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Chapter 8

"Justin rub her more," Wade said as he watched Brittany dance with him.
"Ummm... I really don't want him to rub me too much," She laughed.
"Oh...I can rub her more if you want me too," Justin said as he put his hands on her breasts.
"OUCH! PERVERT!" She said slapping his hands off her. He gave her a sexy grin and then pouted."If he touches me like that once more, I'm outta here."
"I promise...I'm done groping you," Justin giggled. She sighed as they tried the move once more. This tour was a little.."Risque". There was ALOT of touching going on in the room. Especially between Chris and Julia. Brittany was the only one who noticed he had been groping her ALOT since the class started. Finally they tried the dance from the top. "The Game is Over," started pumping through the speakers and they started the moves all over. Finally they had perfected their dancing after five intensive hours. Alexis plopped on the floor after the song was over.
"Can we end on the floor?" She laughed. JC helped her up off the floor and she leaned into his shoulder. She ended up sitting back down after a minute. Brittany started to slide down the mirror.
"What's this? Brittany is sitting down on the job? Who's the weak one now?" Justin teased.
"I don't feel to well," she sighed. Suddenly her eyes shut in pain and she collapsed on the floor.
"Why is she always collapsing?" Joey asked rushing to her side.
"She overworks herself. Plus she didn't have breakfast this morning so she wasn't energized enough," Julia said calmly. "She faints alot."
"I thought after Joey last night she'd be pretty awake," Chris teased. Joey jumped up to go beat up on Chris again.
"Yeah...seriously what was that about..." Lance asked as Joey as he chased Chris around the room.
"We just watched A Hard Days Night and then we fell asleep... no biggie," he said finally putting Chris in a head lock."Damnit, I wish you still had those braids for me to pull on."
"Right but that was after the Freaky Deaky right?" JC asked suspiciously.
"GOD! Shut the hell up!" Joey said releasing Chris.
"You're usually happy to know you're a ladies man," Justin laughed.
"I'm sick of sounding like a pimp...wait nevermind," Joey laughed. Brittany started to come out of her state and rubbed her eyes.
"What happened?" She asked.
"You fainted...again," Julia sighed.
"Then let me go get some lunch...errr...dinner," She said staring at her watch. She tried to stand up but her legs didn't support her and she collapsed to the floor again.
"Can I get some help here?" she asked impatiently. Justin and Joey picked her up under her arms and thrusted her over their shoulders.
"Let's go get some dinner," Imogene said dragging Lance behind her. After loading up the cars they found their way back to the hotel to order some room service. Justin and Joey dropped Brittany onto her bed and sat down beside her.
"Now EAT!" Justin said as he picked up the phone to order.
"Guys, you don't have to stay here. I'm perfectly fine...I faint all the time," she mumbled.
"I don't wanna leave you here alone with Joey after what happened last night," Justin chuckled.
"News here travels at the speed of light...and rumors start even faster," Joey sighed. Justin ordered some fries and burgers because he knew everyone would end up in the room anyway. Everyone burst through the door at the moment.
"Did you order food yet?" JC asked.
"It's on it's way. I'm goin' to shower," Lance said walking back to their room. Everyone then piled out to take one.
"Are you gonna take one?" Joey asked Brittany.
"I'll take a bath...If you help me get in there," she laughed.
"I'd be GLAD to," he said picking her up. He set her down on the ledge of the bath and turned on the water.
"I'll be fine from here thanks," she laughed.
"All right...I'll be in my room taking a shower..." he said kissing her on the forehead and closing the bathroom door behind him. Julia walked in quickly.
"Damnit you got the tub first!" She yelled.
"I'm taking a bath so I'm gonna be a while," she smiled.
"Fine. I'll take the shower somewhere else," Julia sighed.
"Chris's room?" Brittany asked seductively.
"Shut up," Julia said shyly, "Take it easy girl." Brittany slipped her shirt off with ease and continued to take her clothes off. She stepped into the bath quickly and let the water calm her muscles. She breathed a sigh of relief and heard someone come into the room. The person turned on the TV but Brittany ignored it. After a few minutes she finished and wrapped a towel around herself. She slipped on a tight tank top and some pajama pants. She stepped out of the bathroom to see Joey relaxed on the bed.
