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Second Floor


Back Door

Cats MacMillan

  • 'ey kid, what's yer name?
    *is downstairs clearning the kitchenin the parlor, curled up on the couch reading a bok* Don't call me "kid." *speaks with a heavy Southern drawl that gets heavier as her emotions get more intense* *knows her accent is funny and usually won't hesitate to make fun of it, but woe unto the person who makes fun of it for her*

  • 'ave you been blessed wit a newsie nickname yet?
    *almost looks startled* Well Cats isn't exactly my given name, now is it? *grins wryly* Though I suppose it may as well be, for all anyone calls me "Catalina." *rolls eyes* I have suffered the occasional "Catherine," and worse, but I'd prefer Cats, or at the very least some variation thereof. *can deal with "Catsy," but only lets Cards call her "Kitten" 'cause she's been trying to get him to stop for years and has given up*

  • Where'd dat come from, anyway?
    What, Catherine? *shrugs* I have no idea, I suppose it's due to the general stupidity of the human race.

  • When's yer birthday? Know how old ya are?
    March 29, and yes, in fact, I'm 19. *stretches and drops her book on the table by the couch* Yes, I know it's a little old to still be here, but do you honestly think I haven't thought of that already?

  • Whatcha look like?
    *runs a hand through her newly short reddish brown hair, which falls in choppy layers around her chin and shoulders* Whose idea was it to have this question, anyway? *she stands at 6'0" and carries herself well, is slender, and has long, slender legs of which she's rather proud* *she's as pale as any Southern belle could hope to be with only a few freckles to show for all the time she spends outside, but takes after her very Scottish father too much for any hope of the delicate beauty so prized by most Southern women of the time* *she is, however, fairly attractive and eye-catching if only because she's considerably taller than many people*

  • And waddya like, huh? Got mucha a personality?
    There are some who would say we're loud, sarcastic, slightly egotistical and obnoxious, but that's a rather unfair assessment, I think. *smiles sweetly* *is all these things, but is also funny, in a dry sort of way, and tries to be nice* *she's got a bit of a temper and either doesn't know or doesn't care when it's time to shut up--if anything she likes inciting people, which keeps things interesting with Cards, to say the very least* *is much less cynical than she lets on, and in fact could almost be described as an idealist* *also has a strange habit of referring to herself as a seperate entity, though has mostly stopped doing so outloud*

  • So... where'd ya come from an watcha' doin here?
    *sighs and rolls her eyes again* Go ask Charlie about that, he's just dying to tell you, I'm sure. *doesn't talk about her past to just anybody* *if pressed, might tell you she's from Georgia and perhaps a little about her older brothers, or might tell you to bugger off* *and gets very defensive about her heritage, both Southern and Scottish*

  • Don't s'ppose ya got any friends, do ya?
    *is obviously not thrilled with the way this interview is going* I imagine so. *was absolutely crushed by Trin's death, which is still a sore subject with her* *shrugs* Ali, Rhaps, Gavin, Cards, Iris, occasionally I can exchange a few words with Crash...*shrugs again* *is also particularly close to Molly and takes her ups and downs, health-wise, very much to heart*

  • What about a "significant otha", hmm? *wink wink, nudge nudge*
    *smiles an uncharacteristic smile and holds up left hand, the ring finger of which sports a simple silver band* Whatever gave you that idea? And no, we haven't set a date. *a little dryly* When we do, you'll be the first to know, I promise.

  • Waddya' do 'round heah?
    I'm in charge, obviously. *snickers* Couldn't you tell from the authoritative demeanor? *is the leader of the girls and takes it pretty seriously, despite what she might say* *is quite protective of her house and her girls, even the ones she doesn't particularly like* *is still not sure what she plans to do when she finally gets around to getting married--doesn't want to leave, particularly, but doesn't want to stay either, for obvious reasons*

  • If ya emptied ya pokets right now what'd be in 'em?
    *knew this question was coming* Nothing, I don't have pockets in these pants. *gives a trumphant smirk*

  • Anythin' else we oughta' know?
    You spill it, you clean it up. Now go explore someplace else so I can finish my book.

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