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ZeroOfTheDay's Webpage

Yes, that sexy bitch right there is me! I suggest you right-click it, and save the picture to your computer so you can cherish it always! Hahahahaha, let me stop before I start getting loads of hate E-mails from you people! Let me introduce myself. My name is Rami ... and I'm an alcoholic. This webpage is about my battle against the bottle...

Ok, let me stop acting stupid. More than likely you have found this page through my AOL profile or through my Marco Ruas Fansite. Either way if you bothered coming here I guess the least I can do is let you guys know a little about me, Right? Right.

Well like I said before, my name is Rami. I'm 21 years old and live in Brooklyn, NY. I am a senior at Hunter College in NYC, majoring in English (which is an utter waste of time), and minoring in Classics (which is even less useful). Because of some Academic mishaps I am in my 5th year there. HaHaHa. But I'll be getting da fuck out of there in no time ... I hope!

As for hobbies and shit like that, I have a lot of them. Most recently I have gotten into Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). I know you probably have no clue what the hell that is so let me explain a bit. In short it is the culmination of every form of self defense and martial art. Wrestling, boxing, Jiu-Jitsu, Kick Boxing, Muay Thai, etc etc ... put them all together and you have MMA. If you are interested check out some of my links or go and rent a Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) video! Below are a couple of pictures of me in a submission grappling match which took place like 6 months ago in NJ. The guy in the red is a Renzo Gracie student (Jiu-Jitsu) named Dave Maver. The big guy is my man Anthony Argyros. He promised he wouldn't kill me that day ... but he almost did! :)

I also like watching and playing other sports, namely basketball and football. There are also a number of "Pussy Sports", a term coined by my friend Adam, that I like to do every now and then. "Pussy Sports" include bowling, pool, and softball. He's a funny guy that Adam! Anyway in addition to that stuff for the past 4 or 5 months I have started doing some weight lifting. As you can see I put Arnold Schwarzengger to shame! Har har har!

Well folks, I guess that will be it for now. I hope you enjoyed your stay at my humble little homepage. If you have any suggestions at all for the webpage feel free to E-mail me with link at the bottome of this page! Check out my two other webpages. The first is my Twin Towers Wrestling page. I'm in the middle of buidling it but it should have pictures and shit in the near future. Anyway that is the place where I wrestle and do BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) ... so if you are interested be sure to check it out! The second link is my webpage for the Brazilian UFC champion Marco "The King of the Streets" Ruas!

Favorite Bands/Artist (in no particular order)

Some Links

My Twin Towers Wrestling NYC page
My Marco Ruas Webpage
Mixed Martial Arts Webpage
This is where you can find your pic! =)
K-Rock website
