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Major Concepts in This Unit:

Expressing Scientific misinformation

bulletHow do observations differ from inferences?
bulletHow can we use classification skills to organize information?
bulletHow are measurements expressed in SI units (metrics)?
bulletHow can very large (and/or very small) numbers be expressed in powers of ten?
bulletHow can scientific notation make it easy to estimate?

Graphing Skills

bulletHow can complicated data be presented in an easy to interpret format?
bulletWhat are the different types of graphs?
bulletWhat type of data is best represented by each graph type?
bulletHow can graphs be used to predict the outcome of an experiment?
bulletHow can rate of change be calculated?

Density and its application to Earth and Space Systems

bulletWhat is density?
bulletHow is density determined in the laboratory?
bulletOn what factor(s) does density depend?
bulletHow do materials of different densities interact with each other?

Skill: Calculating and Reducing Experimental Error

bulletHow can experimental error be calculated?
bulletWhat is an acceptable degree of error in the laboratory?
bulletHow can experimental error be reduced?

Introduction Vocabulary:

bulletNeed the definition to some tricky science word?  Try a OneLook® Online Dictionary search.  Hint: scroll down for the science words category.

Metric (SI) System
English System
Scientific Notation
Percent Deviation (Error)

Introduction Links:

Ever wonder about the density of a Twinkie?   Check out this site for some neat experiments.
Test out your density calculation skills at this web site.
Try this nifty density experiment.
Test your Percent Error calculation skills.