American Civil War Home Chatroom
Transcript (10/14/07) "Christian Cavalier: The
Spiritual Legacy of JEB Stuart" an online chat with
author Michael Aubrecht (CONTINUED)
10/14/2007 9:53 pm (et) MAubrecht:
10/14/2007 9:53 pm (et)
MAubrecht: In addition to his published
poetry, another rarely known fact about the life of
J.E.B. Stuart is the creative ingenuity that he
possessed, resulting in several early inventions
which he designed to benefit the trooper.
Incidentally, this would later result in career
opportunities that may not have been otherwise
possible. Following a winter spent in his quarters
at Fort Riley, Stuart's cavalry received their
summer orders to protect settler routes along the
Arkansas River. During this time, J.E.B. was
granted six months furlough and returned to his
home state of Virginia to establish his own
homestead with his wife Flora.
10/14/2007 9:54 pm (et) MAubrecht:
While on leave, Stuart completed an
invention devised to alleviate the problem of
carrying a saber. The attachment consisted of a
simple brass hook that enabled a mounted soldier to
hang his sword on the pommel of the saddle when
dismounting to fight. Upon returning to his mount,
the trooper could easily detach the weapon and
return it to the side of his belt. Immensely proud
and confident with his creation, "Stuart's
Lightning Horse Hitcher," J.E.B. traveled to
Washington in October to patent the device (P.N.
25684) and to present a demonstration of its
benefits to the Secretary of War.
10/14/2007 9:55 pm (et)
MAubrecht: While waiting for his interview,
Stuart was asked if he would take an important
message regarding a raid to Lieutenant Colonel
Robert E. Lee. Eager to do so, J.E.B. found his
10/14/2007 9:55 pm (et) MAubrecht:
superior in Arlington, delivered
the message, and requested permission to accompany
Lee as an aide. Within days, three of the South's
greatest commanders: Lee, Jackson, and Stuart would
all be together in the field for the first time.
Perhaps it was predestined after all?
10/14/2007 9:55 pm (et) MAubrecht:
This raid of course, was the most
famous episode, known as "the Raid at Harper's
Ferry." On October 16, 1859, John Brown, an
anti-slavery campaigner, led a party of twenty-one
men in a successful attack on the Federal Armory
and Arsenal at Harper's Ferry. After attempting to
instigate surrender under a white flag, Lieutenant
Stuart ordered the door to be knocked down, which
allowed the storming marines access to the
building. Despite operating on behalf of the
Federal Government at the time, all Southern
participants would later be vilified for their
actions against the martyred emancipator.
10/14/2007 9:56 pm (et) MAubrecht:
A few years later, secession and a
"Call To Arms" for the recently established
Confederate States of America, led J.E.B. back to
his homeland of Virginia. As with many of his
comrades, it was with a heavy heart that Stuart
entered the War Between the States. After pledging
his loyalty to the Union and serving the government
with such impeccable duty over the years, his
conscience was troubled over participating in what
many referred to as a "forced resolution." As with
all civil wars, both sides believed they were
justified. Both believed that they were acting on
behalf of God.
10/14/2007 9:57 pm (et) MAubrecht:
As with most native Virginians,
loyalty to one's state came first, and many
southern officers resigned their commissions in the
U.S. Army. Stuart's commander, Thomas Jackson was
personally selected to command a regiment of
Virginia volunteers and V.M.I. cadets. "Stonewall"
would later personally request the services of
Stuart to command the cavalry division. Upon
receiving a command in the newly established
Confederate Army, Jackson's initial task was to
train his ragtag brigade of volunteers and cadets
to operate with lethal precision. The former
professor took this responsibility very seriously
and drilled his troops incessantly in hopes of
providing Lee with a formidable fighting force.
Horsemen were essential in this equation, and
required a leadership that was both aggressive and
10/14/2007 9:58 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Boasting a reputation as a seasoned
warrior and a daring cavalryman, J.E.B. had built a
grand reputation while fighting hostile Indians in
the Western territories. The complete opposite of
Jackson in terms of demeanor, Stuart's zeal
complimented his new commander's seriousness, and
they would grow to be great allies and friends.
Ironically, it would be General Stuart who later
assumed command of Jackson's men following his
wounding at the Battle of Chancellorsville.
Neither, of course, would survive the war. This
relationship is one of the few 'truthfully'
depicted hoakie scenes in Gods and Generals.
