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Second Floor


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Bicker Tschop

  • 'ey kid, watcha name?
    *looks up from flipping through the pages of a thick book**decides whether to tell you or not* Lavinia Tschop. Someone once told me it was a character in a Shakespeare play, but I can't remember who, and I have yet to find which one it was. Let me know if you stumble across it, will ya? *goes back to the book, finally settling on a page*

  • Been blessed wit a newsie nickname yet?
    *answers without looking up* I had a name before I became a newsie, but its what everyone calls me, so I guess its a newsie name. I doubt anyone even knows my birth name. *smirks slightly* I go by Bicker. *shrugs a little, considering for a brief moment how best to describe how she came about the name* A 'bicker' is a fight or quarrel, usually about unimportant things. *shrugs* I guess I used to fight about unimportant things allot. *brushes some hair back out of her eyes* I don't think I do that much more.

  • When's yer birthday? Know how old ya are?
    *finally slides a scrap of ribbon into the book in place of a bookmark, and sets it to the side.* Who doesn't? *answers it with less enthusiasm than she usually would show when asked this question* I'm fourteen years old. *watches you, arching an eyebrow as she waits for your reaction**has learned since coming to this house, that being younger isn't the best thing to be* Whatcha look like?

  • Whatcha look like?
    *waits a minute to let this easily self-answered question sink in, leaning back on her elbows* Well, you can see better than I can. *smiles sarcastically**stands up, spinning around slowly* If you were looking, you can see that I'm about... five feet tall and then some. *shrugs again* Short, but it works. *glances at you with wide, innocent light brown eyes* My eyes are brown, right? Nothing out of the ordinary, but I can see what I need to see. I'm slender, some would say curvy, with enough muscles to get me by. *smiles winningly**flips off her cap, brushing a hand through her dark sun-tinted hair* My hair is about...well, not short but not long either. *gestures a few inches below her shoulders* Molly just trimmed it. *nods**also has a small splash of freckles across her nose and cheeks, hardly noticeable* I have a warm smile, which I can make friends with. I also have a hard smirk, which I make enemies with. *smiles almost apologetically* I try to use the first. *overall is fairly attractive, her appearance completed by softened features taken from her mother**tends to have an innocent air, her looks not showing otherwise*

  • And wadda ya like, huh? Got mucha a personality?
    Nope, no personality whatsoever. I'm a potato, a sack o' them. *smirks ever so slightly* Of course I have one. I can get very sarcastic, obviously. It sometimes comes across the wrong way if you don't know me. I bicker allot, hence the name. I can hold my own in a fight, which I hope doesn't end up being too often. *grins slyly* Then again......*smiles teasingly* No, in all truth, I don't like to fight. I do have a soft side, when it comes to friends and such. I tend to be very loyal, and give good advice when its asked for. I also tend to flirt...*blushes a bit* I'm not considered a girly-girl, or at least I don't think so. I can be real sweet when I get the chance to. I also think I have a good sense of humor. *takes one last look towards her book* Almost done? *will tend to be friends with anyone who shows an interest in being her friend, and acts different according to who she is around**contrary to her own beliefs, tends to stay rather quiet unless provoked otherwise*

  • So... where'd ya come from an' watcha doin heah?
    *starts shifting in her chair* Well, to put it simply, I'm not quite sure. *looks at you, something flickering behind her eyes* I awoke in a hospital when I was oh, say... five years old? *nods quietly* They told me that I had been found alongside a railroad track. *shrugs* I couldn't remember anything at all, no matter how hard I tried. From the hospital I got picked up by some unexpected people, and ended up living with them for a while. *either won't say more, or has nothing else to say about those years* Soon I realized I didn't need to stay there, that I could leave if I wanted to and was careful about it. I ran without looking back, ended up on a train. *for the second time in her life* I found myself here. Figured being a newsgirl wasn't too bad, living on my own, more independent than I had ever been before. It was a way to make some money, no strings attached. *wrinkles her nose* Noone told me how hot it was during the summer though...

  • Don't s'ppose ya got any friends, do ya?
    Nope, your right, I don't. *grins charmingly* Of course I do. *thinks about this for a moment* Um..most of the other lodgers here are my friends. Names? Well...*shrugs* Again, most people here. Mack's real nice...Ali's sweet...Knots is nice too...Ads..*pauses, not sure of who to list**eyes light up for a moment* Oh! And I've adopted Gavin as my older brother. *smiles, is only joking of course* Never had an older brother before.

  • What about a, uh, signifigant othah, hmm? *winkwink nudgenudge*
    *looks down at the ground, suddenly taking an interest in the floor pattern* Not yet..*shuffles her feet* I haven't really had the chance yet. *smiles slightly, sticking her hands in her pocket* If you find anyone who's interested, don't hesitate to drop me a line and give me their name.

  • Waddya do 'round heah?
    *raises her eyes back up off the ground* Nothing out of the norm. I sell papers, try to be friends with everyone. *grins some* Well, almost everyone. I'm sure I can be a pain in the ass sometimes. *smiles mischievously* I've also heard that it's fun to annoy people, I might try that sometime..

  • If ya emptied ya pockets right now, what'd be in 'em?
    *pulls her hands out of her pockets, bringing out the contents of them in her fist* Mmm....a few miscellaneous coins, a couple rubber bands, lint, nothing too exciting. *carelessly stuffs the aforementioned objects back into their pockets*

  • Anythin' else we oughta know?
    *stares at the ceiling and absentmindedly rubs her arm* Nope, nothing you need to know right now, unless your planning on writing a book 'bout me. *allows you one last teasing smile* I've got to finish this book, okay? It's on loan, and I've had it for a while now..*glances down at the book* Talk to you later. *pulls her cap back on, flashing a grin* *sits down on her bunk, stretching out and propping open the book*

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