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Second Floor


Back Door

Picks Hewitt

  • 'ey kid, watcha name?
    *a boy glances up from his bunk* *sits up a little**shrugs and looks at you a moment* *thinks for a moment if you really need to know or not* Jason Hewitt. I don't see how that's important though, so just forget it. *nods a bit and rubs his hair*

  • Been blessed wit a newsie nickname yet?
    *laughs slightly* *grins and nods a little, proud* Picks. *smirks slightly* I prefer that, just so you know. Thanks ahead of time. Picks, that's it. No other different names and not Jason. So just forget anything that would come to mind that isn't my name.

  • Where'd dat come from, anyway?
    Well, I'm the best lock picker out there. Give me a lock, I'll get into it. *grins* Guaranteed. *smirks* *is very proud of the fact that he can* *met Knots while he was picking locks*

  • When's yer birthday?
    September 23. I just turned 18. *smirks and rolls his eyes* It's a not a great age. Means I have to go get a job or something. Not all for that. *has not been looking for a job, but knows he should get one* *is really just too lazy to get out and get one* *doesn't think anyone will hire him either*

  • Know how old ya are?
    I just told you didn't I? I'm 18. Why wouldn't I know? *looks at you oddly a moment and shakes his head* *decides you just really aren't paying attention, but dismisses it*

  • Whatcha look like?
    Well, I have light brown hair, blue eyes. Nothing really special. I'm about 6'0", yeah that sounds right. And of course built. *laughs a little and looks at himself* My hair's a little long right now, but that's just because I won't cut it myself. Might not look as handsome as I do now if I did. *smirks* Maybe Ali will cut it or someone. *is usually seen wearing a dark green shirt, that is quite fadded now, with black or brown pants* *does not comb his hair a lot, as long as it is not necessary*

  • And wadda ya like, huh?
    Well, I'm pretty nice, sometimes. I love to fight though, I'll fight anyone and anything. They ask, I'll do it. Which, sometimes ends up bad on my part, but only once or twice and it's when I'm outnumbered by a lot. *shrugs* I'm nice to the girls. *is looking for a girl since he found out Knots was dating again* *gets jealous when she sees him with Dylan and wishes he was still with her* *will not voice that opinion though*

  • Got mucha a personality?
    Thought I just told you that. *smirks* Like I said, I'm a nice guy. Don't annoy me, we'll be fine. I like to fight. *shrugs* You shouldn't ask guys questions about personality. *grins* According to ourselves, we're all great looking, charming, funny, and romantic. The topic of every girl's dream. *smirks*

  • So... where'd ya come from an' watcha doin heah?
    *sighs* I lived in Missouri...and uh...ran away when things got back. *ends it there* *is a little uncomfortable and hopes you change the subject* *ran away from his father because his father wanted him to be just like him, running the business* *got tired of being told what to do all the time and just left on the first train, not caring where it was going*

  • Don't s'ppose ya got any friends, do ya?
    *is glad you changed the subject* Of course I got friends. *thinks a moment* *doesn't really consider Dagger much a friend anymore, or Gavin* *sighs* Well I do have friends. Too many to count I guess.

  • What about a, uh, signifigant othah, hmm? *wink wink nudge nudge*
    *looks at you a moment* No. I don't. *leaves it as that, not wanting to go further in detail about why* *broke up with Knots a few months ago* *is looking for someone though* *was going out with a girl. Elizabeth, but ended with her because he kept comparing her to Knots*

  • Waddya do 'round heah?
    What do you think I do around here? I get up at God only knows when, sell my papers, trying to get as much money as possible. Then I come back here and sleep. Next day I do it all over again. Exciting, I know.

  • If ya emptied ya pockets right now, what'd be in 'em?
    Nothing. *shakes his head* Lint, that's all. I don't usually keep money in my pockets unless I'm going to eat somewhere. Too many people out there who will pick your pocket. So I empty my pockets once I get home.

  • Anythin' else we oughta know?
    What's there to know? *shakes his head* Nothing. You've asked about everything possible.

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