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Second Floor


Back Door

Temper Riley

  • 'ey kid, watcha name?
    *smirks* Conner Riley

  • 'ave you been blessed wit a newsie nickname yet?
    *raises an eyebrow* Coirse I have, have you? Because if not I've got one *eyes glint angrily* It's called Annoyin with a capital A.

  • Where'd dat come from, anyway?
    *shrugs* All ovah, but mostly we've been living in Brooklyn, till we came here that is.

  • When's yer birthday? Know how old ya are?
    *growls* I ain't stupid! I'm 17 and me birthday is January 21.

  • Whatcha look like?
    I'm bout 6'3 about a foot taller then Ice. *shrugs* I got blonde curly hair and gray eyes, same as me sistah. We're twins, and I got a tattoo of a celtic cross on me shoulder. I'm a purebred Irishman *raises his shoulders proudly* and I've got the temper to prove it. Ice says I have a drinking problem but I just like to dip into the spirits every now and then, so don't listen tae anything she tells ya.

  • And wadda ya like, huh? Got mucha a personality?
    *raises an eyebrow specutavely* I'd like tae think so, but then again others say diff'ently. Some people tend ta think that I'm funny and others think that I'm too angry for me own good.

  • So... where'd ya come from an' watcha doin heah?
    *pauses* Well I came here from Ireland, but I've lived in Brooklyn most of me life. *pushes his hand through his hair* We're looking for a place tae stay.

  • Don't s'ppose ya got any friends, do ya?
    *eyes glint dangerously* Coirse I got friends, mostly Ice but Fighter Mallory ovah in Brooklyn is also a good friend o' mine.

  • What about a, uh, signifigant othah, hmm? *wink wink nudge nudge*
    *smiles a little* Well there is this girl over in Brooklyn. *pauses for a minute* *nods* Yeah she's me girl. *smiles brightly* Sapphire that's her name, she's gorgeous. *grins* Next question....

  • Waddya do 'round heah?
    *crosses his arms over his chest* I sell papes and I can cook.

  • If ya emptied ya pockets right now, what'd be in 'em?
    *pauses thinking the question over* About a halfpence and a four leaf clover that both me and Ice carry around.

  • Anythin' else we oughta know?
    *smirks* Yeah I'd like tae know why there were so many questions.

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