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Second Floor


Back Door

Torch Grace

  • 'ey kid, watcha name?
    *stops counting the freckles on his arm and looks at you quizzically* Uh? Oh, my name is Ad-I mean, Torch, Torch Grace. *sticks out his hand to you*

  • 'ave you been blessed wit a newsie nickname yet?
    Screw it. My real name is Adam, but my nick name is Torch; no one calls me it so I'd rather you use Adam. I mean I'll answer to both. Actually, you can call whatever the hell you want just as long as it's not "fatty" or "kid".

  • Where'd dat come from, anyway?
    *stares at the ceiling as he thinks* Um.well, my Uncle Tony gave it to me in case I get in trouble or something. *gives you a cocky smile* Of course I never get in trouble so I don't see the point. *smiles jauntily*

  • When's yer birthday? Know how old ya are?
    Same as my sisters, September 5 and I'm 17. My sister Ziggy she's here we're um Twins.

  • Whatcha look like?
    *sighs* Once again, like my sister-well almost. I have fiery red hair which explains the other part of the nick name. Gray eyes, but I don't need glasses Ziggy . I've got great eyesight. *grins widely* obviously I'm a boy so there are those differences. I usually wear navy blue pants, a tight white tank and a purple and gray button up T-shirt over it and tan cap. The shirt is always un-buttoned though I don't like it buttoned; I feel trapped whenever it is. I guess I'm strong. I'm clean. I've got tons of freckles, more then my sister because I hang out in the sun more, which is bad because I burn; being Irish and all. I'm French also. Don't know any French except, hello, thank you, yes, shut up and shut the door. *shrugs*

  • And wadda ya like, huh? Got mucha a personality?
    *slumps over and folds his arms across his chest* Well for one thing I'm very protective of my sister. I wouldn't be if she weren't too paranoid about everything. *flails his arms about some* There is something else but er- you'll find out later. Maybe. I don't smoke, I rarely drink, swear only when I feel it's called for. I am a virgin, but I came close to losing it a year ago. *waves the topic away with his hand* But you don't wanna hear about that. I'm a good cook, it has nothing to do with me being um, different, it just gives me something to do that won't cause too much damage. I'm nice. I'm a big talker as you've already guessed. I would talk all day if I wanted to. The reason I jumped up at the opportunity to handle the money is because I get to talk to people. Now, I can be quite when I want to which is very rare. But don't get me wrong, I know when to keep my mouth shut. So you don't have to worry about me messing up.

  • So... where'd ya come from an' watcha doin heah?
    I came from Florida. It's not the first place to have the kind of organization my family runs, but then again that's why we live in Florida. No one expects the things we do. I came here to check up on my sister, make sure she was doin' alright. I was also bored and looking for something new. Now that I'm here I think I'll stick around for a while.

  • Don't s'ppose ya got any friends, do ya?
    Of course I have friends. I also had a special friend that helped me with the money at first- he got killed a month a go. Ziggy's my best friend. Love her to death. I've got friends in my organization-well they're not really friends, but they're close enough. I hope and make some new ones here and maybe just maybe find a new special.

  • What about a, uh, signifigant othah, hmm? *wink wink nudge nudge*
    *sighs a little* No, I don't. I have one though. He-she-it moved though. Do I think I'll get another girlfriend? No I'll stay single for while. Of course, my Uncle wouldn't like that. He expects me to be attached to a girl all the time. Cause it's bad for some one-especially a guy not to have a girl. He'll probably set me up with one of his friends' daughters. No problem, I'll weasel my way out of it. I always do.

  • Waddya do 'round heah?
    What do I do? Like where? Here or back in Florida? Well in Florida I handled the money we raked in from what we did. I like to cook, so just tell me what you want to eat I bet ya a million dollars I can make it. Love cake, love making cake. Any kind of cake doesn't matter. If you say there might be cake somewhere I'll go there. I like to take naps.big nap fan. I'm not asleep when I nap I just lay there. I enjoy talking; I think it may favorite thing to do. I'll talk about anything. That's the reason I think I'll be a good Newsie I get to talk people into buying a paper and I'm very persuasive. I don't know how to play most card games, never learned. I'd be happy to learn card games if any of you are willing to tech me. I like to learn things too. I'll try anything once too, whether it's eating or doing something. You want me to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge into the East river? Sure I'll try it, could be fun.

  • If ya emptied ya pockets right now, what'd be in 'em?
    *while snapping his fingers* Pockets, pockets, pockets. I have stuff in my pockets? I dunno. Let's see.*digs though his pockets some* I got money, a nice little knife I like to call Slim. I ain't gonna hurt anybody with it. It's for protection incase some psycho thinks it'd be fun to kill me. I have a watch-it's two in the afternoon-*puts it back* never wear it because it gives me a rash so I put it in my pocket. I think the word pocket is a neat sounding word: Pocket.

  • Anythin' else we oughta know?
    Nah, *shakes his head* Nothing can think of right now. Oh wait-if you think that I'm talking too much; feel free to tell me to shut up. Cause I will.for a little anyway. About the things I sort of talked about earlier. *looks from side to side*You know maybe this isn't the best time to tell you about it. You'll probably figure it out somehow everyone always does. Except my Uncle-good thing too or else I might not be here talking to you.

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