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Chapter 9

The next whole day was filled with dress rehersals and sound checks. The stage was set and the first sound check was early that morning. At about noon there was a technical rehersal, meet and greet was at 6:00 and the concert started at 7:30. Once the girls were ready they sat in the front row of the stadium and watched the guys run through the numbers. In the middle of "Gone", they lined up backstage. Finally, "It's gonna be me," came on and they got to dance. The run through went smoothly and around six, the boys lined up for Meet and Greet. Brittany and Imogene went out by the buses where tons of girls were waiting and started to talk to some of them.
"How did you get to be on this side of the line?" One fan asked.
"We're dancers...We're waiting for Nsync to get their lazy asses on the bus so we can relax till the show starts," Imogene sighed.
"Wow...Is Justin really dating Britney?" The fan whispered.
"Well my name is Brittany...but as far as Spears...I haven't seen her around," Brittany smiled. The girl smiled and slapped hands with her.
"So are you a huge fan?" Imogene asked leaning on the police support.
"I like their music... I'm not going to cry when I see them or try to rip their hair out," She laughed.
"Who's your fav?" Brittany asked as she laughed at her last responce.
"Probably Joey...He's hysterical," The girl giggled. Finally the guys came out from behind stage and started to walk casually towards the bus. Brittany grabbed Joey's arm.
"Sign this," She said handing him a pen and reaching her shirt out. He glanced with a confused grin and signed it skeptically. Brittany lifted the shirt off her head and threw it to the girl she was talking to.
"THANKS BRITT!" the girl yelled as Brittany grabbed Imogene's arm and pulled her onto the tour bus. Joey looked excitedly at Brittany since she only had her sports bra on.
"Come on...Like you haven't seen me in one of these before?" Brittany asked. They stepped onto the bus and plopped down on the floor as it drove away.
"Where did your shirt go?" Alexis asked.
"Joey sighed it and gave it to a fan," Brittany said covering herself up.
"In otherwords, Joey ripped it off her in the middle of the fans," Justin said satanically.
"You know me all too well," Joey laughed.

Brittany slipped into her leather clad pants and graffiti top. The hairdresser had her done simply. It was plaited into two long braids which reached her mid-back back a black rhinestone bandanna was wrapped ontop. She slipped on some jazz sneakers and waited for the other girls outside the dressing room.
"Nervous?" Holly asked.
"Terrified," Julia shivered. Justin and Chris finished up their skit from "Gone" and it was time for the girls to go on with all the fun toys.
"Ready?" JC asked Alexis.
"I was born ready," she replied as they rushed back onto stage. Brittany ran over to Justin and started to "cheer him up". Finally they started to dance. The music rushed Brittany and she dancer harder than ever before. The part they had been practicing for so long came up and Justin brushed the side of her breasts as a joke. When they turned around Brittany mouthed "I'm going to kill you." After they were done the girls smiled and jumped into eachother.
"If that isn't a rush...I don't know what is," Holly giggled.

"Celebration time," Joey said grabbing Brittany's hand. Brittany giggled as she slipped her white bandanna over her braids and slipped a fifty into her pocket.
"Who's comming?" Brittany asked as she slipped her hands into Joey's pockets so he could face her.
"Jayce, J dawg, and Albino," Joey laughed.
"In english please," Brittany smiled.
"JC, Justin, and Lance," He said.
"Where's Chris?" Brittany asked as she draped her arms around him.
"With Julia somewhere...who knows," he sighed.
"Figures..." Brittany huffed.
"Hey don't worry about them tonight! It's all about partying because you were amazing tonight," Joey said planting a small kiss on the tip of her nose.
"Amazing? Me? Haha...How bout Justin...he was hot shit out there!" she teased. Joey sniffed and turned away in the elevator.
"Just kidding, You were amazing too... I guess," she said putting a kiss on his cheek. Joey smiled excitedly and put his arms around her waist. She leaned her head back into his collar bone and smelled his divine smell once again. She snuggled innocently into his chest and sighed. The elevator door opened suddenly and they walked out to where Justin's SUV was waiting.
"Let's go party our asses off," Justin said stepping on the gas.

Brittany stepped into the bar and smiled. "Plenty of guys here tonight," she thought to herself. She got herself a raspberry vodka with some 7up and sat at the bar.
"Did you see the Nsync boys are here?" one girl asked beside her.
"Yeah...I came with them," She smiled.
"I'm Jade...You?" she asked.
"Brittany...I'm a dancer on the tour." She smiled.
" you've got to have a crush on ONE of them," She laughed.
"'m not. I'm really good friends with Joey...but he's a ladies he's not for me," she smiled.
"Well then excuse me while I intercept," Jade said slithering over to him. Brittany rolled her eyes and sipped another sip. Lance finally noticed her sitting alone and sat on the stool next to her.
"Now what is a pretty lady like yourself sitting here all alone?" He asked.
"Remembering why I don't like going to clubs with Nsync," she sighed.
"You never used to not like going out with us," Lance smiled. Then he realized what happened last time as she rolled her eyes.
"Oh...right...I forgot about that. Well come dance with me then," Lance said charmingly.
" suck at dancing," Brittany giggled.
"Oh shut up," he said taking her hand and leading her to the floor. She had to admit, he wasn't that bad of a dancer. He knew how to bump and grind. Justin suddenly intercepted and pushed Lance out of the way. He was swarmed by other girls and continued to dance with others. Justin slid his arms around her waist and moved his hips with hers.
"This is better than any Wade dance," Brittany whispered. Justin laughed and held her tighter. She glanced over at Joey where he was making out with some girl in the corner.
"I told you how he was," Justin said turning her around.
"Ten bucks he doesn't fuck her," she said. Justin shook her hand forcefully.
"You're on," he laughed.
"Now what makes you think he won't?" Justin asked.
"Cuz' Joey doesn't want to," She said calmly.
"With Joey's hormones and her tits...he wants to," Justin chuckled.
"We'll see J...We'll see," She smiled. Joey continued to kiss the girl in the corner and finally released her lips from his.
"Joey...come back to my place," she asked huskily.
"I...I can't...I've got alot to do tommorow," he said kindly as he looked into Brittany's eyes. He walked towards her on the dance floor and kicked Justin away.
"Ten bucks J," she said. Justin forced the bill into her hand and pouted away.
"What was that about?" he asked grinding closer to her.
"I bet him you wouldn't go home with her," she giggled.
"Ha...J thought he had you. But he didn't know about us," he smiled.
"What about us?" she asked.
"Our talk I mean...the talk we had...and how I'm not gonna sleep around anymore...and i'm just gonna find nice girls," he said innocently as a small grin appeared.
"No... he doesn't know. But damnit...only nice girls? That leaves me out," She said sliding her hands towards his ass.
"Woah...someone had a little too much to drink?" he asked looking at her eyes.
"I only had one drink...I don't know what you're talking about," she shrugged innocently as she pressed closer to him. Joey's expression turned to a surprised look as he stared at her.
"Damnit...Did my hormones rub off on you?" he laughed.
"I think a little more than hormones rubbed off," she said seductively.
"Woah...I've never heard you like that!...But I like it," he joked.
"There's more where that came from," she said tracing her finger under his chin and sliding away. It was getting late and it was time to go anyway. Joey watched her shake her hips back to whisper to JC that it was time to go.
"I think I want the bad girls again," Joey thought.

Chapter 10
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