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Second Floor


Back Door


Oh, stickin' around, are ya?

Steps to joining the Ravenswood Lodging House:

1) Read this

2) Check the Master List to see if your character's name is taken 2.5) Check out the other characters in the house. Read some stories. Read the house rules and the Union rules. Make sure you understand them perfectly.

3) Fill out the OOC (out of character) information:

What shall we call you? We'll call you your character's name if you like, or just "hey Kid." We're prety adaptable. We could give you a nickname, if you want...something like "Jugs" perhaps?

What Email address do you plan to sign up for the Mailing List with?:

Do you like to write?

Do you like your writing? Why or why not?

What's your favorite story in our Library?

Did you check the Master List to see if your character's name is taken? You better have:

Tell us (in 2 or more paragraphs) about your character. Tell us anything, but make it creative:

Give us three reasons you want to join our house:

Give us three reasons we should accept you into our house:

4) Fill out the IC (in character--i.e. the way your character would respond. Please consider puncuation) information:

'ey kid, watcha name?

Been blessed wit a newsie nickname yet?

Where'd dat come from, anyway?

When's yer birthday? Know how old ya are?

Whatcha look like? ((be specific. include eye and hair color, height, stature, nationality if important, distinguishing characteristics, etc--a full description, please, no one-sentence answers.))

And wadda ya like, huh? Got mucha a personality?

So... where'd ya come from an' watcha doin heah?

Don't s'ppose ya got any friends, do ya?

What about a, uh, signifigant othah, hmm? *wink wink nudge nudge*

Waddya do 'round heah?

If ya emptied ya pockets right now, what'd be in 'em?

Anythin' else we oughta know?

5) Attatch a writing sample. It can be as long or as short as you think is necessary to give us a good idea about your writing skills. If you have a story posted or written you'd like to send, go ahead, but remember, we don't have time to read your seven-book series. Send us your best.

6) Send the profile to

7) Wait to hear from us

7.5) If you don't hear from us in, say, a week, email us again. Inform us that you're waiting for a response. Slap us in the head if this happens again.

8) If we reject your character for whatever reason, feel free to work on her/him (or make up a new one) and submit again

9) If you are accepted, join the Mailing List with the email address you listed in your application. One of us will approve you. If we don't, please email us.

10) Introduce yourself to everybody within a few days of joining, please, or we'll be forced to rescend your acceptance

11) Get writing!

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