10/14/2007 9:58 pm (et)
MAubrecht: It was during this time that
Stuart became more actively and publicly religious
as he followed the example of his superiors. Like
Jackson, J.E.B. supported the concept of a
spiritually strong army and insisted that the
church community assist with the appointment of
army chaplains. Throughout the war, he would
repeatedly commend his own pastor, stating, "Of my
own regiment, the acting chaplain, Rev. Mr. Ball,
was conspicuously useful."
10/14/2007 9:59 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Sidebar: William J. Jones' book
"Christ In The Camp" singles Stuart out by name as
being an example of a pious commander.
10/14/2007 9:59 pm (et) MAubrecht:
In addition to the Reverend Ball,
Stuart graciously provided chaplains for all of his
regiments and regularly encouraged group prayer
sessions as well as religious meetings. The result
of his efforts eventually led to the establishment
of the Chaplain's Association, which held large
gatherings encompassing the entire Confederate
forces in the winters of both 1863 and '64.
10/14/2007 10:00 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Stuart also found that a majority
of the chaplains in the United States Army belonged
to the Episcopalian faith. As a result, he often
considered that his opportunities for Christian
fellowship and church privileges would be increased
by his change from the Methodist Church. Although
J.E.B. had been confirmed as an Episcopalian, he
practiced as a member of the Methodist community;
thus, his attitude toward all denominations of
Christians was far from narrow.
10/14/2007 10:01 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Denominations were not important
while on the march - only that the Gospel be shared
in a universal manner.
10/14/2007 10:01 pm (et) MAubrecht:
These men of the cloth would also
minister to Stuart himself as troubled times were
10/14/2007 10:01 pm (et)
MAubrecht: In November of 1862, Stuart
received distressing news from home regarding his
darling child, Flora. Suffering from an illness,
her health was rapidly deteriorating, much to the
dismay of her parents. Unable to return home to be
with his family, J.E.B. wrote letters to his wife
every day expressing his concern but also a resolve
to the will of God.
10/14/2007 10:02 pm (et)
MAubrecht: He wrote: "Dr. Brewer's first
dispatch was received yesterday, and I answered it
at once. The second came today, saying our
darling's case was doubtful, and urges me in your
name to come. I received it on the field of battle.
I was at no loss to decide that it was my duty to
you and to Flora to remain here. I am entrusted
with the conduct of affairs, the issue of which
will affect you, her, and the mothers and children
of our whole country much more seriously than we
can believe. If my darling's case is hopeless there
are ten chances to one that I will get to Lynchburg
too late; if she is convalescent why should my
presence be necessary? She was sick nine days
before I knew it. Let us trust in the good God, who
has blessed us so much, that he will spare our
child to us, but if it should please Him to take
her from us let us bear it with Christian fortitude
and resignation."
10/14/2007 10:03 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Teej and I have discussed this
incident in the past. This is an example of duty
coming before family - whether it was 'forced' or
not. However , later we will see the
10/14/2007 10:03 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Still these words ring of
Christian resolve. If that doesn't sound like the
writing of a devout believer [addressing the
skeptical scholars], then I don't know what one is.
10/14/2007 10:04 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Unfortunately, Flora's condition
worsened, and she passed away a few days later. The
loss of his little girl was heartbreaking, but
J.E.B. maintained his faith in the Lord and looked
to the day they would be reunited in the Kingdom of
Heaven. He wrote: "The affliction fell at last; the
intelligence reached me this morning. I was
somewhat expecting it, and yet it grieves me more -
the more I think of it. When I remember her sweet
voice, her gentle ways, and affection for "Papa,"
and then think that she is gone, my heart is ready
to burst. I want to see you so much. I know she is
better off, but it is a hard blow to us. I have
been in battle every day since I heard of our
darling's sickness, November 2nd. She died November
3rd, and I heard of it on the 6th. I have been
harassing and checking a heavy force, believed to
be McClellan's. God has shielded me thus far from
bodily harm, but I feel perfect resignation to go
at his bidding and join my little Flora."
10/14/2007 10:05 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Its one of the saddest stories
from the Civil War that I'm familiar with. Yet it
happened again and again to fathers on both sides -
from Generals to Privates.
10/14/2007 10:05 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Before we move on… Are there any
questions or comments that anyone has in regards to
Stuart's early war years? I wanted to present the
sacrifice that was endured by Stuart and men like
10/14/2007 10:05 pm (et)
Basecat: Comment...Stonewall and J.E.B. had
a very brotherly relationship. Stuart was one of
the few who could make Stonewall smile while in
camp. Only time Jackson ever wore a new uniform was
at Fredericksburg. Stuart was the one who purchased
the uniform for him.
10/14/2007 10:06 pm (et)
amhistoryguy: ?
