ENYCE RyDaHs (Rider Profiles)
1) Name: Mike McGinlay
2) DOB: "4-15-85"
3) Years riding: "11 months...i dont count the months i was flatlanding cause i didnt learn anything."
4) Resides in: "Bullshead, Staten Island."
5) The person that inspires you the most is: "This is gonna sound dumb, But Joe(Henriquez) does, Hes probably the reason i got back into riding.. He good to ride wit and hes nice to take on a photo shoot."
6) Sponsers: "LoL.. My parents..... they buy my parts and film."
7) Fav. type of riding: "definitely street "
8) Future aspirations: "what? big words rey... I want my site to take off, and get big... I want to get alot better at riding and progress quickly.. and i wanan start a company and become a photgrapher."
9) How would you describe your style? (big/tech/smooth/sketchy): "VERY SKETCHY tech... i could never be a rider who busts backflips and crap.. i wanna be a rider who can do crazy tech stuff.. the most tech i ever got was on accident when i did a bunnyhop one footer to one footed feeble grind, to one footed landing.. i took a foot off for balance and ended up being the smoothest grind ever."
10) First trick learned: "feebles ."
11) Last trick learned: "uhm... lol feebles... i havent ridden all summer.. but the last thing i did was learn how to hop for length..ya know out and over stuff ."
12) Fav. trick: " best trick i ever seen was 180 to 50-50 to 180 off by brian wizmerski..that was nice."
13) Personal quote:" uhm... Be nice to the youngsters cuz when ur old and dieing theyll be the only ones who can take care of u ."
14) Comments: "Check out Mike's website Mike's NYC Riders