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Second Floor


Back Door

Profile How To-s

  • Actions/thoughts/etc go in either *asterisks* or ::double colons.:: We prefer *asterisks,* but whatever you decide to use, be consistent. Capitilization and periods (i.e. multiple sentences) inside action brackets are generally frowned upon.
  • Don't go overboard on accents, be they street kid or southern or English or whatever, and be consistent on them.
  • Capital letters, proper grammar, and spell-check. That's all I expect to have to say on the topic.
  • Read some of the other profiles before you apply so you don't wind up with a carbon copy of a character we already have. In the same vein, make sure your character's name isn't a duplicate of someone else's.
  • Keep the science fiction to a minimum. If you're in doubt as to how much is a minimum, ask.
  • Historical accuracy--we're not total nazis about this, but do bear it in mind. Good Example: There's probably not gonna be a ton of money floating around the LH. Consider: if a newsie sells 100 papers s/he winds up with 50 cents. Minus 2 cents for rent, which includes the run of whatever we have in the kitchen--unless, of course, s/he gets lunch or snacks while out selling. This leaves at most 48 cents a day, if s/he doesn't spend any more money on anything, be it gambling, or snacks, or clothes, or dates, or whatever.
  • The Union as a whole is one big writing circle, and if you're not already you need to familiarize yourself with its policies, history, etc.
  • Include the word "pansy" in your OOC application somewhere so we know you've read this page.
  • You cannot say your characater is/was friends/enemies/lovers/whatever with someone else's character unless you've cleared it with them. Period. Likewise, you can't say your character was a lodger at the Harlem lodging house, for instance, unless they were (or you've cleared it with the leaders there).

    Your application will be judged on how well you followed the above guidelines, as well as the following:

    Interest--this is two fold. First of all, are we interested in your character? and second, do you appear to be interested in the house? Do we think you'll be committed?
    Writing sample--so send us one.

    Above all, if you don't know, ask.

    Ok, then, on to the application