10/14/2007 10:06 pm (et) bluelady:
10/14/2007 10:06 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Yes base. In fact there are some
GREAT letters here at the NPS archives from
subordinates 'poking fun' at Old Jack in his 'new
duds' Yes am
10/14/2007 10:07 pm (et)
bluelady: JEB's son was originally named
Phillip but the strain from the relationship with
father in law caused JEB to change his name
10/14/2007 10:07 pm (et)
amhistoryguy: How well received by
the common soldier, was Stuart's effort to build a
spiritually strong army, any evidence (Letters etc.
of their reaction? )
10/14/2007 10:08 pm (et)
MAubrecht: From what I've read - there was a
great revival that took place during the war. I
actually write extensively about that in my 3rd
book. Let me say this..
10/14/2007 10:10 pm (et) MAubrecht:
As the war dragged on - the need
for religion grew. In other words during the first
few years of the war - the non-Christians were
content. However as the horror and death and
destruction continued (with no end in site) the
ministers and preachers were more an more sought
after. There were approx. 300,000 new conversions
over the course of the war (counting both sides.)
10/14/2007 10:10 pm (et)
amhistoryguy: Thanks
10/14/2007 10:11 pm (et)
bluelady: ?
10/14/2007 10:11 pm (et) MAubrecht:
"Christ In The Camp" is a great
book filled with tons of letters etc. Also, the NPS
has a bunch of War Journals w/ individual
correspondence from the churches to their ministers
in the field. Early on they are clearly frustrated
by camp behavior - later they can't fit all the
people in their tents for service. War made a lot
of Christians.
10/14/2007 10:12 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Yes bluelady.
10/14/2007 10:12 pm (et) TreeFrog:
10/14/2007 10:12 pm (et)
bluelady: where is Flora (daughter) buried?
10/14/2007 10:13 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Another great question that I
don't know :) I can look it up after we're done. I
assume on the Stuart's property.
10/14/2007 10:13 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Yes Treefrog.
10/14/2007 10:15 pm (et) TreeFrog:
I don't know if this is so much a
question, or a comment. I've read though about the
US Sanitary Commission and the US Christian
Commission. The Christian Commission had to stop
their work, giving soldiers food, blankets and etc,
because several people were upset that they gave "a
loaf of bread with a bible" or something along
those lines, and so all donations of that sort to
the Christian Commission were sent to the Sanitary
Commission to distribute.
10/14/2007 10:15 pm (et)
MAubrecht: I think TreeFrog is typing.
10/14/2007 10:16 pm (et) TreeFrog:
Do you think this is a difference
in how religion was viewed in the North and the
10/14/2007 10:16 pm (et)
Basecat: Little Flora was reinterred and
rests with her Father at Hollywood Cemetery.
10/14/2007 10:16 pm (et)
bluelady: I thought that might be the
case..thanks base
10/14/2007 10:17 pm (et) TreeFrog:
Sorry if that's a tad off topic,
but it came to mind while I was reading what you've
10/14/2007 10:17 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Thanks base. That makes sense. In
regards to Tree's query. Actually I do. And I could
do a whole hour on that alone. I will say this...
the South was more 'openly' fervent about their
faith - I suspect that it's still somewhat true
10/14/2007 10:17 pm (et) bluelady:
May I inject to tree's question
10/14/2007 10:18 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Please feel free blue - I have a
more detailed answer I'll formulate while you
10/14/2007 10:19 pm (et) bluelady:
The north possibly having more of a
"melting pot" of sorts when it comes to immigrants
could have possibly had a larger contingent of Non
Christian soldiers.. I think of all the Jewish
regiments..maybe that had a lot to do with it
10/14/2007 10:20 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Thanks blue - Here's the answer
that I wanted to give: Fortunately, as the war
progressed, a movement referred to as "The Great
Revival" took place in the South. Beginning in the
fall of 1863, this event was in full progress
throughout the Army of Northern Virginia. Before
the revival was interrupted by U.S. Grant's attack
in May 1864, approximately seven thousand
soldiers-10 percent of Lee's force-were reportedly
converted. Dr. Gardiner H. Shattuck, Jr., author of
A Shield and Hiding Place: The Religious Life of
the Civil War Armies, reports that "The best
estimates of conversions in the Union forces place
the figure between 100,000 and 200,000 men-about
5-10 percent of all individuals engaged in the
conflict. In the smaller Confederate armies, at
least 100,000 were converted. Since these numbers
include only 'conversions' and do not represent the
number of soldiers actually swept up in the
revivals-a yet more substantial figure-the impact
of revivals during the Civil War surely was
10/14/2007 10:21 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Does that answer your question
10/14/2007 10:21 pm (et)
bluelady: I do know that revivals were
important in union camps..at least to some I recall
EH Rhodes
10/14/2007 10:21 pm (et)
TreeFrog: I suppose... :-)
10/14/2007 10:22 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Great posts guys/gals and props to
basecat for backing me up on these tough questions.