"How did I know it was you?" Brittany asked.
"Cuz' I'm the only one who cares that you collapsed today," he sighed.
"Joey...please don't worry! It happens all the time!" She giggled.
"Damn girl...It should be illegal for you to wear that shirt on this tour," Joey laughed.
"I'll just cover myself with your sweatshirt then," she said.
"NO!...I mean you don't have to," he laughed. Brittany threw him the sweatshirt back and lied on Julia's bed and started to watch MTV with him. He threw it back at her and smiled.
"Keep it," he said. Brittany threw it at her bag and rubbed her stomach.
"I need food," she complained.
"Soon," he sighed. Justin came into the room and sat on the bed with Brittany. He wrapped his arms around her and dragged her to his lap.
"I thought you said no more groping," she giggled. Justin let go of her set her down beside him.
"Has Chris said anything to you about Julia?" Brittany asked.
"For the first time...No," Joey laughed.
"There was alot more than dancing goin' on before. She went in there to take a shower and I have no doubt that there are in there together," She sighed.
"THEY ARE TAKING A SHOWER?" Justin shouted.
"I didn't think Chris was kinky like that!" Joey laughed.
"You are?" Brittany asked.
"HELLZ YEAH!" Justin and Joey said at the same time. Brittany just laughed and leaned back into the pillows.
"Chris usually lets us know if he likes someone," Justin said laying back next to Brittany.
"Well...Uhhh.. Tell him to be careful...because Julia is..."
"Fast?" Joey asked.
"Yeah thats it," Brittany said.
"To be honest...Chris isn't really dating people that much because he just broke up with Danielle," Justin said.
"I don't think you have to worry about Chris. He's 30 and he can handle himself," Joey laughed.
"I don't know... The older they get, the dirtier," Brittany laughed.
"Oh damn girl... I have GOT to use that on Chris sometime," Justin snorted. Finally the food came and everyone ended up eating in Britt and Julia's room as suspected. As everyone left, Brittany noticed Julia packing up her backpack. Joey was kindly cleaning up for Brittany and JC was staring intently at the TV.
"Julia where are you going?" Brittany asked suspiciously.
"I'm staying in Chris's room," She said calmly. Joey and JC's attention directed at Julia as she spoke the words. Brittany's heart stopped in her chest and her hands started to tremble.
"Can I talk to you in the bathroom?" Brittany asked angrily as she dragged her and shut the door. Joey and JC snuck up to the door and placed their ears on the door.
"What happened to NOT fucking Chris?" Brittany asked as her anger grew.
"What happened to NOT fucking Joey!?" Julia yelled back. JC stared at Joey with a suspicious look in his eyes. Joey kept on listening.
"I DIDN'T contrary to everyone's belief. Jesus, we fall asleep on eachother and it's like the end of the WORLD!" Brittany yelled back.
"Listen Britt, I don't wanna fight with you. I'm sleeping in Chris's room. I'm NOT guaranteeing that anything is going to happen or not, but I'm cut me some slack!" Julia whined.
"I just DON'T want you getting hurt Julia. How weird would it be to fuck Chris and then dance on stage with him tommorow night! How SCREWED up is this relationship going to be?" Brittany complained.
"DON'T lecture me on what I should or shouldn't do! I'm SICK of you butting in on me!" Julia screamed.
"Chris JUST got out of a long time relationship Julia! Don't go hurt him," She said lowering her guard.
"Care about Chris more? Fine...WE've only been friends for three years now. I'd think you care about me more!" Julia yelled.
"I don't want EITHER of you hurting eachother. I don't care what relationship you get in with Chris. Just don't do something you'll know you'll regret," Brittany sighed.
"Thanks for the warning," Julia said arrogantly as she opened the door. JC and Joey tumbled to the floor at her feet. Julia huffed over the boys and slammed the door behind her. Brittany's tears welled up in her eyes as she jumped over the boys and curled into a ball on her bed.
"I'm gonna get going," JC said solemly as he walked out. Joey shoved his hands in his pockets and sat down beside Brittany as she choked back sobs. He brushed her wet strands of hair out of her eyes and rubbed her back.
