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Chapter 6

      After the girls had packed their things into Brittany's small silver PT cruiser, they headed over to the hotel where a dozen buses were lined.  They dragged their luggage over to the front of the hotel where they saw Alexis, Holly and Imogene waiting.
      "Hey guys," Imogene yelled as she and the others ran to help with their baggage.  The three girls took their stuff and started to load it onto one of the buses.
      "Here's our bus, go check in with Johnny over there," Alexis said as she pointed to a man with a checklist.  
      "Hey we're supposed to check with you?" Julia asked as she tapped the man on the shoulder.  He jumped around to face the two girls.
      "Sorry girls, you scared me...You two are the last of the dancers?" He asked politely.
      "Yep. Julia and Brittany," Brittany said swiftly.
      "All right, thanks," Johnny said turning back around and doing some calculations on the paper.  The girls finally hopped on to their bus and looked around.
      "This is amazing," Julia sighed.  There was a small kitchen like bar in the front with a small refrigerator, a few bunks lined up to eachother and towards the back was a bathroom and a room with a TV, a couch and a few beanbag chairs.  Suddenly Joey and Justin burst into their bubble.
      "Hey gals, see something you like?" Joey said seductively.
      "Not especially,"Brittany said pretending she didn't get his pick up line.  Joey sighed and pouted at her.  She chuckled and turned away.  
      "So you guys like the bus?" Chris asked popping his head in from the door of the bus.      
      "'Tis lovely," Julia said relaxing on a bean bag chair.  A shout from Johnny meant it was time to get moving.
      "See ya guys later," Justin said as the three of them jogged to their bus.  The buses started to move and they were on their way.  


      "Chris to Imogene, Imogene to Chris, over," a voice said over the loudspeaker.  Imogene skipped over to the intercom on the front of the bus and talked back.
      "Hot Mamma to Sugar Daddy, I repeat Hot Mamma to Sugar Daddy, do you read?" She said in a southern accent.  Laughter came over the intercom and Chris shouted back.
      "Sugar Daddy, I read you Hot Mamma.  We are going to stop at McDonalds, I repeat the Golden Arches," he chuckled.
      "I read ya...Over," Imogene stated as she shut her intercom off.
      "What does everyone want? I'll write it down," Brittany said taking out a pad and pen.
      "Salad shaker," Alexis smiled.  
      "Big Mac,"Holly said.
      "Double Cheeseburger,"Imogene and Julia shouted at the same time.  
      "Wow guys, that's getting sick," Brittany laughed.  She wrote down a double cheeseburger order for herself and stepped off the bus.  She stretched around in the parking lot and gave her list to Johnny.  She tip toed over to the boys bus and jumped on when she realized the door was open.  Chris and Justin were playing Sony Play Station two while Lance watched.  JC was intrigued in some cross word puzzle and Joey was sleeping in his bunk.  Brittany hopped to the play station area and started to watch.  
      "God you guys suck," Brittany said kicking the controller from Chris and starting to play.  She started to beat Justin miserably and he turned it off.
      "Lucky," Justin mumbled as he stood up and walked away.
      "Defeated," Chris laughed.  Justin pounced on him and they started to wrestle.  
      "Well, I'll just be getting back then," Brittany giggled as she stepped over the duo.  She walked back over to her bus and saw the food waiting on the first step.  She picked it up and opened the bag.      
      "CHOW TIME!" She screamed.

      "How many more hours?" Holly whined to the bus driver.
      "We've got one more stop around 7 tonight and then we should be there around midnight," he stated. Holly sighed and laid back down in her bunk.
      "Only an hour till I get to eat," she muttered as she rolled over in her bed.  Julia's nokia phone, rang "It's gonna be me," loudly.
      "PICK IT UP...FAST!" Holly grunted.  
      "Hello?" Julia answered.
      "Hey baby, it's Randy," he replied.
      "Hey Randy," She said quietly.  Brittany's eyes shot up and stared at Julia in shock.
      "How's the tour going?" he asked sneakily.
      "How did you--"
      "No comment.  Or that is what you will be saying once I get a job as *Nsync's personal press agent" he sneered.
      "They hired you right out of college?" she questioned.
      "I've got connections.  Randy Wright...hmmm...anything to do with Johnny Wright?" he cackled.
      "I didn't know he was your uncle," she said as her hopes dropped.
      "Well, now you do...and he happened to slip that a Miss. Julia Franco was joining the *Nsync dancing crew.  Well, I need to be getting some shut eye...big day is coming up.  See your in Jacksonville." He slithered as he hung up.
      "Why the hell did he call you?" Brittany asked nervously.
      "He's...He's going to be their Press Agent," she stuttered.
      "We've got to see him for the next three months?" Brittany sighed.
      "I'm afraid so...Just what I needed...My abusive ex-boyfriend coming on a get away with me." She chuckled.
      "Don't long as I'm around, he won't get to you," Brittany smiled giving her a side hug.  Julia smiled softly and returned to deep thought.
      "Please God...don't make me see Randy," she sighed.

      "WE'RE ALMOST THERE!" Alexis screamed through the intercom.
      "Woah...hey don't wake up the whole bus," Justin chuckled.
      "You had to get up anyway.  Pack up your things and move along little doggies,"She giggled as she shut her intercom off.
      "Did she just imply that we are dogs?" JC asked.
      "Well, you are, I don't know about us," Joey laughed.  JC sighed and began to pack his things into his backpack.  
      "You ok C?  I was just kidding," Joey asked sincerely.
      "Whatever," he replied.  He then turned around and pounced on Joey.
      "Reverse everytime," JC laughed.  The bus came to a halt and the boys scrambled to get off the bus.  
      "Dear Hotel, I love you!" Joey said skipping off the bus.  They rushed into the building as the busloads of others followed close behind.  After recieving their keys, everyone reported to their room for some shut eye.  Imogene and Alexis had one room, Julia and Brittany were together and Holly was left with Wade.
      "Holly, I know you're innocent...but don't let his preteen good looks get to you," Julia laughed as she peeked into their room.   
      "Shut up! I'm not pre-teen!" Wade cried as his voice cracked.  Julia just busted at the seams back to her room.  
      "Whats so funny?" Chris asked.
      "Wade...he...his voice cracked...when I said he was pre-teen," Julia said gasping between her guffaws.  Chris bolted to Wade's room.
      "Hey!  Do you have any underage drinkers in here....oh right...Sqeaks over there," Chris chuckled as he walked proudly back to Julia rolling on the floor.
      "Don't get us in trouble missy!" He said putting his hands on his hips and then helping her to her feet.
      "Thanks Chris," she said with a sigh, "Good night."
      "Ready for bed?" Brittany asked.
      "Ready...Now let's get sleep cuz' we've got some dancing to do tommorow," Julia said happily as she drifted off into a sweet slumber.


Chapter 7
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