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Second Floor


Back Door

Ice Riley

  • 'ey kid, what's yer name?
    *raises an eyebrow* I ain't a kid and da name's Brogan...Brogan Riley *smiles proudly* *smirks* Let's try to keep that between you and me, alright?

  • 'ave you been blessed wit a newsie nickname yet?
    *smirks* Course I have, it's Ice *grins* *laughs slightly* You forgotten my name in the whole half hour since I've seen ya? *shakes her head* I think old age is gettin' to ya. *snickers* *smiles innocently*

  • Where'd dat come from, anyway?
    *shrugs slightly* When I was younger I use'ta not show nothin' on my face. *smirks* No emotion I mean and people said I was like Ice. The name stuck and here I am, ain't you so lucky? *grins*

  • When's yer birthday? Know how old ya are?
    *nods* Coirse I know how old I am, I'm 18 and me birthday is January 21, same as Tempah.

  • Whatcha look like?
    *raises an eyebrow speculatively* What are you blind? I got straight blonde hair that goes to right below me shoulders and gray eyes. I'm bout 5'3 or 5'4 *specificly 5'3* and I don't think I'm that big, but then again not many street kids are. *frowns* I got a scar through me left eyebrow and one through my top lip, from a fight. I'm a born and bred Irishman well Irishwoman. *goes into Irish accent* Good tae know ain't it lass? *laughs*

  • And waddya like, huh? Got mucha a personality?
    I gotta personality, just because I don't let my feeling show doesn't mean I don't. I don't trust people right off, but once I get to know them I'm easy enough to get along with. *smirks* Just don't get on my bad side, Fighter Mallory taught me to fight and if you know her you know why not to get on my bad side but if not just look at her name. *is easy to get along with* *don't insult her and she won't have a problem with you*

  • So...where'd ya come from an watcha' doin here?
    My Grandfather's restuarant is in Brooklyn, so I wanted a change of scene. *smiles* This is a nice place here and not so far that I'd have a big walk.

  • Don't s'ppose ya got any friends, do ya?
    Fighter's my closest friends, besides Temp. *grins* *laughs* He's like me best friend and me brudder. *smirks* I'd like to think that Knots is a friend. *grins* Well that and a bunkmate.

  • What about a "significant otha", hmm? *wink wink, nudge nudge*
    *smiles* Caesar. *nods* He's a cutie ain't he? *winks* *leans back in her chair* And before him I dated a guy name Tristan but he died. *smiles a little* Next...

  • Waddya' do 'round heah?
    *pauses* Me and Temp used to be the cooks but i can sell papes just fine.

  • If ya emptied ya pokets right now what'd be in 'em?
    *thinks for a minute* Probably about fifty or sixty cense and my four leaf clover, *grins* Irish in me you know. Tempah's got one too.

  • Anythin' else we oughta' know?
    *smiles then stands* Nah cept maybe Fighter will probably be to visit a lot if I stay, hope you don't mind.

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