"I'm sorry you had to hear that. We've never fought before," Brittany cried. Joey picked her up and let her cry into his shoulder.
"I know it's just because you care. I've gotten into alot of fights over that too..but I was never the one caring. I was always the stubborn one, like Julia. You've got to let her realize her mistakes now," he said rubbing her back. Brittany wiped back her tears and composed herself.
"I'm sorry...I never cry...It's just we've never fought like that before...So It got me a little worked up," She sniffed. Joey just smiled and kissed her forehead.
"Get some sleep. You'll feel better in the morning," Joey said. He tightened his grasp on her hand then let it go. As he shut the door Brittany lied back down on her bed. She didn't want him to stay in the room because only more things would get started. Brittany still worried about Julia but she shrugged her shoulders and slipped into her covers. Though she had a hard time sleeping, she finally drifted an hour later.

"So...." Chris said shoving his hands in his pockets.
"So...." Julia replied. They had a hard time looking at eachother and finally a tear emerged out of Julia's eye.
"Whats wrong?" Chris asked jumping over to her side.
"Nothing....Well...something. Brittany and I got in a fight before we came over here and we've never fought before," Julia sobbed. Chris turned her face to look into her eyes.
"I heard you guys...from here I mean. But...I think you should go and patch things up with Brittany before...ummm," Chris said avoiding the obvious.
"Yeah...Ok...Maybe another time," Julia said rushing out of the room. As she walked back to her room she bumped into someone in the hall.
"Sorry," Julia said picking up her backpack. When she looked up she saw Randy's eyes meet her bloodshot ones.
"Is he making you cry already? Or did you just sleep with him and now you're regretting it like you did to me?" He asked as his anger grew.
"I never meant to hurt you Randy," she sniffed as she started to walk away. Randy ran up to her and stopped her with his arms. He pushed her aganist the wall and forced his lips upon her. She tried to struggle out of his arms but his grasp was tight. He brushed his fingers through her hair and her body shivered from his touch. Her head was firm against the wall and she was starting to get a headache from the pressure. Chris walked out of the room to see Randy pushing her into the wall.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" He asked as Randy's release loosened. Randy walked up to Chris and realized he towered over him. Julia ran up beside him and Randy pushed her down against the wall again. She struggled to get his powerful hand off her stomach where he was pressing her into the wall. Chris knew his power was nothing compared to Randy's, so he tried furiously to help Julia get out of his grasp. Finally he released her and Julia went tumbling into Chris's arms. Her sobs became more desperate and shortened as she tried to gain her breath back.
"Stay away from her Chris...because now that I have her back, I'm not letting her go," Randy said as a devilish smile creeped across his lips. He shoved Chris into the wall as he stepped into an elevator near by. Julia shivered as Chris tried to pick her up off the floor.
"I'll talk to you tommorow," She whispered as she stepped into her room. She noticed the lights were out and turned them on.
"Julia?" Brittany moaned.
"We have to talk," Julia said between tears. Brittany immediately woke up and crawled next to her on the bed.
"What did he do to you?" Brittany asked grabbing Julia's shoulders. Julia forced her eyes away from Brittany and started to cry again.
"Randy...he..he...hurt Chris and I," she muttered. Julia continued to sob into Brittany's shoulder and she cradled her. A knock came softly on the door and then there was silence.
"It's Chris," the voice behind the door whispered. Julia jumped up to the door to find Chris standing there with a wilted flower.
"Some fan gave this to me the other day, but I thought it might make you feel better," Chris said smiling. Julia took the flower and kissed him on the cheek.
"I'm going to get some sleep, but thank you for the flower...and I'll talk to you tommorow about Randy's actions," Julia sighed.
"Are you dating him? Cuz' If you were, I would have totally backed off if you told me to---"
"No...He's my ex. Nothing else...I hate him," Julia said seriously.
"Great!...I mean ok... I'll see you tommorow," Chris said excitedly. Julia looked at the wilted flower in her hand and smiled.
"Brittany, I'm totally smitten."

Chapter 9
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