I knew you'd be a great room. Thanks. Let's move on
to our next and final section…
10/14/2007 10:22 pm (et)
TreeFrog: Despite the fact my dad's a
minister, religion has always baffled me, and the
fervor that it invokes in people is odd to me.
10/14/2007 10:22 pm (et) MAubrecht:
10/14/2007 10:23 pm (et)
MAubrecht: I will say this Tree. It's been a
blessing to me and my family. However, it's not
necessarily for everyone.
10/14/2007 10:24 pm (et)
MAubrecht: In the following months, J.E.B.
achieved more great victories that boosted the
morale of Southerners everywhere. Many papers
covered his actions with great bias, and his
flamboyant reputation as a raider grew to immense
proportions. Noteworthy conflicts of the war would
include his participation at the Seven Days'
Battle, Second Manassas, Antietam, Fredericksburg,
and others. One particular skirmish involving
Stuart's troops resulted in the largest cavalry
battle in American military history. Two other
major engagements (one before Brandy Station and
one after) would reflect both the greatest triumph
and the greatest tragedy of his historic career.
These of course were the victorious Battle of
Chancellorsville and the devastating Battle of
Gettysburg. Stuart's worst engagement of all
however was still to come.
10/14/2007 10:24 pm (et)
MAubrecht: In layman's terms... JEB Stuart
was a 'rock star'.
10/14/2007 10:25 pm (et) MAubrecht:
(On a side note: I'm not going to
get into J.E.B.'s controversial ride to Gettysburg,
frankly it doesn't fit into this theme but I HIGHLY
RECOMMEND Eric Wittenberg and J.D. Petruzzi's new
book "Plenty Of Blame To Go Around." This is one of
my new favorites, and is IMO one of the best works
published on Stuart.)
10/14/2007 10:25 pm (et)
MAubrecht: On May 8, 1864, J.E.B. and his men
prepared to engage the enemy at a strategically
superior location known as Yellow Tavern. Although
they had achieved the element of surprise, the cost
was dear as both the men and horses were exhausted
from the ride. Realizing the desperateness of their
situation, Stuart rushed among his men and tried to
rally them. As the Federals withdrew, a private
hurriedly fired his pistol into a group of mounted
Confederates by the Telegraph Road. Instantly
J.E.B. clutched his side. Looking down at his
bleeding abdomen, he calmly whispered, "I am shot."
Later he said, "I'm afraid they've killed me. I
will be of no more use." As several of his troopers
rushed to his aid, the wounded general scolded
them, yelling, "Go back! Go back! Do your duty as
I've done mine."
10/14/2007 10:27 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Sidebar: One of my military
historian buddies with the USMC Quantico studied
this engagement for his thesis project and in his
expert opinion (of which I am no expert) he
concluded that Stuart exercised sloppy commanding
and was irresponsible with his own life.
10/14/2007 10:27 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Fleeing the ensuing battle, an
ambulance managed to evacuate Stuart to the house
of his brother-in-law on Grace Street in Richmond.
After placing the distraught commander in bed, the
wound was inspected and judged mortal, given the
medical capabilities of the time. After his worldly
matters were concluded, J.E.B. focused his
remaining thoughts on the journey that lay ahead.
He turned to the Reverend Peterkin of the Episcopal
Church and asked him to sing his favorite hymn,
commencing, "Rock of ages cleft for me, Let me hide
myself in thee…" Then he joined the ministers in
prayer. He said his last words to the doctor,
stating, "I am going fast now; I am resigned; God's
will be done." J.E.B. Stuart finally died at about
7:30 p.m. on May 12, 1864, just hours before his
family arrived. He was 31 years old.
10/14/2007 10:28 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Unlike the national pageantry that
had accompanied the burial of General Jackson,
Stuart was buried the very next day. Senior
Confederate officials, including Jefferson Davis,
were in attendance, but there was no large parade,
no honor guard, as every able-bodied Confederate
soldier was out fighting the Yankee invaders. In
retrospect, J.E.B. probably would have preferred it
that way, as his life had been given for the same
cause they were protecting. The Reverend Dr.
