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Second Floor


Back Door

Gypsy Blue

  • 'ey kid, watcha name?
    Blue. Isleta Blue. *shrugs at your statement* It's weird, I know. My last name I made up myself, but I swear I was born Isleta...

  • 'ave you been blessed wit a newsie nickname yet?
    Most of 'em call me Gypsy

  • Where'd dat come from, anyway?
    *sarcastic sigh* Well, it might have something to do with the fac that I've wandered all over the country most of my short life... like a gypsy, y'know?

  • When's yer birthday? Know how old ya are?
    I think I'm about sixteen, seventeen. *averts eyes* As for my birthday, who knows.

  • Whatcha look like?
    I'm sorry, I had no idea you were blind. *snort* I'm kinda short... ish... and *yells in Cats' general direction* there's NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT! *coughs* Dark brown eyes, darker brown, very long, usually braided hair, olive-y skin... that and the fact that yo hablo espaņol make me suspect I'm at least part Spanish. I'd say that I'm stunningly beautiful... or at least I would if it were true. *rueful smile* As for clothes, I pretty much live in what I've got on now-- blue shirt, black pants, gray vest, gray boots, and oh yeah-- *pats her head, around which is knotted a colorful piece of fabric* the Handkerchief-Scarf-Bandana. It's my trademark.

  • And wadda ya like, huh? Got mucha a personality?
    I've been described as sarcastic, cynical, mysterious, creative, unladylike, stupid, disrespectful and my personal favorite, useless. *grins proudly* I think the last four were just jealous.

  • So... where'd ya come from an' watcha doin heah?
    Short answer? Nowhere and nothing. Honestly, I've been wandering around selling junk for most of my life.

  • Don't s'ppose ya got any friends, do ya?
    Not unless you count Riley... he kinda followed me here after the gang threatened to beat him up before I could "rescue" him again. *snort*

  • What about a, uh, signifigant othah, hmm? *wink wink nudge nudge*
    *glares* No one. *crosses arms and averts gaze* Especially not Riley, thank you.

  • Waddya do 'round heah?
    Same as always... sleep, eat, draw and sell papes, repeat.

  • If ya emptied ya pockets right now, what'd be in 'em?
    *obligingly empties the debris out of her pants and vest pockets* I've got... some chalk, scraps of paper, my sling, a smooth pebble, a button, my knife, and two cents. *looks up*

  • Anythin' else we oughta know?
    Nothing important.

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