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Second Floor


Back Door

Alicorne Broughton

  • 'ey kid, watcha name?
    *caught off guard, she jumps slightly and looks you over, blinking as she gathers her wits* Alethea Broughton.

  • 'ave you been blessed wit a newsie nickname yet?
    *nods shyly* Alicorne. But my friends call me Al, or Ali, for short.

  • Where'd dat come from, anyway?
    *shifts slightly and avoids your gaze, replying quietly* It has something to do with unicorns. . . my father always called me that.

  • When's yer birthday? Know how old ya are?
    *smiles slightly, finding the question somewhat ridiculous* Yes, of course I do. I was born on May 28, and I’m 17.

  • Whatcha look like?
    *blushes and quickly casts her eyes to the ground* Like me, geez, can’t you see for yourself? *She stands about 5’10” and is rather slender. Her hair is a sandy blonde color and is long and wavy. Her eyes are a greenish color and she is rather fair skinned. She doesn’t have many freckles but she blushes darkly and often when embarrassed. She alternates from wearing a skirt to pants, depending on the mood she’s in*

  • And wadda ya like, huh? Got mucha a personality?
    *smiles and shrugs* I don’t know. I try to be nice to most people. There are a few people I tease a lot though. *Ali is nervous around people she doesn’t know well, and shy around strangers. Around those she knows well she can be quite a chatterbox, and to some she can even be sarcastic and annoying. She can be very self-conscious at times and prefers not to draw too much attention to herself. She tends to be optimistic and trusting to the point of being naïve.*

  • So... where'd ya come from an' watcha doin heah?
    *bites her lip and looks at her hands, shifting uncomfortably* I lived in Boston and my father was getting married to this woman and… well, I guess the house just wasn’t big enough for her son and I, so I left. So I’m a newsie now.

  • Don't s'ppose ya got any friends, do ya?
    *sighs and forces a smile* Well, a lot of my friends have left, but I still have some here. I mean, there’s Cats. *thinks* And Phia, Crimson, Rhapsody, Knots.. and some of the other girls. I guess I don’t talk to the guys much. Well, except.. umm... *hesitates and bites her lip* um... just the ones I see sometimes I guess. *shrugs*

  • What about a, uh, signifigant othah, hmm? *wink wink nudge nudge*
    *once again blushes darkly and rolls her eyes in attempt to hide her embarrassment* Not likely.

  • Waddya do 'round heah?
    *shrugs and manages a small smile* Not much. I mean, aside from selling papers I guess I talk to my friends here and pigeons and trees. *fights a smile, aware that you must think she’s crazy* And I read and annoy- *stops and sighs a little* Nevermind, guess I don’t really have anyone around to annoy right now.

  • If ya emptied ya pockets right now, what'd be in 'em?
    *digs around in her pockets* Fuz.

  • Anythin' else we oughta know?
    *considers and shakes her head* No, not really. My life is pretty boring. That’s all you want to know? *relieved to be out of the line of fire, she eagerly goes back to what she was doing*

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