Minnigerode of Saint Paul's Church performed the
10/14/2007 10:29 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Sidebar: This site is of course in
Hollywood where his wife (and now we know thanks to
basecat - daughter) are also buried.
10/14/2007 10:29 pm (et) MAubrecht:
One account of the simple funeral
stated: "The body was then borne forth to the
hearse in waiting, decorated with black plumes and
drawn by four white horses. The organ pealed its
slow, solemn music as the body was borne to the
entrance, and whilst the cortege was forming-the
10/14/2007 10:29 pm (et) MAubrecht:
congregation standing by with heads
uncovered. The members of the deceased General's
staff and relatives occupied several carriages in
the line. From the church the cortege moved to
Hollywood Cemetery, where the remains were
deposited in a vault, the concluding portion of the
affecting service read by Rev. Dr. Minnigerode, of
Saint Paul's Church, and all that was mortal of the
dead hero was shut in from the gaze of men."
10/14/2007 10:30 pm (et)
MAubrecht: In the end, it was far more than
the service record, personal items, and other
accoutrements that Stuart left behind. It was the
spiritual roots and patriotism that he had
instilled in his family and his men. Even today,
the descendants of the good General carry on the
proud memory of their famous namesake, and his
service to both his God and country will be
heralded forever.
10/14/2007 10:30 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Last month, I was reading the
latest Sons of Confederate Veterans newsletter
(Army of Northern Virginia), which featured a very
nice article written by Chaplain Mark Evans on
Stuart's beliefs. He wrote, "The fearless, fun
loving, General J.E.B. Stuart, Chief of Cavalry,
Army of Northern Virginia, had a depth of
spirituality that is often overlooked. Chaplain J.
William Jones said: 'Stuart was a humble and
earnest Christian, who took Christ as his personal
Savior, lived a stainless life, and died a
triumphant death. He used to attend our Chaplains'
Association when he could, take a deep interest in
its proceedings, and manifested the liveliest
concern for the spiritual welfare of his men.'"
10/14/2007 10:31 pm (et) MAubrecht:
He added, "Chaplain Jones gave this
tribute: "And thus the dashing soldier quietly
'fell on sleep,' and left behind the record of a
noble life, and a simple trust in Christ --- the
prophecy of a blissful immortality, where charging
squadrons and clashing sabers never disturb the
'rest that remaineth for the people of God.'"
10/14/2007 10:31 pm (et) MAubrecht:
These are just a few of the
countless references to religion that followed
Stuart's untimely passing. And these little
vignettes that I have presented tonight - the
lesser-discussed stories - (IMO) are the building
blocks for the gallant and glorious memories that
have truly made his story unforgettable. If not for
his faith, who knows what kind of soldier he would
have been, or what kind of man?
10/14/2007 10:32 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Was he fanatical like Jackson?
Probably not. But did religion play a pivotal role
in his journey toward greatness? Absolutely. Stuart
was a cavalier, but more importantly he was a
10/14/2007 10:32 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Captain R. E. Frayser, from
Stuart's staff perfectly summed up the life,
legend, and legacy of his beloved commander when he
stated, "In this short period of thirty-one years,
four months and twelve days, he won a glorious and
imperishable name, and one that posterity will
delight to cherish and honor."
10/14/2007 10:32 pm (et)
MAubrecht: I thank you all VERY MUCH, and I
am standing by for any questions or comments.
10/14/2007 10:32 pm (et)
Basecat: Just a couple of sidebars...Little
Flora was buried in Hollywood prior to her Father's
Death. The previous fall. And while Stuart was
buried, those in attendance could hear the sounds
of battle in the distance as the fighting raged on
in the area of Spotsylvania Court House.
10/14/2007 10:33 pm (et)
amhistoryguy: ?
10/14/2007 10:33 pm (et)
MAubrecht: True base. Thanks for adding that.
Yes am.
10/14/2007 10:33 pm (et)
bluelady: I recall reading that is why a
state funeral did not take place..the war was too
10/14/2007 10:33 pm (et)
Babs: ?
10/14/2007 10:34 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Babs you can go after am's
question. Thanks.
10/14/2007 10:34 pm (et)
amhistoryguy: You mention Stuart was
not as fanatical as Jackson - what were their
similarities and differences in terms of personal
spiritual philosophy?
10/14/2007 10:35 pm (et) MAubrecht:
They were both outward believers -
but Stuart did not have the strictness of the
observance of the Sabbath, he did not forcibly make
officers attend prayer meetings.
10/14/2007 10:36 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Jackson was quite bothered by his
religious practices being interrupted by war...
