughed.
"Agreed!" Brittany said excitedly as she ran out the door.

Brittany rushed through any place she could find. She knew what she was looking for, something two piece that was dark.
"Why did God make me so damn picky," she asked herself. Finally she slipped on her last dress. It was a velvet tube top with a chiffon skirt. It had a shawl that she could drape from her arms as well. The dress was a dark maroon. Red was always her color but she never tried a maroon dress before. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled.
"Finally the one I've been looking for all day!" She said to herself giggling with pride. She took it off quickly and handed it to the cashier.
"Goin somewhere special" The lady asked.
"VERY special!" Brittany giggled as she took the dress greedily and sped home. As she neared the driveway she recognized Justin's black SUV in the driveway.
"Oh God, what the hell are they doing here?" She asked as she rushed into the house. She saw Chris and Julia sipping coffee at the breakfast nook and talking.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! WE HAVE TO PACK!" Brittany screamed as she tore through the house.
"I packed for you," Julia said nonchalantly. Chris chuckled at her nervous antics. Brittany realized the four suitcases piled in the middle of their den. Two for each of them. A separate backpack had her journal, CD player among other things that she couldn't forget.
"How did you do this so fast?" Brittany asked.
"You were gone for two hours Britt," Julia laughed. Chris laughed at Brittany when she turned up her nose.
"Well, let's atleast see the dress you got!" Chris said pulling the Macy's bag away from Brittany.
"NO! It's a surprise!" She giggled, "Oh my GOD!"
"What?" Chris asked nervously.
"MY HAIR!" Brittany shouted as she shot towards the bathroom.
"She's got three hours, she does know that..." Chris said narrowing his eyes.
"You don't know Brittany's hair. It's Justin's fro times three," Julia laughed.
"Well, I better get goin anyways. Justin is gonna kill me if his car is gone too long. See ya," Chris said pecking Julia on the cheek.
"Bye...see ya tonight," she said as Chris walked out the door. Julia suddenly frantically tore through her closet.
"WHICH ONE SHOULD I WEAR!" She screamed.

After lots of hairspray the girl's were ready. They rushed out of the house and into the PT cruiser. Finally they reached the hotel in record time and walked delicately into the lobby. There were tons of girls piled and screaming. Julia and Brittany squashed through to the front. A man in a trenchcoat and a hat approached the girls.
"Julia and Brittany?" he presumed taking their arms.
"Umm...yeah," Julia said suspiciously. The man led them into the ballroom where hundreds of people were dancing, eating and mingling. The man in the trenchcoat took off his jacket and hat.
"Wow Justin, you scared the shit outta me," Brittany laughed. As he took off his hat there was no hair left. Julia gasped.
"Where's the fro?" She laughed.
"I shaved it!" Justin said boldly as he led the girls to their table,"Alright, here's the rest of your dancers..go ahead...mingle..." Julia hit Justin on the shoulder and sat down at the table.
"Hey, I'm Brittany and this is Julia," Brittany said introducing themselves. Three girls were seated at the table already.
"Hey, I'm Alexis," one girl said. She was a dark-skinned, gorgeous girl. She had long straight black hair with light brown eyes.
"Holly," Another one said. She had deep red curls that framed her face. She had dark green eyes which made her pale skin stick out beautifully.
"Imogene," the last one replied. She had a short pixie cut of platinum blonde hair. She seemed like the same person as Julia. Julia had a pixie cut as well, but her's was a deep brown with red highlights.
"So how did you guys get picked?" Holly asked to break the ice.
"Well, I sorta jumped out of my car when I saw Joey and gave him my number. Then he took a class with me at BDC and he asked me to come on tour. Julia is my roommate and they needed one more girl and she was it!" Brittany sighed.
"You're a CO-choreographer with Wade right?" Alexis asked.
"Yeah, though I think Wade will be doing most of it," Brittany said comfortably.
"So.. who's your fav," Imogene said sarcastically.
"Oh my God.. like Chris is SO HOT!" Julia said sarcastically back.
"You rang?" Chris said sliding over to Julia.
"Get outta here," she laughed pushing him away. Justin nonchalantly walked up to Brittany.
"Care for a dance?" He asked.
"Certainly," Brittany said politely taking his hand. They made their way to the dance floor arm in arm. Justin slipped his hands around Brittany's waist. She draped her arms around his neck and continued to dance to the slow pace.
"May I say you look exquised tonight?" He asked.
"Thanks J," She said softly.
"Something wrong?" He asked squeezing her tighter.
"Just nervous about tommorow," She replied.
"Don't be. Nothing is to fear because your Justin is here," he laughed.
"I know you for two days and you're already mine? Wow you are vulnerable," She giggled.
"Hey, who took care of you when you got raped," he laughed.
"Justin don't say I was raped..." She said seriously. There was a short pause before she said, "And Joey took care of me."
"Listen to me. Don't get attached to him ok?" Justin said soothingly.
"Joey? Please! I've known him for a short time and I know he is a hormone just waiting to explode everytime a woman walks by. I'm not vulnerable, I don't fall in love," Brittany said gravely.
"You've never been in love?" Justin asked as he pulled away to look into her eyes.
"I thought I was, but no, I've never been in love," She said looking away. His deep blue eyes were too much to handle. Her heart started to flutter as his caring eyes turned brighter.
"Wanna talk about it?" He asked taking her hand.
"No...There isn't anything to talk about," she said draping her arms around his shoulders and forcing him to dance.
"Alrighty. As long as you know Joey will hurt you, I'm ok," he laughed.
"Joey is deeper than you think J," She said.
"You've known him for two days and you're asking me to believe you?" Justin chuckled.
"We've talked...about his flirting...errr...problem. He doesn't do it on purpose. Something happened before N'sync," she said seriously.
"And Joey has told you his life story?" He asked.
"It's all in the eyes J...everything is hidden in somebody's eyes."

