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Second Floor


Back Door

Nightmare Blair

  • 'ey kid, watcha name?
    *smiles* My name is Drusilla, Drusilla Blair. Isn't that cute? *laughs*

  • Been blessed wit a newsie nickname yet?
    *nods in affirmation* Yes, I do have a nickname as a matter of fact. Most people have been calling me Nightmare. I don't really care for the source of that one much anymore *is thinking of Brendan Clare* Others call me Dru, but don't bother with it. I don't respond unless it's my cousin's voice or Elvira's.

  • When's yer birthday? Know how old ya are?
    *shrugs* I couldn't tell you my birthday. I don't really think anyone could, except my father, but I haven't really gotten around to asking him. *tosses her long dark hair over her shoulder* I'm 17 though, going on 18...I think.

  • Whatcha look like?
    *smirks slightly* Well, I just love to talk about myself so...*laughs just a little* My hair is long, thick, and black. *it's about to her waist now* My eyes are a greyish black. I'd like to call them ebony, it sounds prettier. *smiles whistfully flashing her unusually long canine teeth as she looks uncertainly at the ceiling* I'm just average, not much to say.

  • And wadda ya like, huh? Got mucha a personality?
    *shrugs* I guess you could say I have a personality. I'm somewhat of a non-conformist, or, at least, that's what Prunella says. *shakes her head* But I don't really care about what that little wibchen has to say about me or my personality. *is somewhat quite and sad* *loves people, esspecially her family, but doesn't want to get too close to anyone*

  • So... where'd ya come from an' watcha doin heah?
    Well, *studies the walls suspiciously* I'm from Poland, which could be why I speak Polish. I was supposedly born on the boat over, but that theory was scrapped a while ago. I lived in Poland until I was at least 3. My mother died on the trip over. My *pause* Aunt raised me, but she died last year. I ran away from Yorkville, a quaint little neighborhood in Manhattan, to find my father and Elvira found me. She brought me here to Ravenswood. Not too long ago, I did find my father and plenty of family. I’m still trying to find out where I belong though.

  • Don't s'ppose ya got any friends, do ya?
    Certainly...I'm so loveable aren’t I? *laughs to self* Well, I do really think of Elvira as my friend, she’s kind of more like a mother though. Also, there's Ice, Shakespeare, Rhapsody, and Alicorne, I just adore them all. *thinks* And let’s see, Gervaise isn’t really so bad as she seems, I think. And, that's probably it, unless I'm leaving out someone important. *probably is*

  • What about a, uh, signifigant othah, hmm? *wink wink nudge nudge*
    *frowns* I’m not really sure about that anymore. Love has been a rather rough subject for me. I was something like dating a boy named Brendan Clare for a while, but he lost his mind and you know how that goes...

  • Waddya do 'round heah?
    Trying to figure out where I belong and where the heck I’m going.

  • If ya emptied ya pockets right now, what'd be in 'em?
    *shrugs* Not much, lint, maybe a book. *is obsessive about reading*

  • Anythin' else?
    Not much, except I'm never the same person from day to day. *and speaks Polish at random intervals*

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