10/14/2007 10:36 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Stuart IMO recognized that war came
before and would mail a letter knowing it would
arrive on a Sunday - while Jackson would never do
10/14/2007 10:37 pm (et) Babs:
How many children did he have?
10/14/2007 10:37 pm (et)
amhistoryguy: Thank you, very
interesting stuff.
10/14/2007 10:38 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Flora had several - let me get
their names....
10/14/2007 10:39 pm (et) Babs:
You say Flora had several were they
not all from J.E.B.?
10/14/2007 10:39 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Also while I get these names -
Flora never remarried and became a teacher.
10/14/2007 10:39 pm (et) Basecat:
James Jr., Philip, Flora, and
Virginia Pelham Stuart.
10/14/2007 10:39 pm (et)
bluelady: Basecat, Phillip IS James Jr.
10/14/2007 10:40 pm (et)
Susansweet: I just looked at the picture I
took last week there is a tombstone inscribed
Little Jeb to the left of the big monument
10/14/2007 10:40 pm (et)
MAubrecht: She taught at the Virginia Female
Institute in Staunton. Thanks basecat
10/14/2007 10:40 pm (et) Basecat:
My Bad..and can see that now...:)
10/14/2007 10:40 pm (et) bluelady:
JEB was so mad at father in law
that he told flora that his name would be changed.
10/14/2007 10:41 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Actually Flora later became the
headmistress of the school.
10/14/2007 10:41 pm (et) MAubrecht:
From what I understand - her
ceremony at burial was bigger than her husbands.
10/14/2007 10:42 pm (et) bluelady:
Michael..did father in law survive
the war? and if he did, did he and his daughter
have any relationship after the war?
10/14/2007 10:42 pm (et)
Babs: So two children survived him? the
multi-name son and a daughter? I noticed that you
said he has descendants..
10/14/2007 10:43 pm (et) Basecat:
After Little Flora died, Stuart
asked Flora to come to Culpeper so they could
grieve together. Lee made it a point to visit with
her, and prayed with her.
10/14/2007 10:43 pm (et)
bluelady: IIRC there is a JEB IV
10/14/2007 10:43 pm (et) TreeFrog:
10/14/2007 10:43 pm (et)
MAubrecht: I believe he did survive the war
and they were able to come to terms. Yes Babs there
are several Jeb Stuarts here in Richmond.
10/14/2007 10:43 pm (et) Basecat:
There is also a JEB V...Mike's wife
Dr. in Richmond..:)
10/14/2007 10:43 pm (et) MAubrecht:
One was an Army doctor another is
in some city position. They have children who are
also JEBs.
10/14/2007 10:43 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Yes Tree.
10/14/2007 10:44 pm (et)
bluelady: how cool is that for Mike!
10/14/2007 10:44 pm (et) secret
squirrel: thought there was a professor at
Mason also
10/14/2007 10:44 pm (et) TreeFrog:
You might have mentioned this and I
missed it. But didn't his brother-in-law also serve
the Confederacy?
10/14/2007 10:44 pm (et)
MAubrecht: May be too. They appear at many
SCV and MOC functions.
10/14/2007 10:44 pm (et)
Basecat: Blue...IIRC, he is not allowed to
talk CW when the wife visits the doc..:)
10/14/2007 10:45 pm (et)
MAubrecht: My doctor went to medical school
with Mike's doc.
10/14/2007 10:45 pm (et)
bluelady: Iol too bad for mike then! ;)
10/14/2007 10:45 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Yes. Brig. Gen. John Rogers Cooke
10/14/2007 10:46 pm (et) Basecat:
Michael..Great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks!!! Enjoyed it immensely.
10/14/2007 10:46 pm (et) secret
squirrel: yes, very enjoyable
10/14/2007 10:46 pm (et)
amhistoryguy: Yes, thanks so much
10/14/2007 10:46 pm (et)
bluelady: IIRC Phillip St George
Cooke..stated that it was too bad he wasn't around
his "boy" to steer them in the "correct" direction
10/14/2007 10:46 pm (et)
Babs: Yes, thank you very much.
10/14/2007 10:47 pm (et)
Susansweet: Thanks Michael sorry I was late
10/14/2007 10:47 pm (et)
mobile_96: excellent
10/14/2007 10:47 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Thank guys/gals my pleasure. I
hope I wasn't too short on some topics -wanted it
not to be too long
10/14/2007 10:47 pm (et) bluelady:
yay Michael..and I'm glad I got
home to see it!
