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Second Floor


Back Door

Akane Sakura

  • 'ey kid, what's yer name?
    Akane Sakura

  • 'ave you been blessed wit a newsie nickname yet?
    No...I don't see the need. Akane's good enough for me, you call, and I'll come running.

  • When's yer birthday? How old are ya?
    Birthday on January seventh, 16 yrs old

  • Whatcha look like?
    I'm kind of small in height (5'2") and looks, got a pretty face, brown eyes, short thick blue hair :-), I could never pass for a boy in case you're wondering, and it's not my body, but my face that's girly.

  • And what about yer poysonality?
    I guess you could say I'm a little shy...if you get me a lot of cherry pop I'll start becoming more outgoing...I don't like to fight too much, seeing as I'm not too good at it, so I'd rather run...and I can't very well verbally fight either. The most I might hurt you is a vicious scratch across the face. But generally I'm pretty quiet and friendly, I don't like to see things hurt, I like small animals (eyes Cats' cat) and I will, on occasion, dance. But only when I think no one's around.

  • So... let's 'ear a liddle 'bout yer past. Where'd youse come from?
    I come from California, where my dad was a miner- of sorts, and at other times a trader. I never knew my mom, she left home when I was really sm all. After he (Dad) got sick, his bst friend and son took care of all his stuff , including me. Then he got sick too, I guess he caught it from my dad. So he didn't want me to get sick, so he told his son to take me to his cousin's wife in Minnesota. It took us a long time and several trains to get there...and she scared me. His cousin's wife was this big, fat, mean woman who was always after me to do this and do that and then she'd cuss me out. After about two days, once Dad's friend's son ( his name's Jason ) left, I - well, I chopped off my hair in a really stupid attempt to look like a boy, put on some of Jason's forgotten clothes, and hopped another train for anywhere. You have no idea how scary that was for me- all alone, without a clue of where I was going, so obviously trying to look like a boy. Anyway...I ended up in New York. I bet Jason's after me, trying to find me. I bet he know I'm in Queens...

  • Got friends?
    Of a sort- any animal is beloved to me.

  • What about a "significant otha", hmm? *wink wink, nudge nudge*
    Ah...not yet...I've kind of avoided the guys in Queens for fear of finding Jason...

  • And what about yer status as a newsie? Waddya do 'round heah?
    I kind of just hang out in the lodging house...I'll help Molly when she needs it, keep the rooms clean...And if someon'e hurt, I'll patch 'em up real quick..

  • Anythin' else?
    If you see Jason, don't tell him I'm here...please...

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