ENYCE RyDaHs (Ramps)
These are recent pictures that were taken at the Chealsie Piers skatepark in Manhatten.
Mike Terazzi, owner of LEVEL 10, with a no footed nosepick.
Ed Pollio- framestand icepick.
Danny "Mexican" from staten island learned barspins on this box in 1 day.
Mike Taurozzi with an abubaca x-up.
Vin Formisano with a big transfer over the gator pit.
Mike Taurozzi is tech...pegstand icepick on the mini.
Spiderman flies once again and hits this rail.
Ed is getting better and better at these tabletops.
You cant see the sequence but i will explain it to you...Vin Formisano of staten island with a 1 hander to 1 hander lander.
Mike Terazzi comes from the 6 ft 1/4, stalls the railing with and icepick and even throws in an x-up for good measures.
Ed pulls and x-up while going backwards over the box.
Mike abubacas the subbox on tha mini.
This is what happens the first time you try to hit a rail.
This is what happens a couple trys later...Danny hits his first ever rail.
Ed transfers from the 1/4 pipe to the mini and throws in an x-up.
Mike does a nosepick tailwhip on the 6ft quater pipe.