10/14/2007 10:47 pm (et) bluelady:
but now I must be off. later you
al! :)
10/14/2007 10:47 pm (et) MAubrecht:
When I speak to a crowd here in
Fredericksburg I can see faces and know where to go
with it - this online is a little more challenging.
And thanks to Steve for finding those answers so
10/14/2007 10:48 pm (et) ks:
Seemed well thought out and paced,
Michael. Thank you.
10/14/2007 10:49 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Does anyone have anything else to
ask or add?
10/14/2007 10:49 pm (et)
Basecat: BTW..Flora died on May 10,
1923...49 years minus 2 days when J.E.B. passed
10/14/2007 10:49 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Once again I THANK YOU all very
10/14/2007 10:49 pm (et)
amhistoryguy: Funny how
one-dimensional we are willing to let our heroes
become. This makes Stuart much more a real person.
10/14/2007 10:50 pm (et)
Susansweet: and she continued to wear black
here whole life
10/14/2007 10:50 pm (et) TreeFrog:
MA, do you have any further
information on the soldier who shot JEB? I've read
that it was a Michigan Private from the 5th (?)
Mich Cav named John Huff?
10/14/2007 10:50 pm (et) Basecat:
Michael..No problem...and glad to
add to your presentation.
10/14/2007 10:50 pm (et) Babs:
Wow! My mom was two years old when
she died.
10/14/2007 10:50 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Thanks. Eric was very pleased with
my angle. Yes Tree you are correct.
10/14/2007 10:51 pm (et) MAubrecht:
In regards to John Huff I can add
10/14/2007 10:51 pm (et)
TreeFrog: Is there any evidence to back that
up, or was it a soldier saying "yeah I was the one
who shot JEB"?
10/14/2007 10:52 pm (et)
TreeFrog: I have a particular interest in
this as John Huff originally served in Co C, 2nd
U.S. SS... the unit of my namesake :-)
10/14/2007 10:52 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Private John A. Huff of the 5th
Michigan Cavalry bragged about the event, but if
you read the after action reports - no specific
name is given. He ended up with credit - probably
as a result of the papers covering it.
10/14/2007 10:53 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Both the Richmond Examiner and
Harper's Weekly use the name.
10/14/2007 10:53 pm (et) MAubrecht:
The Southern Historical Society
Papers later printed eyewitness accounts of the
wounding and death of J.E.B. Stuart:
10/14/2007 10:53 pm (et) TreeFrog:
Okay, I may be biased in this, but
with him having served as a Sharpshooter, if anyone
on that field would have the skill to specifically
target the general it would be he
10/14/2007 10:54 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Colonel (then Captain of Company K,
First Virginia Cavalry) "Gus" W. Dorsey,
10/14/2007 10:54 pm (et)
MAubrecht: It read" I was stationed on the
Telegraph road with my company, K, numbering about
seventy men, and the first I knew about our troops
being whipped and driven back on the left was when
General Stuart came down to my position, with a
view of ordering me back; and just as he rode up to
the company the Yankees charged. He halted a moment
and encouraged the men with the words: "Bully for
old K! Give it to them, boys!" and just as K had
repulsed the Yankees he was shot through the
stomach. He reeled on his horse and said: "I am
shot," and then, "Dorsey, save your men." I caught
him and took him from his horse. He insisted I
should leave him and save my men. I told him we
would take him with us; and, calling Corporal
Robert Bruce and Private Charles Wheatley, we sent
him to the rear. No other troops were near General
Stuart when he was shot that I saw."
10/14/2007 10:56 pm (et)
MAubrecht: From what I understand Stuart was
in close proximity to the shot. Hence why the
Marine Professor that I cited previously believed
Stuart to have been both careless and in error at
the time of his wounding. I'm no tactical expert
though. I can only share what he said.
10/14/2007 10:56 pm (et) Basecat:
Will just add this as well...When
Lee was in charge at West Point, guess who was his
most frequent guest for dinner...Stuart. Lee's wife
adored him, and always wanted to cook for him.;)
10/14/2007 10:57 pm (et)
TreeFrog: What one man calls careless by
being close to the front others would call being a
good general. Far to many spent their time far
behind the lines directing from behind a map or a
10/14/2007 10:57 pm (et) MAubrecht:
As some of you know I am currently
working on a book for The History Press on the
historical churches of Fredericksburg (which BTW is
coming along great)...
10/14/2007 10:58 pm (et) Basecat:
Tree...IMHO..tend to think he knew
how desperate things were going...and was trying to
lead by example...Cost him his life.
10/14/2007 10:58 pm (et)
MAubrecht: In my pile of materials from the
archives I found a great letter talking about
Stuart arriving for a church service late (after it
started) and General Lee turning around to 'scold'
him because his sword was making so much noise
clanging on the ground he interrupted the preacher.
