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Second Floor


Back Door

Samuel "Dollar" Mathan

  • 'ey kid, what's yer name?
    *smiles* Samuel Hale Mathan

  • 'ave you been blessed wit a newsie nickname yet?
    sure, uhh, Dollar

  • Where'd dat come from, anyway?
    Cause back home I'd do anythin' fer a dollar. I still will! ;)

  • When's yer birthday?
    June 14, I am 16

  • Whatcha look like?
    sandy brown hair, greenish blue eyes, 5'6" and medium build

  • And what about yer poysonality?
    I seek adventure. I live for it! kinda out going. I am a daredevil. Won't turn down a dare or a fight. Won't start a fight it's not like I like fightin' or anything but I never refuse a challenge.

  • So... let's 'ear a liddle 'bout yer past. Where'd youse come from?
    A good home in Laredo, Texas. Family treated me real good. I love my parents and my lil' sis. So you wonderin' why I left yet? Adventure dear friend adventure.

  • Got friends?
    Yeah but the chickens wouldn't come with me!

  • What about a "significant otha", hmm? *wink wink, nudge nudge*
    Nope you offering? *winks at the girls*

  • And what about yer status as a newsie?
    haven't actually tried it yet. Looks fun though!

  • Anythin' else?
    yeah. Have a Nice Eternity!!!!!

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