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Second Floor


Back Door

Mack Miller

  • 'ey kid, watcha name?
    *takes her hair out of the braids they're in and smiles* Mackenzie. *rolls her eyes* It's a family name, all right? *grins slightly and tussles her dark hair some, running her fingers through it* Last name too? Miller. *shoves the red ribbons in her pant's pocket* Everyone calls me Mack though. Easier then saying my whole name I guess.

  • Been blessed wit a newsie nickname yet?
    Nope. I don't need one. *shrugs some* Don't even see the point in it. Hell, I already have a normal nick name. *laughs a bit*

  • Where'd dat come from, anyway?
    Where'd what come from? *looks at you* I just told you I don't have a newsies nick name. *shakes her head, rolling her eyes and laughing lightly* Guess you don't pay attention too much.

  • When's yer birthday? Know how old ya are?
    *bobs her head some, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a cigarette pack* *hits the bottom a little, making one cigarette come out a little more then pulls it out, putting the pack back in her pocket* January 2nd and sixteen.

  • Whatcha look like?:
    *puts the cigarette in her mouth and again fishes into her pocket, getting out a small matchbox* Like my papa. Dark hair and dark eyes... skin's a bit darker then Maura's and my mama's too. *stands just under 5 foot 4 and is somewhat thin from lack of food and her hair is very dark, looking almost black sometimes and long, falling down to the middle of her back and her eyes are a little lighter then her hair, resembling her sister's almost exactly* *doesn't have any bangs and will only keep her hair up during the heat of the day, then it's simply in a ponytail and when she's getting ready to sleep, then it's in braids* *has a dark tan, mostly from staying outside all day long and her face is even a little burn from the summer sun* *dresses in men's clothing finding them much more comfortable then dresses; a pair of dark brown pants and a white shirt usually suffices*

  • And wadda ya like, huh? Got mucha a personality?:
    *lights one of the matches and brings it up to her cigarette, lighting it, forgetting there's a rule that forbids her to do so* *shrugs a little, taking a small drag off the cigarette* I'm easy to get along with, nice. *smirks slightly* *can be easy to get along with as long as you stay on her good side and she can be very nice* *is a tomboy, loving smoking and fights and getting into trouble* *isn't a very good role model for her little sister and honestly couldn't care less as to if she was or not and she thinks of her sister as a nuisance and is usually in a much better mood when the little girl isn't around her all the time* *has a horrible temper and when she's mad she'll make it known by complaining and yelling* *is very outgoing and this has a tendency to get her into a lot of bad situations that she'd much rather not be in*

  • So... where'd ya come from an' watcha doin heah?:
    *laughs a bit, taking the cigarette out of her mouth and holding it with two fingers, releasing the smoke into the air above her head* I came here from Corona with my sister and what we're doing here is selling newspapers so we can have a place to live.

  • Don't s'ppose ya got any friends, do ya?:
    You trying to say I'm not likable? *smiles some, putting the cigarette back to her lips and inhaling deeply* Bicker, she's a cute little kid. Ali and Dagger sorta. I met them and they seems nice so..*shrugs and smiles* Been friends with Dylan forever..he don't live here though. *a little bitterly* His girlfriend does... *meaning Knots*

  • What about a, uh, signifigant othah, hmm? *wink wink nudge nudge*:
    I don't have one. *takes another drag from the cigarette before dropping it onto the ground and using the heel of her shoe to put it out* It's easier to just be friends with guys... that way they don't expect anything from you.

  • Waddya do 'round heah?:
    *smirks a little, glancing around* Didn't I already tell you? *tosses a lock of her hair behind her shoulder* Pretty much what everyone else does; sell papers.

  • If ya emptied ya pockets right now, what'd be in 'em?:
    *bites her lip and thinks a second* Um... a half empty pack of cigarettes, two red hair ribbons. *shrugs some* A box of matches, maybe five cents worth of pennies. *pats her pockets with her hands* I think that's it.

  • Anythin' else we oughta know?:
    *shrugs and shakes her head* Don't think so. *smirks*

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