10/14/2007 10:59 pm (et)
TreeFrog: MA do you have any info on the
caliber weapon Stuart was shot by? I just found a
website that claims the caliber was different from
that of the rifle or pistol John Huff would be
using, therefore he couldn't be the shooter
10/14/2007 10:59 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Clearly Lee had a fatherly
relationship with the man. He took his death worse
than any other officer's.
10/14/2007 10:59 pm (et) Basecat:
Michael...IIRC, when Lee found out
he died, he cried. One of the few times he did
during the war.
10/14/2007 10:59 pm (et)
MAubrecht: I'm sorry I don't Tree. From what
I understand it was a standard issue revolver.
10/14/2007 10:59 pm (et) TreeFrog:
Basecat, and that if nothing else
would make him a good leader in my opinion. It is
the careless leader who will leave his men to
suffer defeat while not sharing the dangers of
combat.... IMHO
10/14/2007 11:00 pm (et)
MAubrecht: So I can completely see his wife
being enamored by the cavalier.
10/14/2007 11:00 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Lee said "I can scarcely think of
him without breaking down." or something very
10/14/2007 11:01 pm (et) MAubrecht:
maybe he said "weeping" either way
he took it hard. Thanks am it's been a pleasure.
10/14/2007 11:02 pm (et)
Basecat: Michael...He reacted like he lost
one of his children...
10/14/2007 11:03 pm (et)
MAubrecht: I will say this - as one who
studied Jackson and Stuart more than any other
individuals. Jackson was like a Fortune 500 CEO -
all business and not much fun. Stuart was the
opposite. Thanks Treefrog.
10/14/2007 11:03 pm (et) ks:
Have some work to complete yet
tonight, so I'll head out as well. Again, thanks,
Michael. Adios!
10/14/2007 11:04 pm (et)
MAubrecht: He arranged dances and balls - and
was the type of commander whose staff probably had
a good time working for - other than the 100+ mile
rides of course. :)
10/14/2007 11:04 pm (et) Basecat:
Michael...Could not have said it
better...Fun and Stonewall did not mix, unless he
was with J.E.B..:)
10/14/2007 11:05 pm (et)
MAubrecht: And JEB had a little more 'levity'
with his superior. Not many people had that kind of
relationship with 'Stonewall' - That's really why
the first 2 books were written. Their vignettes of
their lives were so similar in so many ways - and
the differences really complimented each other.
10/14/2007 11:06 pm (et) mobile_96:
so, did Stuart mention the line
about going over the river on his death bed?
10/14/2007 11:07 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Stuart's last words were - "I am
going fast now. I am resigned. Gods will be done."
10/14/2007 11:07 pm (et)
Susansweet: Interesting sidebar: The Last
Cavalier is buried next to Ellen Glasgow who won a
Pulitzer Prize for her novels about the false
sentimentality of Southern society
10/14/2007 11:07 pm (et) Basecat:
Michael...One of my fave
Stonewall/Stuart moments was at Nicodemus Heights
prior to Antietam. Stonewall showed up and
eventually spent more time than he thought he
10/14/2007 11:08 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Ironic isn't it Susan?
10/14/2007 11:08 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Yes base, I just missed getting a
special tour there by Manny this past summer. Would
have loved to have stood on Nicodemus Heights
10/14/2007 11:08 pm (et)
Susansweet: Yep and that Jefferson Davis faces
a grave with a headstone label GRANT
10/14/2007 11:09 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Oops! I misspelled Mannie's name -
he would not be happy. Sorry Ranger Gentile.
10/14/2007 11:10 pm (et)
Basecat: Michael...Have not been up there
as it is private property now, but hopefully one
day we both can.
10/14/2007 11:12 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Well it looks like we are coming up
on the 2 hour mark. I'll be at Montpelier tomorrow
trying to learn about Madison's plantation and its
experiences during the Civil War. If no one else
has any questions I'll bid you all a good night.
Thank you so much for having me. I had a great time
and look forward to doing it again.
10/14/2007 11:14 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Thanks Basecat, Susan, ole, mobile,
and shotgun
10/14/2007 11:15 pm (et)
Basecat: Thanks to all who showed
up....Nice to see the occupants list that long. :)
10/14/2007 11:17 pm (et)
Basecat: BTW..for those who have not read
it...The best bio on Stuart is "Bold Dragoon- The
Life of J.E.B. Stuart" by Emory Thomas. Came out in
1986 but still stands up today.