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Second Floor


Back Door

Ads McFadden

  • 'ey kid, what's yer name?
    *she removes the cigar from her mouth, eyeing you up and down, seeming to assess you* Da name's Adelaide McFadden. I don't like bein' called Adelaide, so yous can all call me "Ads" or "McFadden" or somethin' else if ya want. Call me Adelaide and I think you'll be sorry. I don't take kindly to people dat disrespects me. And callin' me "Adelaide" is very disrespectin', see?

  • 'ave you been blessed wit a newsie nickname yet?
    I like bein' called "Ads".

  • Where'd dat come from, anyway?
    Don't really know, see? I knows it's sometime in March, but dat's it. My pop never saw fit to celebrate it, see? Never even let me ma celebrate it when she was still alive. *snorts* Da bastard...

  • When's yer birthday? Know how old ya are?
    I know I'm somewheres around sixteen or so. I've never known dat it makes much diff'rence. I can still talk an' walk, can't I, now? My mind ain't addled yet.

  • Whatcha look like?
    *laughs* Whaddaya blind?! I'm standin' right here in front of ya! *notices you mean business* Guess you needs it for records or somethin', huh? Okay, I'll play along. *quiet for a moment* I'm about 5'6" tall, see? An' I have long reddish brown hair dat I keeps up in me cap mosta da time. I think I get dat from me ma. She was Irish somewheres down da line. Maybe Scottish. I also gots brown eyes. *flicks some ash from her cigar on the floor* Not dat dat's unusual. Everybody's gots brown eyes anymore. *pauses* Oh yeah, I'm usually wearin' grey trousers with black suspenders an' a grey cap. As for shirts, I just wears whatever comes handiest. I gots a few, left over from my days on da streets. Stole 'em. Figgered no one else was usin' 'em, or dey wouldn't leave 'em outside like dat, flappin' around in the wind, see?

  • And waddya like, huh? Got mucha a personality?
    I like pretty much whatever I'm not supposed ta like, see? Or dat's what da punks at that kiddie home useta say. Not good enough for ya, huh? Well, I like cards and such. It's an amusin' pasttime. Gots no use for makin' it me whole life, though. Thems fools dat does dat. Never have no money in their pockets, dat way. An' havin' no money in me pockets is what got me into trouble in da first place. *you see the first real smile skitter across her face for a brief moment* Now dat's an' interestin' question, there. Why don't ya take me on and find out? Otherwise, I'd say I have as much personality as anyone else.

  • So... where'd ya come from an watcha' doin here?
    Well da punks at da kiddie home says I come from heaven and such, but I ain't stupid. I come from me ma and pa. Ain't dat where everybody come from? *pauses* I guess I'm heah to try me hand at livin' honestly for once in me life. It gets real tired, livin' on da streets and tryin' not ta get caught by da people. I usually managed ta shake 'em, but I screwed up when I was about fourteen, an' dey stuck me in da kiddie home for a coupla years. Real sour place, see? I'm tryin' to stay out, dis time.

  • Don't s'ppose ya got any friends, do ya?
    *gives you a strange look* Well, nah, I don't suppose I do, considerin' I've lived on da streets until now. It's not like da bastard ever let me have any friends when I lived with him. After me ma died, dat was pretty much the end of chitchat with anyone.

  • What about a "significant otha", hmm? *wink wink, nudge nudge*
    An' hows am I supposed to have a signifigant othah if I never even had no friends?

  • Waddya' do 'round heah?
    Lookin' for a job and a place to stay, see? I'm not much interested in nothin' else until I get things straightened out.

  • If ya emptied ya pokets right now what'd be in 'em?
    Justa knife, coupla dice, deck o' cards, a few marbles...some string. Didn't let me keep much at da kiddie home, see? I gots all dis stuff when they lemme out. Dey set me off with a bit o' dough an' I figgered I'd betta have somethin' ta occupy me time when I wasn't lookin' for a job an' a place ta stay.

  • Anythin' else we oughta' know?
    Nah, I think we covered da basics. *puts out her cigar regretfully* No smokin' in da buildin', huh? Guess I can learn ta live with dat.

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