After a whole lot of dancing and fun, it was time to go home and get a good rest before the buses left EARLY the next morning.
"So, Did you have a good time?" Joey asked as he waked Brittany to her silver PT cruiser.
"Great time," Brittany smiled.
"I thought about what you said the other day..."Joey mummbled.
"What did I say? I say alot of things..." She chuckled.
"About the whole flirting thing...There is a reason...but no one seems to care. I was just the flirt and no one wanted to know the reason behind it, and I wish people saw that there was more to me than just flirting and girls,"Joey sighed.
"Well you know you can come to me about anything," Brittany said as she smiled and took his hand, "I'm here for you whenever you wanna talk."
"Thanks," he said giving her a peck on the cheek, "I'll see you bright and early tommorow morn."
"See ya," She said as she slammed the door on her car. She drove around to the front of the hotel where Julia and Chris were.
"Why are you guys always talking! Get the hell in the car! You need sleep!" Brittany screamed out her window to Julia.
"Damnit, I gotta go Chris," Julia sighed,"Goodnight." Chris gave her a hug as she walked down into the car.
"You ruined a perfectly good moment,"Julia said as Brittany drove the car away.
"I know," Brittany giggled.
"You'll pay for that," Julia said chuckling, "You'll pay..."

"Whats up with you and Julia?" Joey asked nudging Chris on the shoulder.
"Whats up with you and Brittany?" Chris asked Joey nudging him back.
"Nothing," they both replied at the same time.
"Julia's just a friend," Chris said.
"Brittany's just a friend," Joey said. The two sat silenced next to eachother as JC watched it awe.
"Man...You guys know them for two days and you already wanna fuck em," he said smiling proudly.
"DO NOT!" They replied simutaniously. JC just laughed as he stepped over them to get into their hotel room,"You guys are dumb if you ask me. Falling in love with people you work with, People who you aren't ALLOWED to fall in love with."
"Shut up JC. Just because no one loves you doesn't mean you gotta go ruining it for the rest of us,"Chris said standing up and walking towards the bathroom. JC smacked him with a pillow and flopped back on his bed. The silence rang through the room again until Justin came in humming.
"What are you so happy about?" He asked sarcastically to Joey as he wiped the smile off his face.
"Shut up J," He said taking his shirt off and getting changed.
"So what happened J? Are you diggin' the girls next store?" Lance asked as he slapped him on the back.
"Our dancers may not be fooled around with," Justin said seriously as he stripped down,"Why would I try to pick up girls that I'm not allowed to go out with?"
"In other words, they said get the hell out of here before we call security on you're sorry Timberlake ass?" JC asked.
"Basically," He replied

Chapter 6
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