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Second Floor


Back Door

Knots Bliese

  • 'ey kid, watcha name?
    *looks over at you and smiles some* Knots. Well, Morgan, but I've gotten so use to being called Knots, that Morgan just sounds weird sometimes. *really only likes Dylan calling her by her real name* So, if you don't mind, I prefer Knots. *laughs slightly and leans back on her hands* Thanks, ahead of time.

  • 'ave you been blessed wit a newsie nickname yet?
    *smirks slightly* You're not listening to a word I say, are you? It's Knots, as I said before. *looks at her a moment and tucks her hair behind her ear* *shakes her head a little* Am I going to have to repeat it again by the time it's over? Should I write it down for you? *laughs a little

  • Where'd dat come from, anyway?
    My shoes are always untied *gestures towards at her untied shoes and ties them before looking back up at you* I was constantly teased about it. Always being told that I would just end up flat on my face one of these days. Not something I would enjoy, afraid to tell you. So I make sure they're tied. In knots of course. But sometimes, they come untied. It's a pain. I'm thinking I should just get new shoelaces that are tighter and shorter. You think it would do me any good? *smiles*

  • When's yer birthday? Know how old ya are?
    Of course I know my birthday.. *looks at you oddly* December 28. And I'm 18 right now. I know... *smiles and shrugs* I'm need to get a job huh? I'm looking all right? Don't rush me. It takes time you know? I have to find a job and then a place to stay... Both of which are harder then it seems. *has been looking for a job closer to Dylan's job, but has found nothing so far* *tries to keep that to herself*

  • Whatcha look like?
    *smiles as she looks over thin, but curvy frame* Somewhere around 5'8 I suppose. *thinks a bit and nods* Yeah, around there. *smiles and shrugs* I have brown hair. And it's in need of a haircut. *smiles slightly* I'm saving up for it. My hair keep gets in my eyes. *pushes her hair away from her hazel eyes* *rubs her small hands together* Not much to say about me. *has hair that falls just past her shoulders, which is usually worn down* *wears skirts or pants, depending on whether or not she wants to look nice, for Dylan for example* *wears a blouse or a shirt from Dagger* *has gotten thinner over the months because of the drinking and drugs here and there* *does not eat when she's upset, which could stretch for a few weeks* Nothing too special I guess. Not as... *thinks about how to word it* Nevermind. *smiles and shakes her head* She would probably kill me if I said it.

  • And wadda ya like, huh? Got mucha a personality?
    Well, yeah. *looks at you, curious* Doesn't everyone have a personality? Good or not, it's a quality everyone posses... *smiles and shrugs a shoulder* I guess I'm nice. I don't really hold a grudge against anyone. Well, that is, unless they do something really bad to me or someone else. *only holds a grudge if it is something very important to her* *laughs a little* Unless it's certain people. *is open and outgoing especially to her friends* *is sensitive towards certain subjects and can get upset or angry over them quickly* *does not like people telling her Dylan is bad for her or who she should date, for she thinks that is her personal business* *keeps to herself sometimes, which isn't like her* *has a wonderful memory and can usually remember everything, especially small things others usually do not* *isn't exactly into fighting* *thinks big fights and issues over territory is a waste of time and could be solved in some other way*

  • So... where'd ya come from an' watcha doin heah?
    *glances over at you a moment, wondering why it would be of any importance to you* I'm from Maryland and I needed a place to stay. I didn't want to end up living on the streets. If that was the case, I'd be just another number in the street deaths. *ends it as it is* *ran away from home since her mother was an alcoholic and she did not want to put up with it* *had some problems of keeping her emotions and thoughts to herself and not telling anyone about them* *hopped a train to New York and found herself in Queens* *was offered to stay at Ravenswood and gladly accepted the invitation*

  • Don't s'ppose ya got any friends, do ya?
    Sure I do. *smiles* Everyone has a friend somewhere. *shrugs* I would consider Gavin and myself friends. *nods* Gervaise too. She's actually nice once you get to know her. Sure we didn't start off so well, but...I've got to know her more. Rhapsody, Dagger. He's.. *laughs a bit* he's odd. Just give him his space and he won't bother you. Caesar and I have an on-off friendship. But I mean, I still think of him as a friend. *will not let herself get close to Caesar because of what happened before, which caused problems for her and Dylan* Those are my closest friends I would say.

  • What about a, uh, signifigant othah, hmm? *wink wink nudge nudge*
    *smiles* Yes, in fact I do. *grins a bit and pushes her hair away from her face* Dylan, as you probably already know. *has been seeing Dylan since late July to early August* *does not mind his job dealing drugs, is just happy he is with her* *is in the process of getting him to trust her again, and will do anything to make that happen*

  • Waddya do 'round heah?
    *shrugs slightly and smiles* Well...I mean, what do you do around here? I just..sleep here. Sell papers. That's all. *smiles* Did you think I was going to have some interesting thing to tell you? Nope, sorry. *laughs a bit*

  • If ya emptied ya pockets right now, what'd be in 'em?
    Right now? *laughs slightly and puts her hands in her pockets* *pulls them but and opens them, looking at them* There, see, nothing. A few cents, lint. A key that use to go to Dylan's apartment before he moved.. I'll have to remind myself to give that back to him. I doubt Will wants me just stopping by. *laughs slightly and returns it to her pocket*

  • Anythin' else we oughta know?
    Probably not. And you probably wouldn't care. *smiles slightly* *drinks, a lot sometimes and can be found at different bars if upset* *if Dylan gives them to her, does drugs*

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