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Second Floor


Back Door

Liese Pflumn

  • 'ey kid, watcha name?
    ::Is bouncing on her bunk in a torrent of giggles, overlooking your question. You repeat it a bit louder and she stops short, her feet shooting from under her body with the force of her landing. Breaks into laughter and sits up, Indian style before you.:: I’m Analiese Christel Pflumn. That’s German, ya know. But I’m not from Germany, my folks were. They just named me that cause they wanted to remember the Old World. Maybe I’ll go back some day to visit, but that won’t be till I’m at least 17. ::Grins, awaiting the next question.:: I like this game, it’s fun!

  • 'ave you been blessed wit a newsie nickname yet?
    ::Wrinkles her nose and rolls her eyes to the ceiling in thought, then shakes her head. Too much thinking gives her headaches.:: Naw, not a newsie name. I got a nickname, but it came from my brother. You might have met him, Baxter? ::Peers at you quizzically but continues before you can reply.:: When we were little, or maybe it was last year, anyway, Bax couldn’t say my whole name so he shortened it to Liese and now everyone calls me that. Easier to say, I guess, but I like my whole name. ::Grins in obvious pride.:: Analiese. Durn beautiful, ain’t it?

  • Where'd dat come from, anyway?
    ::Rolls her eyes. Boy are you dumb.:: I told you, Bax gave it to me. ::Hops off the bunk, not able to contain her energy any longer. She starts to climb out the window, but in concern for her safety you pull her back in by the collar. She simply laughs and shakes you off, then climbs to the rafters and begins to swing like a monkey.::

  • When's yer birthday? Know how old ya are?
    ::From the rafters.:: Of course! I’m exactly 10 years old, born April 12. That’s a good month, or at least I like to think so. The name is pretty, anyway. April. Like spring and baby chicks and flowers and…. ::You hurriedly cut her off, asking her to please come down from the ceiling. She obliges, though not without some complaint, and returns to her seat on the bunk.::

  • Whatcha look like?
    ::Grins, a mischievous look appearing in her eyes.:: Can’tcha see? I’ve got blue hair, purple eyes, a green nose…..:: Breaks off in a flurry of giggles. You can’t help but smile, though the kid is obnoxious to no end. Suddenly, she jumps up from the bunk, parading around the room to show off.:: Take a look at me, waddya see? ::She purrs sarcastically and you shake your head, chuckling. She’s a cute kid, for all her energy. Brown, bouncy curls adorn her head, arranged haphazardly as if a whirlwind struck at random in the middle of her skull, half-disguising two little round ears and sharp cheekbones. Glittery green eyes are the prominent feature of her face, displaying a wealth of mischief and excitement in their depths, and though her nose and mouth have no distinguishable characteristics, the very sparkle from her eyes illuminates the rest of her countenance most effectively. She’s short and spritely, a mere 4’5’’, not to be mistaken for a boy in her navy blue knickers and white shirt, though she wouldn’t mind being one if given the chance. They have more fun, or so perceives the jealous little Liese. She’s since become bored with parading, and has returned to her bunk, plopping down with a sigh.::

  • And wadda ya like, huh? Got mucha a personality?
    ::Grins profusely. More games!:: I’m like a monkey, says most people, since I like to run around everywhere and can’t sit still for more than two seconds. I remember one time I was playing out on the farm, climbing in the trees, and Papa saw me and laughed and said I looked like a chimp, swinging from branches like I was. Mama got mad and scolded me right smart later, but I didn’t mind, she’d done it before and would do it again. ::Shrugs.:: I make trouble sometimes, but I don’t mean to, it’s just how things work. ::Grins, looking up at you her eyes sparkling.:: Mama always said I was an elf and I’d get into bad trouble some day for being so. Do you think I am?

  • So... where'd ya come from an' watcha doin heah?
    ::Shrugs, her energy seeming to deplete for the first time.:: I used to live up north in the Chautaqua Valley, but Mama and Papa died a couple months ago and so me and Bax went to live with our Aunt Pru in Hoboken. ::Wrinkles her nose in disgust.:: We didn’t like her none, so we ran away to the city to try our luck sellin papes. ::Grins.:: It’s been fun so far!

  • Don't s'ppose ya got any friends, do ya?
    Course! Bax and this fella called Jamie from Washington Heights. And Jamie’s got a friend, ummmm, Greener maybe? He’s alright, he comes around here a lot since most of his family lives in Queens.

  • What about a, uh, signifigant othah, hmm? *wink wink nudge nudge*
    ::Makes a face.:: Yuck! Lovey-dovey nonsense makes me sick. Boys are good for playing marbles and that’s about it.

  • Waddya do 'round heah?
    ::Laughs, wow aren’t you silly?:: I sell papes and make trouble for everyone else. They don’t mind, they like things to get interesting every once in a while.

  • If ya emptied ya pockets right now, what'd be in 'em?
    Let’s see… ::Begins rummaging around in her pockets, her tongue sticking out slightly from her mouth.:: A sling-shot, some sticks, a penny, and this… ::Pulls out an apple core.:: Oops, forgot about that.

  • Anythin' else we oughta know?
    Nope, nothing else. ::Jumps up and climbs to the rafters again.:: Bye! Come back soon!

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