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Gervaise L'Heureux

  • 'ey kid, watcha name?
    *looks up from her seat and frowns* I’m not kid; so don’t call me one, okay? *shakes her head a little and closes the book she had been reading before she had been interrupted, figuring this may take a while and wanting to get it over with as soon as possible* And you know my name. *rolls her eyes slightly and then places a hand over her pregnant stomach* *stares at her abdomen a while, chewing on her lip and then sighs heavily and looks up* Gervaise L'Heureux. Need me to spell it for you? *without waiting for an answer* G-e-r-v-a-i-s-e, L, apostrophe, capital H, then e-u-r-e-u-x. *smiles* Did you get all that?

  • Been blessed wit a newsie nickname yet?
    *scoffs and shakes her head* No. Thank God. *moves some of her hair away from her face* I just go by Gervaise, and occasionally people just call me Vaise, but that’s pretty rare. *shrugs a bit* *eyes the interviewer and raises one dark eyebrow, waiting for the next question*

  • When's yer birthday? Know how old ya are?
    *mutters something in French and forces herself not to say any of her thought out loud* Yes. I know how old I am. *narrows her eyes slightly* Most people do. *pauses a second* I’m eighteen. I’ll be nineteen May 1st. *smirks* And I’ll be expecting a present from you. *rolls her eyes then sighs slightly, really knowing the only thing she can expect for her birthday is a swollen, visible stomach and maybe a little something from Gavin or Knots*

  • Whatcha look like?
    I think you can answer that one for yourself. *shakes her head a little, glancing down, biting her lip* Really isn’t any point to tell you when you’re sitting right in front of me, now is there? *smiles a little and self consciously puts her arms around her growing stomach* *has dark brown hair that’s cut at an angle down the front, falling just below her shoulders and dark brown eyes, complete with even darker eyelashes* *stands at only five foot two and is rather slender with a somewhat small chest and if it weren’t for the pout that seems to always be on her full red lips and if her eyes didn’t have that painful look in them she could be the definition of the word ‘cute’* *is pregnant, so naturally of the next few months her abdomen will be expanding greatly to make room for the baby* *has several cuts along her body, all of which have been self inflicted, the majority of them being on her lower arms, some are white scars while the others, which seem to be just healing, have a more reddish-purple appearance*

  • And wadda ya like, huh? Got mucha a personality?
    I don’t know. *shrugs and smiles, slightly amused* *rather bluntly* People have called me a bitch more than once. *rolls her eyes a little* Most of the people here have, I’m sure. *glances around some, thinking, remember* But… *smiles a bit, sadly* Nicholas said I was pleasant company, so I guess it all depends on who you are. *looks down and bites her lip a little again, shutting her eyes a moment* *takes a deep breath and looks back up, no longer smiling* *gets insulted very easily and isn’t afraid to voice her opinion either* *can be stubborn, bitchy, sweet and caring all depending on her mood and who she’s with at the time, her sympathy for people sometimes comes off as pity and she has a lot of trouble making friends but once she gets one she’d do anything for that person, even if she still doesn’t fully trust their motives for being her friend*

  • So... where'd ya come from an' watcha doin heah?
    *shrugs one shoulder* I came from France. I was born in Nantes but pretty much grew up in Paris. I hope to go back there but I don’t see that happening anytime soon… *frowns a moment* As for what I’m doing here…. *waves her hand a little* That’s a long story. *isn’t really* Let’s just say I needed a place to live, okay?

  • Don't s'ppose ya got any friends, do ya?
    *shakes her head* I’m not sure what you consider a friend, really… *sighs a bit and tosses a lock of her hair over her shoulder* Knots is… well, I’m not sure if we’re really friends, but she’s one of the few people here I can actually stand to sit in a room with and talk to. That has to count for something, right? *gives a shrugs* Gavin… that’s pretty much it.

  • What about a, uh, signifigant othah, hmm? *wink wink nudge nudge*
    *narrows her eyes some* *hesitates* Yes. *is seeing *looks away, not really sure how to answer that* That would probably be Gavin. *had ended their relationship after she realized her feelings for former lodger Nicholas “Scythe” Kinnison were greater than her feelings for him but is now back with him after the supposed death of Nicholas* *cares deeply for Gavin but isn’t sure if she’s actually in love with him or not, but knows that one day her feelings for him may turn into love* And because I know you were wondering, the answer is no. He isn’t the baby’s father. *had been cheating on Gavin with Scythe and became pregnant in early December 1904* *isn’t positive the baby belongs to Scythe but is knows that there is a greater chance that it is his*

  • Waddya do 'round heah?
    *sighs a little, tugging on her sleeves some* As of now I sell newspapers. *isn’t very good at selling papers and would much rather be doing something else* But I don’t plan on doing that for much longer. No one wants to buy a paper from a fat lady. *rolls her eyes* I don’t know what I’m going to do. There aren’t many places that really want to hire unmarried, pregnant girls. *shakes her head and mutters in French*

  • If ya emptied ya pockets right now, what'd be in 'em?
    Well, let’s find out. *shifts a little and reaches into the pockets on her skirt and pulls out a red hair ribbon* *holds it up* I have a ribbon. I’m afraid that’s it. *shrugs and smiles*

  • Anythin' else we oughta know?
    *shakes her head* No. I don’t think so. Oh, the baby’s due in September, I’ll be expecting a gift. *smiles some* And if you have any suggestions for names, tell me… *smiles again, a little more this time* Other than that, no, nothing else. *lifts her eyebrows* Is that all? *doesn’t really wait for much of an answer* Good. *grabs her book again and goes back to reading*

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